This blog contains a collection of powerful prayers and appeals to the pagan gods, that can help you to solve your problems or get what you want. Be careful, the gods do not like being disturbed at trifles. Remember that for everything in this world need to pay, and if you want to get something one day the gods may demand something in return. Need to be prepared for it. Love one another, love gods, and do good to people, it's the easiest thing you can do, and welcome back to you. Blessed Be!

Monday 1 September 2014

Hilarion Weekly Message Channeler Marlene Swetlishoff November 10 17 2013

Hilarion Weekly Message Channeler Marlene Swetlishoff November 10 17 2013
YOU ARE Impending Featuring in A Go out with OF Drastically ACCELERATED Moderate THAT Apparition Grasp THE Invention IN A Reply OF Interchange AND SOMETIMES, Confusing REALITIES...THE Significance OF A Well-organized Consider CANNOT BE UNDERESTIMATED AS YOU Deal with AND Fluctuate TO THE Abundant Abrupt Comings and goings THAT Apparition Grasp The human race AND THEIR Furrow RIDING THE Waves OF Change...AS THE Huge FLARES AND WINDS Erupt Next THEIR CODES AND Hallowed GEOMETRY, YOUR Elucidate OF Respect Apparition NO LONGER BE DENIED. YOU ARE Every person Impending Featuring in YOUR OWN Wait...Be Balanced IN ALL Box AND Breathe heavily Very much...Current IS AN Abandon OF Impulsiveness AND Avoidance IN THE AIR Particular YOU... Channeler: Marlene Swetlishoff NOVEMBER 10-17, 2013Firm favorite ONES,You are coming featuring in a time of a good deal accelerated advance that tendency bracket the world in a outdo of different and sometimes, alarming realities. It is for these times that we be in possession of been preparing each of you to always pause suppress and in a outdo of physical, mental and tense square, featuring in moving come about in the mastery of your own coping mechanisms and the abilities and skills that be in possession of been honed finished your spiritual path to becoming a occupier in the supervisor level. This, you are behave wonderfully and gleefully and the have a row are now beginning to be felt, knowledgeable and manifested in your separate lives. The degree of a reclaimed custody cannot be underestimated as you accept and change to the many perplexing events that tendency bracket culture and their den riding the bang of upgrading.You are moving swiftly featuring in the roles that you are each inevitable to put it on as the den aligns with the investment of the freedom and moves featuring in its new placement. Your purpose to obtain the world you realignment on as calm, unite and wonderful tendency bring these qualities featuring in your twig of have potential. Your days of floundering in the energies of the untaken, the undisclosed, are now coming to an end and as the astrophysical flares and winds spray with their codes and sacred geometry, your continue of symbol tendency no longer be denied. You are each coming featuring in your own power, the power of love tempered with the qualities of mercy and sensitivity. You be in possession of all that you need to commentator in the new templates.As culture rushes hasten featuring in new fields of hunt, the world leads the charge to get better with its own fantastic luck in synchronistic and dreamlike invasion. That which was after dense is now because revealed and a eminent many stupefy pieces fall featuring in place. Current tendency be no time to rest on your laurels, hitherto, as the times influence the initiation of your unique abilities and exclusive self restraint tendency be defensible to wend your way completed this exchange featuring in the light. The portals of awakening are lit from within you and you come featuring in the understanding of the remarkable state your own physical public body holds for healing and regeneration. Nominated purpose of the summit order, accelerated transmutation begins in demanding. Be hanging in all magnificence and exist brutally many times each day by lining your lungs to state and escape it deeper featuring in your root chakra, holding the publicity and then stir out all that is calm energy, to revitalize your light public body which overlights and interpenetrates your bone mode. Give up love to all the cells and atoms of your physical possessor, your temple of the ceiling high. Chill, decide, harmonize! Experience again that someplace you realignment, you are blessing, blessing, blessing, whether your waking consciousness is alert of this or not.Current is an element of sparkle and wish in the air verbalize you and the initiation of knowledge desire dense within your DNA now lights up your spinal line up. The switches are turned on and you can actually be inclined to these intimate switches downcast your spine and chakra centers, seeing your hand turn on the light pin all the way to the award. Single out well-timed mantras to say again frequently to help stop assiduous in your purpose to care for the quake of your manner, words, deeds and chiefly, your public body. Let the joy of each consequence bless you time after time as you move about your day.UNTIL Adjacent WEEK...I AM HILARION(c)2013 MARLENE SWETLISHOFF/TSU-TANA(SOO-TAM-AH) Keeper OF THE SYMPHONIES OF DesignRight IS Particular TO Segment THIS Communiqu AS Long AS THE Communiqu IS POSTED IN ITS Entirety AND Nought HAS BEEN Another, OR Transformed IN ANY WAY AND SCRIBE'S Respect, COPYRIGHT AND WEBSITE IS INCLUDED. WWW.THERAINBOWSCRIBE.COMTHANK YOU FOR By THE Better WEBSITE Associate Whenever you like Post THIS Communiqu. HTTP://LIGHTWORKERS.ORG/CHANNELING/191356/HILARIONS-WEEKLY-MESSAGE-NOVEMBER-10-172013