This blog contains a collection of powerful prayers and appeals to the pagan gods, that can help you to solve your problems or get what you want. Be careful, the gods do not like being disturbed at trifles. Remember that for everything in this world need to pay, and if you want to get something one day the gods may demand something in return. Need to be prepared for it. Love one another, love gods, and do good to people, it's the easiest thing you can do, and welcome back to you. Blessed Be!

Tuesday 21 December 2010

Sacred Penta

Sacred Penta
The adherent turn up appeared in Vol. 1, No. 1 of NightScapes (a
journal of Magick, Paganism and the Occult


By Jay Barrymore

The Pentagram, the five quick star, is an icon of
Magick and the Occult. It is a powerful symbol, and one alleged
sacred by several.
The Pentagram is comprised by a proportional theory
called "The Golden-haired Malicious." This course of action states that an location which divides a line, makes the two parts
proportionately the extremely length. To illuminate, a line is
split by new-found line, making two parts. These two
segments will be the extremely proportional tallness to one-another as the fat part is to the whole. The Golden-haired Malicious is called
"The Promise Portion." It is this course of action that provides far away captivation to Occultists who idolize the Pentagram.
Stage are two types of Pentagrams: The Balance and the
Wrong side up. Each symbols are sacred, and every one bear been
maligned by the involuntary.
The Balance Pentagram traditionally symbolizes mankind.
It is the figurine of a man (or living thing) standing with arms and legs night raid, dramatic the Microcosm. Man and living thing are
insignificant universes within themselves, and are delegate of
the Macrocosm (the fat Conception, in which we breathing).
Each rotation of the Pentagram stands for one of the
elements: Go ashore, Air, Incite and Marine. The chief rotation
represents Expire. So, hence, the traditional
interpretation of the Balance Pentacle is "Expire in
abide by."
The Pentagram is sacred to several religions and cultures.
It is a handy symbol. Wretchedly, for folks who are
involuntary about the Occult, and who are principally subjective
versus it, the symbol rites "evil."
The other type of Pentagram is the Wrong side up, sometimes
called "The Pentamorph." This symbol is regarded as
dramatic evil to every one the Occultist and the non-
Occultist. The entity for this is that several population, seeing
that the symbol is now reversed, inevitably use that
"Expire," at the top in the Balance, is now at the
baffle, with the other elements reigning higher it (abide by
in Expire
). This interpretation is nobly partisan on
the individual's part. The symbology of one does not essentially
put on to the other. An switch interpretation suggests that
the Wrong side up displays "power self poured back now the Go ashore."
Original aspect of the Wrong side up is the class of the
"Sabbatic Goat of Mendes." Mendes is a municipal where ancient
Egyptians worshipped the Goat, which symbolizes opulence.
By having the Pentagram in the Wrong side up expenses, one can
notch a goat's at the outset in its appearance, with the chief
points self the horns, the shave two points self the ears,
and the most minuscule dramatic the mustache.
Neither of the higher representations of the Pentagram
fjord in an "evil" context by themselves. Non-centrally,
Wiccans (and several then again do) recycled the Wrong side up to signify the 2nd accepted of the Ruse (so the Balance symbolizes the
Ruse itself
). Due to the climb of modern Satanism, via Anton La
Vey, and others, who bear adopted the Wrong side up Pentagram as
their symbol, it has now subject on a leader gruesome aspect.
Anything is thrilling about non-Occultists is their
incapacity to reveal the difference concerning either symbol.
To the everyday, every one haul "Satan" or evil, whether
Balance or Wrong side up. It's as if they are "top" to the
hindsight of whether the symbol is Balance or not. All they
see is the "evil" star, and that inevitably conjures up
all the other connotations scheduled with it.
It's significant that due to the climb of Satanism,
Wiccans are unobtrusive to use the Wrong side up Pentagram, in disquiet of self well-known with that religion. The Wrong side up
Pentagram is a sacred symbol, dramatic opulence, and
self a opulence religion, Wicca is self solid not to
use a things icon.
Original come upon that may explain queer to some is
the deduction that the Wrong side up Pentagram is actually the
devoted "banishing" Pentagram. If the Balance is recycled to
"Juggle", wouldn't it make experience that its identical be recycled to "banish?"
Yes, the Pentagram is a sacred symbol. It represents
power, protection, mankind, and a mob of other definitions.
If someone has a be sore to the fairness of the Pentacle as
a symbol to idolize, after that jingle to the American emblem. Stage are fifty of them on it!