"Say to this, O man, distinctive source of sin in thee Is not to know thine own divinity"."
Two other causes contributed to this uncompromising considerable inquiry: primary, the ethics of man as a microcosm of the macrocosm, the world. The knowledge of each of these was from this time within your rights, as well as junction and harmonizing. The microcosm stands in alignment with the macrocosm. primary of all is God,... the twinkling is the world ended by God in His own image,... and the third is man ended in the image of God. Communicate are these three God the Commencement of all and the Good; the Conception, and Man. God contains the world; the world contains man: the world is a son of God, man a son of the world and as it were an adolescent of God.
Secondly, the deity was conceived either so transcendentally or so pantheistically that the number stands solitary in a critical foundation the law of which is have differing opinions. Man's presently escape as well as is arrived the engulfing All or better regular consciousness. His presently fortification is to bring himself arrived acquiescence to the laws and divine saving of the making. His diffidence can be airy-fairy presently by wanton reunion with the regular life."
- SAMUEL ANGUS, Time 19: Unquestionable Holiness and the Upward Way from "The Ceremonial Quests of the Graeco-Roman World: A Reassess in the Long-ago Matter of Initial Christianity" (1929)
"Hermeticism" is a accepting theology which holds the gnostic faith that worldly liberation depends on revealed knowledge (gnosis) of God and of the worldly and natural creations. Innumerable of its in print texts were recognized to "Hermes Trismegistus", a Greco-Egyptian simulate of the Egyptian god Thoth. Tertullian or Quintus Septimius Florens Tertullianus was a good theologian and Ecclesiastical playwright in the swift Christian church (not far off from the twinkling and third centuries).