Edible Elements
Edible Elements RitualThis is from Gooserider (Arthur Torrey) who works with CAW.
At the initial meeting with Oberon a few months back, we came up with the following ritual. It was our effort to create an "eccumenical" Pagan ritual form that would work for folks on many different paths, while keeping the power of a good ritual intact. We have done some revisions and enhancements since, and done the ritual a few times. This is the latest revision, which has been used in a Circle of 5. I feel that as is, it's workable for about 10-15, or if one uses some other form of invocation for the God and Goddess, it might work for much larger numbers.
Feel free to adapt it for your own group's needs, or use it as is.
Edible Elements Ritual
Written by Mary-Anne Wolf
and Arthur "Gooserider" Torrey
What you might expect us to do first would be to cast a circle by running around it with a knife, symbolically separating sacred space from ordinary space. However, there's something nice about being able to wander in and out of a ritual without making a fuss. Thou art god. And thou doest not stop being god just on account of wandering out of the temple to answer the phone or a call of nature. So, the theme of the ritual tonight is that Gaia, the elements, and the magic are not just in some undefined "out there" which has to be brought up or in from elsewhere. The goddess is within us and between us, between people and, as Heinlein might say, between "all that groks". It's relationships and connectedness, not geography.
Invoking the elements:
We are going to invoke the elements by recognizing them in one another, and the easiest way to get something inside oneself is to eat it, so we're going to feed each other.
foods representing the elements(substitutions encouraged):
Element = Food
Air = Mini-Marshmallow, merangue
Fire = Red hot, cut up cinnamon pop-tart
Earth = Cheeze-it, raisin, triscuit
Water = Goldfish cracker, gummi-fish
Chocolate = M&M
Say to the person you feed a :
"You are air and the blessings of air upon you."
As you eat, think about how air is found within you. How intellect, analysis, language and breath are found within you.
Say to the person you feed a
"You are fire and the blessings of fire upon you."
As you eat, think about how fire is found within you. How lust, motivation, movement, transformation and righteous anger are found within you.
Say to the person you feed a :
"You are water and the blessings of water upon you."
As you eat, think about how water is found within you. How imagination, love, and mystery are found within you.
Say to the person you feed a :
"You are earth and the blessings of earth upon you."
As you eat, think about how earth is found within you. How foundations, certainty, and decision-making are found within you.
Some people say that the 5th element is Chocolate, so we thought we'd include that too. We didn't know the suitable words to say about chocolate, but if you don't know the words, hum! and that is why we chose chocolate with humming on it.
Chocolate: M&Ms
sing: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....
More invoking:
Like the elements, the goddess and god are not only "out there", they are within each one of us. To acknowledge this, we will take turns standing in the center of the circle while everyone else chants "Thou art god! Thou are goddess! Thou art god! Thou are goddess!"
(omit if less than 5 people) All acts of love and pleasure are the goddess's rituals, so let's do something pleasurable. Everybody face right and give a backrub to the person on your right.
Communion, with Cheez-its, or use Communion ritual from the CAW Membership manual
The circle is now cast, and other magic may be performed at this time.
Dismissing the elements:
If we had brought the magic into our ritual from somewhere else, the way to close would be to send it back again. However, we know that Gaia is also within us, and stays within us always. So I'd like you to please close your eyes,
and think about the aspects of earth which you have brought to this ritual.
aspects of earth. Acknowledge that part of you. Cherish that part of you. Thank that part of you.
Now think about the aspects of water which you have brought to this ritual.
aspects of water Acknowledge that part of you. Cherish that part of you. Thank that part of you.
Now think about the aspects of fire which you have brought to this ritual.
aspects of fire. Acknowledge that part of you. Cherish that part of you. Thank that part of you.
Now think about the aspects of air which you have brought to this ritual.
aspects of air. Acknowledge that part of you. Cherish that part of you. Thank that part of you.
Now think about the aspects of chocolate which you have brought to this ritual.
aspects of chocolate. Acknowledge that part of you. Cherish that part of you.
Thank that part of you. Dismissing goddess and god:
Now think about the goddess of many names, in whatever guise seems appropriate at the moment. The goddess within. Thou art goddess. Acknowledge that part of you. Cherish that part of you. Thank that part of you.
Now think about the god within you, the sky-god, the horned god of the woodlands, the musician or the warrior, whatever guise seems appropriate at the moment. The god within. Thou art god. Acknowledge that part of you. Cherish that part of you. Thank that part of you.
Our circle is open, and never broken. May the piece of the goddess go in your hearts. Merry meet, and merry part, and merry meet again.
Blessed be.
Never thirst!
Tags: pictures of god and goddess horned god roman god and goddess wallpaper of hindu god and goddess witch pentagram egyptian god and goddess images of hindu god and goddess forn sidr celtic pagan gods and goddesses