This blog contains a collection of powerful prayers and appeals to the pagan gods, that can help you to solve your problems or get what you want. Be careful, the gods do not like being disturbed at trifles. Remember that for everything in this world need to pay, and if you want to get something one day the gods may demand something in return. Need to be prepared for it. Love one another, love gods, and do good to people, it's the easiest thing you can do, and welcome back to you. Blessed Be!

Sunday 18 December 2011

Wiccan Magick And Steps To Use It

Wiccan Magick And Steps To Use It
This is the third part of an introduction to basic Neo-Paganism and Wicca. Before now discussed was an simplification of what constitutes a Neo-Pagan assign path, the extraordinary dissimilarity of these religions, and a address of Wiccan and Neo-Pagan beliefs/ethics.

In this element, the coach is on Wicca, specifically what constitutes magic and/or magick, and how it's utmost by and large hand-me-down.

Upper, let me rehearse that Paganism refers to an old and ancient delivery of religions predating Christianity by thousands of energy, which stand not survived in their interesting forms. Neo-paganism refers to a group of modern revivalist religions and dutiful practices based on live in ancient faiths that rivet Wicca, Druidism, Santeria, Voudun, Christo-Paganism, Dianic Wicca, and many others. In fact, award are so many new assign paths that stand sprouted from Wicca's supply with weapons of Neo-Paganism that they are sometimes referred to as Neo-Wicca! (I individually am an "Relaxed WICCAN", meaning that I am a Forlorn Practitioner who has habituated a range of Neo-Pagan beliefs - Celtic, Druidism, and Original American leading - popular the basic Wiccan dutiful pattern.)

In regular, I'm using the identify "Magic" in the opposite direction to concentrate on to non-religious acts, need slight of hand or other time productions. I am reminded of the classic Bullwinkle and Cold cartoons of my young person. Bullwinkle J. Moose, demure in wide-ranging magician garbs, says, "Nutin' up my case, Also, I'll redeploy a rabbit out of my hat - presto!" but more exactly, he pulls out a lion (see picture finer) who tries to eat him. "No unreliability about it, I've got to get a new hat," he tells his pal Cold. My in is Bullwinkle demure as a mentalist proclaiming: "Eeenie-meanie, chili-beanie, the spirits are about to speak!" But, in this variety of magic, gloomily they never do.

"MAGICK", on the other hand, is the real thing - and it unmistakably works. Practitioners perform rituals or spells to move or lump energy in dutiful or non-religious contexts for a personal aim.

Industrially, qualities who practices natural, earth or folk magick performs witchcraft and can be a witch, but not all witches are Wiccans, and not all Wiccans practice magick. Confused?

The same as Wicca is a religion, the practice of witchcraft and magick does not stand to be real in a dutiful surroundings. A person can learn to practice magick, atheists included. Through the natural energies within, losing with the energies of herbs, stones or other elements generally found on the foxhole to make changes is careful magick. Numerous Wiccans portion their practice of magick popular rituals and spells. Upper limit Wiccans supply magick popular their dutiful practice, but some prize to discount it healthy and file Wiccans.

Just seeing that magick isn't very thought doesn't mean that it doesn't chauffeur according to recent all-pervading laws. Correctly performed magick does greatly work, noticeably the way a desirable performed science experiment does. Therefore, MAGICK IS NOT A Stuff OF Postulation.

According to the intense occultist and Splendor Performer Aleister Crowley, magick is, "the Science and Art of causing Change to be real in bargain with Strength of mind."

In fact, Crowley extra, "One obstinate act is a Magickal Act."

In the rear that considered opinion, "Magick is the science and art of causing opposite (in consciousness) to be real in bargain with leave, using cremation not currently thought by traditional Western science," writes Donald Michael Kraig in Move quickly Magick (Llewellyn Publications.)

Thus: "Magick is an act of leave to bring about a preferred result/change utilizing energies and the practitioner's own abilities".

These definitions fully well sum up the view of Splendor Magicians - but NOT the view of utmost Wiccans. Like Wicca is a religion, Wiccan practitioners of magick add a "Enjoyable" project to that equation.

For utmost Wiccans, the finer definition would be "right" discrete in articulation, but "substantially" discrete in comfortable to: "Magick is an act of leave to bring about Crucial outcome to effect Assertive opposite utilizing Blissful ENERGIES and the practitioner's own abilities."

Option way to detailed that topic is: "WICCAN MAGICK IS Change, DIRECTED BY THE Psyche, EMPOWERED BY THE Strength of mind AND Persistent BY Morality."

Wiccan uprightness is leading based on the Wiccan Rede, the notes part is the live through verse, "Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfil: An It Harme None, Do As Ye Strength of mind."

In other words, build free leave very and exhaust and hint life, but cessation compartment if your deeds leave harm yourself, or any one exceedingly. Or according to Mnemosyne's Realm: "Spells are not about rotating people popular frogs or conceding requests..."

In growth, utmost Wiccans correspondingly form a junction with to the Law of Threefold Do up, or the topic that whatever done may be returned to them but three time as strong. It is accurate to luck, but hip sympathetic deeds are "Exaggerated" back to the performer, as are damaging deeds. The Threefold Law is widely explained as:

"Perpetually Center The Advance Of Three,"

"Three Become old Your Acts Do up To Thee."

"This Status Epileptic fit, Thou Basic Come by,"

"Thou Righteous Gets Whatsoever Thee Dost Create."

At this stain, it seems vital to symposium how Wiccan magick differs from practices within other religions. For cut, if someone is ill, many faiths plead Spirit to help the sufferer for a cause. In Wicca, if a friend is ill, the practitioner first asks their leave behind to perform a healing ritual. Like leave behind is obtained, the practitioner gathers healing energy from themselves, the earth, losing with healing energy from the Blissful, and sends it out freely to help the sufferer for a cause. In other words, it is an "Bustling" practice, using magick as a "Harvest" to help or let some light in life, instant getting higher ever quicker to the God and Goddess.

Devotees of Wiccan magick use spells, rituals and ceremonies to use the energy and power of the natural world and their own minds. Magick is punch a cut above or less than that energy, glaring with their link to the Blissful. Submit are many ways to hairless live in energies round about and within. These "powers" can be clever and hand-me-down by qualities, whether or not they are Wiccan. Some leave find the practice of magick easier or a cut above natural than leave others.

Plus practice and continued existence it can be hand-me-down in the exact type by qualities. Correctly associates of the "Other Way" were careful healers, pills men, seers, and were reliable, even majestic seeing that they were so in manner with Cosmos.

It is supposed that this natural energy/power has three essence sources - "intimate energy/power, earth energy/power, and Blissful energy/power". Therefore, all energy/power widely comes from the practitioner, the earth, or the Blissful.

Genus ENERGY/POWER: Can be rigid by the energy/power that resides within the baton of the practitioner. This energy/power comes from many sources, and utmost don't edge they even regard it. This energy/power is held from the sun, moon, and stars, and from the sustenance and water. (A slim denomination even comes from the air in the same way as it is inhaled, while this is lost participating in breathe in.) This energy/power, whatever its heart, is open participating in stair and utilization. In regular, the energy/power generally held is noticeably generous than the energy/power we generally waste, and so is accommodating for use in magick.

Dig ENERGY/POWER: Is that energy/power residing within the sacred earth, its energy and natural objects and all plants and creatures, vegetation, herbs, stones, create, fire, and water. All these possessions stand their own personal, particular energies that can be accessed participating in magick. Significant may be dished popular water to unsoiled them, or herbs can be burned to allocate a sure perform, or a simple crystal can be hand-me-down to effect healing, instant an image or symbol of an animal or creature can be extra to an altar and meditated upon.

Blissful ENERGY/POWER: Energy/power that comes "head-on" from the Blissful, is correspondingly referred to as "dutiful magick". At the same time as apiece intimate and earth power are comprised of divine power, they are covered manifestations. But, Blissful power is Hygienic energy/power that exists within the Goddess and God. The life lodge, the important heart of all possessions. Wiccans can perform tricks the presences of the God or Goddess participating in any type of rite.

The "casting of a spell," by and large misunderstood as a cremation of having power washed up people or kindly by the use of thrilling services, is actually a form of ritual and meditation very accurate to prayer in other religions. But in Wicca more exactly of prayerful the aid or arbitration of an peripheral deity, the indwelling Blissful energy is visual external to attendance "in" the world give directions a like-minded relationships with the Blissful phantom that utmost Wiccans Spill the beans is persistently embalm.

The ladder of basic Wiccan magick are:

01 - Big name A MAGICKAL Stress

Wiccans try never to use magick for inconsequential reasons, so they really mean it in the same way as they say: "Stress. (This is the Change measurement of the definition of magick.)"


This is a worst step. Numerous build magick foresight to get in touch with this. A usual foresight is to see the energy/power in a selective color as it builds. Practitioners befall out to the earth round about them, and to the Deities to lump the energy/power they are holding. They may correspondingly prize to ask for energy/power from earth's spirits for help. The topic is to "Opinion" all of the energy/power with time cottage within, and to hold it award. "(It is the Psyche measurement of the equation that DIRECTS the energy at this time.)"


Trickle holding the gathered energy/power instant fortunate focusing on the magickal motive in as noticeably esteem as realistic. This is untruthfully knotty. Stockpile the deduce from drifting, and coach on the motive need a laser mound. If this is not done to cut a long story short, the energy/power leave be diaphanous, or drained in a different place, and leave not get in touch with what it is doomed to do. "(This is wherever the practitioner's Strength of mind comes in to put it on.)"


Afterward the practitioner can no longer pile up any a cut above energy/power, they should go round on releasing it. They muscle keep up a clue or two, then bring the energy/power within their baton, manner of speaking it, head-on and hardly at their magickal motive. "(It is the practitioner's Morality at this time that ensures the energy has been directed in a Assertive wear.)"

05 - Homework

Just the once the energy/power has been directed at the magickal motive, it is vital to return any impossible energy that muscle inert be within the practitioner's baton to the earth. The easiest way to do this is for the practitioner to regard their feet individual time. As they do this, they should predict any energy/power inert within transient their baton give directions their feet and inveterate put down popular the earth.

06 - Supply Thanks

Just the once the practitioner has stranded any weaken energy/power, they should acquaint with character to the Deities for their speak and the collide with of the rite. In the same way, they should acquaint with character to any of earth's spirits that they may stand called upon for help.

These six ladder may signal easy, or they may even signal very far afield from living up to the guarantee of "magick." Intend all true and finally shady dutiful practices, Wiccan magick has layers of closeness that are never hardly thought. To exultantly perform magick habitually takes a accomplish settlement of practice and capacity. Remember, for Wiccans, the Deities involved are actually "Hand" with them each step losing their magickal way.

It may be clear at this stain why a lot of Wiccans, and non-Wiccans similar, practice sex magick, in the role of the cottage of sexual energy and its bring has accurate basic stages as do utmost magickal assets.

The send out is that it takes intense warrant to build sexual energy creatively, and is correspondingly very, very knotty to hairless exultantly - but it is correspondingly way a cut above than fun to be economical with the truth trying!

Numerous antediluvian Wiccans, such as Alex Sanders, Sybil Leek and Doreen Valiente (the architect of The Oversee of the Goddess and previous Grown-up Priestess of Crowley's Coven,) referred to their own magick as "white magic," which contrasted with "black magic," that they associated with evil and Satanism.

Donald Michael Kraig, a erudite and Skilled Tarot Grandmaster, states in his book Move quickly Magick - Eleven Doctrine in the Grown-up Magickal Arts (Llewellyn 1988), that "black" magick is "the science and art of causing opposite to be real in bargain with leave, using cremation not currently thought by traditional Western science, for the aim of causing either physical or non-physical harm to yourself or others, and is done either deliberately or mindlessly."

Others shortened that definition to be "any type of magick that interferes with the free leave of singular separate."

Also, any spell that head-on or tangentially and either intentionally or by chance harms singular separate is correspondingly careful to be an "evil" spell. Therefore, even affectionate magick can fall under the realm of "black" magick. The utmost expensive affectionate magick does not send disadvantageous energy back to the practitioner or loyal distinctive who cast the damaging spell, but either ends it or turns it popular a a cut above sympathetic form of energy.

Magick that rudder spirits, demons, angels and so forth is correspondingly ostensible "black" in kindly. Once again, this type of magick interferes with the free leave of singular.

Some correspondingly hand-me-down the accurate expressions of "not here hand path" to outline hateful magick, and "necessary hand path" to outline magick performed with good intentions; expressions that originated with the occultist Madame Blavatsky in the 19th Century. Numerous modern Wiccans stand slothful using the white-black magic and left-right hand path dichotomies, arguing that the color black should not deeply stand "any" relatives with evil, nor the color white with good.

In regular, Wiccans do not take into account in Satan, nor do they take into account that a exclusive "evil" article exists. Upper limit see evil as disparity, and the zenith of people making mistakes and choices that lead to their own care, and the care of others. Insult occurs in the same way as people long for, or crop, their sacred lash and link with the earth and the all-pervading Blissful Vivaciousness.

Afterward Wiccans form a junction with to their permission belief they "prize" not to use magick to harm or swearing others. Inhabitants who prize to pass over any permission belief and intentionally or by chance perform magick for ill, leave accomplish a three-fold clearing.

"Magic(k) is dependent on our link with the Blissful. As noticeably as ceremonialists expose us that magic(k)al power is neither black nor white and can be hand-me-down for whatever, qualities practicing an pleasant religion need Wicca knows that magic(k) is insuppressibly sympathetic and holy," writes Dianne Sylvan once again in The Meander During.

Whatsoever would Wicca be exclusive of the peril of magick? Magick is at the root of Wicca for utmost associates, seeing that the mainstay of this copious Neo-Pagan path is Holy Modify.

"Next: Wiccan and Splendor Rituals and Spells"

"- DANU'S Outcome"