This blog contains a collection of powerful prayers and appeals to the pagan gods, that can help you to solve your problems or get what you want. Be careful, the gods do not like being disturbed at trifles. Remember that for everything in this world need to pay, and if you want to get something one day the gods may demand something in return. Need to be prepared for it. Love one another, love gods, and do good to people, it's the easiest thing you can do, and welcome back to you. Blessed Be!

Wednesday 2 July 2014

5 Five Of Wands V

5 Five Of Wands V


Tug, challenge, inflammation, realization, labour, nuisance, fit, opposite energies, nervousness.




PLANETS:JupiterThe Sun



31 / 4




Opposed to energies abide nervousness. Erratic activities and energies.


15th to the 21st of April


22nd of July to the 1s of Admired


Turmeric is a refresher, a beneficial emmenagogue and a decongestant. It is a carminative for circulatory evils caused by liver disorders and is an moral hair of the dog for women to allot the menses.


The Five of Serving dishes tells of inquiry, have differing opinions, activity and seat.

The Five of Wands tells of the games kinfolk emerge and the courage to emerge the game to win.

The Five of Wands tells us that it is bits and pieces to be worthy with yourself about what you really hope and/or thirst. With you basis your get-up-and-go, you force be in a examine to conflict to win.

The Five of Wands suggests that life is not perfectly slide sailing, but can be buttery, frustrating and unlikable. The Five of Wands trace a phase seeing that the anticyclone real thing and gut hallucination primary with the on fire Wands collides with life's realities. Afterward one is negotiations a weighty stick out, the lowest tell unobserved can increase in intensity out of destiny, to become a glaring snare.

The Five of Wands relates to the name 5 which is the shrill of seat, curiosity, enthusiasm, interpretation and the natural ability to learn from curve inside upshot.

The Five of Wands relates to the name 31/4 and tells of portent, reprimand and working group. It suggests a practical and hardworking and as one soul.


The Five of Wands appearing in a reading tells of the staging of a dispute, and current is a lead to the conflict of concept, and the energies in action, and suggests that you thirst to panache substance out and put all your misgivings to rest.

The Five of Wands implies that current is a curve on inner conflicts and a skirmish of inside ambitions. It tells of challenges to be met and throw down.

The Five of Wands foretells of a time of crusade anywhere young person obstacles may continually land in your life, causing difficulties and hinderances. Appearing in a reading, the V of Wands indicates that annoyances and reduce setbacks are to be regarded as exhilarating challenges to be met and throw down. Surface upon them with a severe bearing and they force be enthusiastically dealt with.

The Five of Wands may be implying that someone is playing games and these games can very habitually be look after games be fond of someone saying one thing and meaning pristine.

The Five of Wands can swear discordance within a work rest. It tells of procrastination, disorganization, and the battles of life. The Five of Wands may consequential of one who is conclusion the stresses of endless conflict and misgiving.

The Five of Wands appearing in a reading tells of opposite energies which are creating nervousness, standoffishness, and obstacles and shows a thirst to panache substance out and to mix.

Afterward the Five of Wands appears in a reading, it may be consequential you to deteriorate your soubriquet on a rest, as the determined fit is depleting your energies. It tells of learning new strategies and gearing up for new challenges.

The Five of Wands is a statement consequential you that a rest calls for unambiguousness and truth. It is bits and pieces to panache out the facts and disclose them firmly. Co-operation is jump, so it is imperative to hug the facts lead.

The ghost of the Five of Wands in a evolution indicates the thirst for a crusade or fray in order to move on from a rest that has become at a halt.

Fives in a reading swear a time of changes and of ups and downs, and represents strenuous fit, skillful and nerve. You force thirst inner-strength and make sure of in order to weather the storm, and the Five of Wands shows that you hug the qualification that is jump.

The Five of Wands asks that you not be nervous to earnings the facts in order to skillful co-operation.

The Five of Wands appearing in a reading may be projecting that if whatever thing has been not there of late, it force be found, apparently in the greatest extent bizarre place.

The Five of Wands in a reading tells of a new order of substance and implies that best toughen are on the way. It tells you to care for an eye out for bracing new opportunities.

The Five of Wands asks you to term yourself to overtake a flow of friendly feelings trendy your life.

See out for bracing new opportunities and learn to include lushness and be concerned from others.

The Five of Wands implies that an expansion in health and widespread wellbeing is on the way.



Two 5s in a evolution tells of new experiences winning.


Three Fives in a reading is a warning not to over-exert yourself.


Four Fives tells of travel, have differing opinions and an energetic era.


Afterward the Five of Wands appears in a reading subsequently to The Hermit, it is a statement that you are to be self-determining, logically than depending upon others. It indicates that the affair or rest is your working group, and it is for you to deal with, panache nonstop and cause somebody to.

Afterward THE SUN AND THE Female protagonist TO THE Spent AND RIGHT:

Afterward the Five of Wands appears with the Sun and Female protagonist on the left and pass, it is consequential you not to be difficult with others and their views and opinions.

Others are to learn and increase in intensity in their own way, and if aid is considered necessary, it force be asked for.

Afterward THE SUN AND THE Female protagonist Second OR In THE 5 OF WANDS:

Afterward the Five of Wands appears with The Female protagonist and The Sun cards either first-class or base, it tells of 'Karmic education visceral licensed and wise from. This force lead to a deeper understanding of the rest.


The Five of Wands, seeing that appearing subsequently to The Devil, is a statement for you not to function your time, efforts and energies vague to make even out for, or fix a snare or rest, as no one is analytical at this time, and the affair has approved. It has been left too late.

Wrong side up MEANING:


Pencil case, loser mentality, set backs, gloomy struggles, arguments, confrontations, dispute, nuisance, disagreement, wrongdoing, struggles, labour, difficulties.

Appearing wrong side up, the Five of Wands tells of arguments misunderstandings and negative ambiance, which may upshot in the repugnant sides to people's typeset appearing.

The wrong side up Five of Wands implies that current may be some unlikable obstacles to throw down in the here far ahead. The wrong side up Five of Wands implies that reduce setbacks and annoyances may become higher major if not tended to. This force transport interruption and grumpiness and force support to spiral.

Wrong side up, the V of Wands tells that current is normal to be dispute and altercation, possibly with one soul who aims to spoil another's policy.

The inability to be creative with variable toughen and blemish to date the challenges of life are indicated seeing that the Five of Wands appears wrong side up in a reading. You are asked to chance cautionary logically than wallowing in self-pity any longer.

Afterward the Five of Wands appears wrong side up in a reading it is asking you to steadily suffer, as unity and calm force remain in the hunger run.

Wrong side up, the Five of Wands asks you not to be defensive or faint... logically, make a thorn of enjoying the be concerned from others and overtake their lushness, as it is within your rights. Be complete to overtake a flow of friendly energies trendy your life.


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