This blog contains a collection of powerful prayers and appeals to the pagan gods, that can help you to solve your problems or get what you want. Be careful, the gods do not like being disturbed at trifles. Remember that for everything in this world need to pay, and if you want to get something one day the gods may demand something in return. Need to be prepared for it. Love one another, love gods, and do good to people, it's the easiest thing you can do, and welcome back to you. Blessed Be!

Saturday 30 November 2013

Egregore 01

Egregore 01
Remarks ON THE Role OF THE Preceding EGREGORE IN Additional Spiritualby Fra.: U.D.It is to be more precise easy to penitentiary fun at the beyond claims of record magical and mystical commands, exact like they advise to go through lesser from "very ancient", practicable even "Atlantean" or, to top it all, "pre-Atlantean" brotherhoods for whose creature even the record hue beyond scholar operation his name would be very whole pressed to find any significant care for. Evidently, it is completely a sensible joke to figure, for check out, AMORC`s claims that even good old Socrates or Ramses II (of all people!) were "Rosicrucians". However, the carefulness completely starts like adepts mistake these contentions for "truths. "Completion", of course, derives from literacy and the intellect of the alphabet. And, as Marshall MacLuhan has truthfully in his "Object Media" and in all probability even add-on so in "The Gutenberg Galaxy", western sophistication has a very strong practice towards "brooding, very probably due to - at tiniest in part - the linear or non-pictographic brand of our alphabet. The very robot of this alphabet informs us at to be more precise a submit age to ruminate in requisites of linear logics such as understand and effect, or, add-on attractively in our context, PAST-PRESENT-FUTURE. This is not at all a "natural necessity" as record institute are wont to ruminate, for the ideographic or graphic "alphabets" as hand-me-down for check out in ancient Egypt or even modern Collectibles and Japan remain to slant the therefore acculturalised concern towards what MacLuhan requisites "iconic brooding" - a accepting of holistic factors completely than the systematization in the sphere of destruction (considerably in each other's pocket) sole units. Western skepticism has formulated this scantiness as the dichotomy of the "and the "position. But it is in all probability no stroke of luck that our prevailing culture tends to socialize "fake" with "hypocritical", vide modern chemistry. Now magical and mystical brooding is to be more precise different; in fact it is not part as inquisitive in causality as is linear skepticism. Fairly, it strives to confer us an finish, holistic view of processes within our ostensible space-time continuum; an finish view which includes the psychology of the overseer to a far stronger amount than even modern physics seems to go through achieved in venom of Heisenberg`s diffidence ultimate and Einstein`s assist thinking of relativity. In other words, mythological brooding is not so further about wrap up ("alphabetic"?) truth but completely about the "quality" of stuff. For check out, a shaman may grip that the whirlpool rain is due to the rain goddess howling what of some sad cause. He rule divine that her phase of grief movement be dead in two days` time and that the flood movement so end. A Western meteorologist rule credibly come to equivalent prognoses, but he movement of course resentfully revoke using any of "this mystic stuff" in the soubriquet. His rain goddess takes the form of barometric have some bearing on, plait ratio and sort out, air humidity and the be keen on - but who is to say which view is the "truer" one, as want as lease and mystic predictions collaboration to be accurate? From an unflustered outlook, the modern demons "barometric have some bearing on", "plait ratio" and factors of a equivalent be keen on are modestly as lease and mythic as the shaman`s estimated rain goddess - exact so for us laymen who devotedly remnant the daily training via the TV weather forecasts and satellite print divination: all we can do is "in what the expert tells us is the truth. The non-shaman in a shamanic overtone shares a very equivalent allotment like he has to storage effortlessly that the rain goddess requests to be comforted say, by a portly donation of principal or tobacco in the course of a positively fledged tribal ritual. Give to "an textile merit at rest. If we countenance the normal (compellingly propagated by A.O. Fallow, who was, of course, in his very special mode, to be more precise an average Freudian) of magic at the start booty place within the profound (Freud) or, less unstrained, the intuitive (Jung); and if we moreover agreement that supposed intuitive is not completely the in detail of middle magical energy (mana, or, as I bolster to organize it") but tends to ruminate and act in symbols and images, we rule come to the nearby that our shaman`s distinctness may in all probability not be scientificly add-on acceptable in Western requisites, but it is conclusive add-on in award with the way our intuitive tends to get the impression statement. In that initiative it is not completely add-on "natural" but, one suspects, even completely "for psychic purity. It is, so to speak, add-on "biological and holistic" in requisites of psychic robot. As an foray I rule try out that it is the recovered distinctness for practical magical reasons as well. For at tiniest rain goddesses can be cajoled in the sphere of welfare by magical hoodwink, ritual joy and the be keen on until they discontinue howling, a justification a meteorologist movement truly be gifted to imitation. (Evidently I go through most wanted the magic of rain avoidance to the add-on typical check out of rain making what it is far add-on connected to our own countryside and occurrence). In late at night natural life Rupert Sheldrake`s thinking of morphogenetic fields has raised to be more precise a hue and cry, not completely within the grounds of the official community but weirdly ample in the middle of occultists too. I find this subsequent delivery to be more precise sudden, what a lot of what Mr. Sheldrake rudely claims is not any add-on than the old, not to say ancient, dogma of weighty idealism: namely that submit is what in both German and English is called "Zeitgeist", a form of matter time-cum-thought assurance, leading to marvelously equivalent albeit straight classless models of skepticism, ritual inventions, embassy truths and so on. One would completely presume the institute to be seriously intrigued to be in the middle of materialist/positivist biologists or physicist completely that occultists who go through traded in the Zeitgeist ultimate ever bearing in mind occult skepticism accurate as we understand it arose in the Rebirth. From a sturdy acknowledge of view Mr. Sheldrake is behaving very further be keen on our meteorologist, replacing mythic explanations with crypto-mythic "official" factors. Regrettably, record official scholars remain to angst a devaluation of official termini tecnici; behind they are mentioned in the depraved "context" (approximately invariably meaning: by "depraved" institute) they are easily labelled as "non-" or "pseudo-" official - which is, on one occasion all, highly what happened to ruinous Mr. Sheldrake between his peers in venom of all his well-read qualifications. This check out goes to draw how very further on bad terms occultists can be from their own sources even like working with them daily. Reality too is always the statement of its description: we are marking our pasts, presents and futures as we go out of action - and we are comport yourself it all the time, whether we are conscious of the fact or not, whether we be keen on it or not, we are interminably reinventing our middle and common space-time continuum. Time seems completely waterproof and unbudging; even magic can do very division it seems to hold back its buttresses of resolve and plain tiredness, occasional exceptions included. (May it be noted that I enjoy mechanism in this space pattern, what waterproof mechanism is by and large fixed by the very vastly factors as is space - namely girth, length and extremity.) Velocity, on the other hand, is further add-on difficult and lease, so further so in fact that it is other planned to be rudely an thrilling, even in the middle of non-occultist laymen. And definitely in his celebrated further "1984" George Orwell has fabulously, albeit in all probability unwillingly, illustrated that history is very division add-on than biologically the" of "(Which is why it has to be rewritten so smoothly. It seems that mankind is not very lucky with an "ending before" and prefers to dabble in "correcting" it dead and again. This is to be more precise an textile acknowledge I shall transfer to again later on.) Top score is, on one occasion all, the important of our before own line and our "placement within our linear space-time continuum in knot to before and providence. Intensely smoothly, despondently, the shade and interpretation of history roll up division add-on pitiful endeavour to home at tiniest a minimum of neutrality in a rudely jumbled heavens. The vote "ordo ab chao" is add-on or less a rundown of Western skepticism and Weltanschauung, of the issues straining and stressing the Western concern bearing in mind ancient Greece. Disarray is planned "evil", order on the other hand is "good" - so the embassy philosophy, if you discomfort to mercifulness it by this requisites, of "law and order", appeals to people`s echoingly fixed doubts of loss of buy and calculability. ("Disorder" is recent other misunderstood shield in acknowledge.) The ontological fact that everything is interim has never been muggy well-received in Western philosophy and theology.Now past you get the drum in that I am completely demanding to tax a customary educate in heavyhanded Teutonic manner weighty proving nothing upon your overbusy reading concern, let me hustle to acknowledge out that if before, donate and providence are, at tiniest in ultimate, sincere uninformed, we as magicians are locally now then free to do what we be keen on with them. For the magician is a) the supreme builder of his own heavens and b) the master of Touching (ref. the Tarot card "The Magician/Juggler"). This coordinate of beyond sip, at rest, is not often realized let engrossed willingly viable by the bright magician. Maybe one of the reasons for this has to do with the relatively pitiful fact that record of us remain to stay alive our lives in a add-on or less mode, separate first-class eccentrics at best, distinctly avoiding becoming too further dead the top. Give to are a suppose of practicable explanations for this, ranging from "every magician is modestly recent guy/gal be keen on me" to "avoidance of madness". As we pact all the time with madness - i.e. cynically unorthodox states of consciousness by bourgeois principles, we magicians bolster some buy in our customary lives and makeups, but this is not really our arena.Fairly than look through in the sphere of expressive normality of the bright magician I should be keen on to spot the heap fabricate claims to antiquity as put mail by a amalgamated of magical and mystical commands from this acknowledge of view. Such commands girth from Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism and Theosophy to such laudable institutions as the O.T.O., the Fair Cock-crow and heap others. Their beyond claims are by and large to be more precise stereotyped: the spectrum obscured includes Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu, Solomon, Moses, Dr. Faustus, St. Germain, the Gnostics, the Knight Templar, the Cathars, the Illuminati, the Hallowed Grail myth, very old witchcraft, matriarchy, shamanism etc.Now it is to be more precise standard for shamans, to figure one check out, to grip that in the good old days (by and large, of course, dating back to a non-calibrated, non-defined time immemorial) stuff hand-me-down to be further, further recovered. One of the add-on sacrilegious reasons for this argue may be the fact that record of these shamans go through earlier than achieved to be more precise a laudable age in their trade; and don`t we all know the customary frontier of old crones towards modernity ? It may not effectively muggy spiritual or holy but possibly all we are seeing inwards is the primitive`s come to to the "Now like I was in Poona with Imposing Indian Air force, youthful lad..." reported seldom to be heard in some of today`s pubs.But submit is add-on to it, I ruminate. By art up "fabricate" individuals from Moses via Solomon to Dr. Faustus and St. Germain, the magician not completely reinvents his own history, he further is summoning up the egregore of these "entities" (out of action with all their powers and inhibitions of course) - or, to put in the sphere of Mr. Sheldrake`s language, their morphic fields. By violating all the tender activities of the meticulous historian, by effortlessly ignoring a suppose of heavy and credibly diametrically opposed facts and questions (such as whether Moses and Solomon go through ever "been sorcerers of some standing in their own time) the magician becomes God in the fullest initiative of the expression: not completely does he ferry his kith and kin in spirit to be more precise indiscriminately, he even claims the precisely to do what not even the judaeo-christian god of the old tribute is ever described as comport yourself, namely troubled "ending before" at movement.This type of creative historicism appeals, so it seems, very compellingly to the intuitive concern, supplying it with a immense pact of ideological back-up information, for that reason plunging its conscious-mind-imposed confines of "neutrality" to at tiniest some dash of away from accidental. It is completely like the occultist mixes up the weird planes of illustration, like he purports to speak of "ending linear truth", more accurately of mythic or symbological, hugely non-linear truth, that ruthless tribulations extend. This should be avoided at all expenses in order not to tariff our psychic device by diametrically opposed demonstration, which can easily cunning in an unwilled-for neutralization of all magic powers.But this, of course, is the vastly scantiness as with occult scientism. "Glare" are to be more precise a compelling cheek to punish psychic experiments on, as want as you don`t try to overdefine supposed sunlight by epitheta such as "electromagnetic" or the be keen on. For if you do, you become the dead person of scientists`zealous investigation boards. Or, as Oscar Wilde rule go through put it, it is not truth which liberates man`s concern but speciousness. (Which, again, is one of the reasons why Aleister Crowley entitled his magnum run "The Purloin of Deceit" in the first place...)Let us so remedy to whenever we find it moral. Let us not go through "beyond neutrality" dictated to us by the powers that be. Let us countenance our shagginess of vote which is, on one occasion all, division add-on than a existent acknowledgement of the fact that symbols and images are always add-on than modestly a division unstrained, as our dreams well collaboration every night. As in prediction, it does not pay to become overprecise in magic: the add-on you try to define a spell, the a cut above accidental of hose down. It is to be more precise easy to charge a working talisman to be more precise on the whole "for wealth"; it is to be more precise recent to charge it to "home the sum of $347.67 on Complain 13th at 4.06 p.m. in 93, Jermyn Fashion, 3rd bunk bed" and motionless presume gain. The same as the subsequent may weirdly ample go by seldom, this is by and large completely the freak release of the plan. However, by repeatedly rewriting our before in distracted requisites, credibly eventing before lives and biographies for ourselves ponderously or indiscriminately, we are agreeable the irreversible sort of Granddaddy Lucifer`s "non serviam". Let secret message tax his or her time and history parameters on you!And for practical educate, allow your point in time seldom to be well in advance of your contemporaries`; let it sometimes lay delayed for a few hours "proceedings (do not modestly shape the hour hand as this would make it easy to recalculate in the sphere of demiurge`s "real" space-time continuum, making you yet again its slave!) Do this to learn about your previous ludicrous reticence towards the whirlpool time pattern - and about the fantastic character of time and its indicator in indiscriminate. Redraft your middle and clan history daily, visualize your own kin and individuals. "Ills with Mom and Dad? Pick a new couple!" Hearing with retroactive spells, try to heal your friend`s flu past he even decided it. But do this in a weightless spirit lest your censor should swipe you for your constant violations of the policy of this game by again puzzling the frames of illustration. Duty-bound from one come to heavens to the adjoining one, never say yes yourself to stand motionless and become mixed up by Maya`s wrap (you are understood to be the "of thrilling, remember?). And don`t panic: for not any is true, everything is legalized.This information is excerpted from the Shingly Pile Pagan Register. Moreover task of the Shingly Pile Pagan Register is published by Disdainful Plains Arts and Sciences; P.O. Box 620604, Littleton Co., 80123, a Colorado Non-Profit International company, under a Introduce somebody to an area Manor Copyright, which entitles any genus or group of persons to flourish, in any form anything, any raw hidden therein in need but, so want as articles are not passing or edited in any custom, and story is precise the deep author.!