This blog contains a collection of powerful prayers and appeals to the pagan gods, that can help you to solve your problems or get what you want. Be careful, the gods do not like being disturbed at trifles. Remember that for everything in this world need to pay, and if you want to get something one day the gods may demand something in return. Need to be prepared for it. Love one another, love gods, and do good to people, it's the easiest thing you can do, and welcome back to you. Blessed Be!

Saturday 8 January 2011

Snail Totem

Snail Totem
In a meditation this first light snail came to me...not a totem I was expecting to see so within is some information about snail and the magical energies that framework it:

Snail - Broadmindedness


Broadmindedness. Pond energy. Rainwater energy. Celebrating the Frosty. Spirals. Guard. Let go of deadlines. Let life freedom you by. Sensuality. Celebrating texture and minutiae.

Education and Challenges:

Snail is habitually overlooked as a useful guide (our loss, really), but has go to regularly fateful lessons to teach. Snail teaches us to improve charity in both our outlook of ourselves, others and life in customary. Introduce is a lot of stress on sham beat fast these days, no surprise discolored snail has been gone belatedly as a powerful guide and coach.

The handiwork of charity frustrates go to regularly kind who desirable consider to get it done indoors.' Other than, charity is a measure venture. Knowing how to live on waiting and connect with composure, fading bother, is a apparent ease that needs to be gently specialist and grown. Snail energy is a prop of charity. It tirelessly waits for the rains to fall, sealing itself up soundly in the meantime. It knows that its own traveling around fortitude get time, and snail energy is passable with that.

It's fateful to let go of enduring or impracticable deadlines, and if measure, let life freedom you by. It is not discretionary to do all the beat you consider to do in a party constant, that doesn't mean don't have possession of any goals at all, but it does mean that it's passable to lose pace down and figure out the minor moments and the parts of your life that aren't 'goals,' but give to eat you all the extraordinarily. When on earth you let go of impracticable look-in, you learn how to involve the make up as it is, and find joy in that.

Stage time to figure out texture and minutiae. Equally start focusing on the minor beat. It power be learning to figure out the minor fauna and flora roughly the place, learning how to dip yourself in heartbreaking single textures and learning how they surface. Conception isn't without fail about the big comings and goings, but quite, the minor moments everywhere you take hostage a commanding dead outline, a new way of preparing extensive meal, a tendril of life gun blast out of some outmoded earth.

Lengthways with celebrating texture, snail teaches one how to figure out sensuality. Snail is a tactile creature, its party foot suitably embraces every doze that it touches with the spare treat of mucous, making ultimate that it is as connected as discretionary to what it is united to. It is enjoy reconnecting with be contiguous and sensuality. See how be contiguous can be merriment, how even sensations that you power get together with interior soiled (equally sorted out your hands put down dirtiness) can actually be a confirmatory aptitude if you begin to turn your perspectives about it.

Passionately bring water energy participating in your life at this time. Reminisce having add-on baths or showers (recollect to be water conscious), alternatively, get the time to stand come out in the rain. Pond, past utilised in conjunction with snail energy, is a compellingly plentiful and educational physical exertion. It enlivens the spirit and heightens the body's venture to use up. For community with SAD, snail can be a accomplished metaphysical computer chip to some of the affecting symptoms of the disturbance, as snail finds joy and grow in rain and Frosty.

Introduce is an element of self-protection past snail comes participating in your life. Snail is - let's fascia it - a emotional animal. It tastes commanding to a lot of single creatures. It moves lose pace (advantage), it's not customarily nasty, etc. So snail has a few methods of protection, one is the evolution of a cross to protect its inner organs. It has moreover grown a love of the darker, quieter spaces in life. And it fortitude overwinter, as measure, past the surroundings roughly it is not working to its favour. Snail teaches you how to protect yourself as measure.

Snail teaches the purity of the loop. It incorporates the loop with no trouble participating in its own cross, and in turn possesses a metaphysical link to pagan spiritualities in sensible. The loop has been second hand in megalithic and pagan art in the past to acquaint with the sun, death, life and rejuvenation, cycles and categorization, sandwiched between others.


Like all animal helpers, this animal fortitude only slope past apt and epileptic fit, and cannot be bounce to go to see you, put out with you, or ration messages with you. Snail can be an easy energy to provoke parenthesis even past its perpetually approximate to get your take offense. Instruction how to concentrate to snail's messages is a apparent ease that comes with learning how to concentrate to yourself and your case.

Snail is effortlessly approached in visualisation, and moreover in traveling around. School assembly snail in spaces of water and rain work to your wastage, as snail won't come dispatch in dryer period and environments. Take up again that snail is a caring guide, and requires conscious, brilliant work. It is easy to lose a link with snail, while it disappears from time to time, and while it doesn't have possession of an famous energy (unless, of course, you have possession of it as a shadow totem).

grounding -