THE INVOCATION" Anael, angel of the mystic planet Venus" I light this candle" consciousness opens to receive your divine influence" the blessing of your wisdom and loveliness" envision you descending to meet me as I rise in thought and in spirit to reach your exalted realms" am aware of the exquisite roselight within which you enclose me as in an aura" is as if we come together to meet in a temple of the rose. " I ask that you hear my prayer" that I may receive the benison of your assistance" clear the way" that the love between [your lover's name] and myself might blossom and flourish" help us to draw light from our hearts so that it may be perfectly expressed" body, mind, soul and spirit. " Archangel Anael" have the romantic affairs of humankind under your divine rulership" watch this candle flame burn" behold the strength and the power of the bond of love" overcome all resentment and disharmony" ask that you cleanse our vision of all illusion" that we may see the truth and the beauty in one another" transcend all earthly barriers and limitations. " If this petition is for all good in its conception, " it succeed. " see the archangel Anael pouring out blessings upon us as if from a horn of plenty; " these blessings merge into one brilliant shaft of light, " penetrates the heart of our love " that it may be healed and be whole.
From: Little Book of Love Spells Art by Brenda Boles
Tags: invoking earth magick invocation demeter invocation aphrodite invocation horned handfasting ritual invocation artemis invocation artemis consecration ritual banish discord darkness notes magic witch spells magick freemasonry pagan shop court elizabeth