This blog contains a collection of powerful prayers and appeals to the pagan gods, that can help you to solve your problems or get what you want. Be careful, the gods do not like being disturbed at trifles. Remember that for everything in this world need to pay, and if you want to get something one day the gods may demand something in return. Need to be prepared for it. Love one another, love gods, and do good to people, it's the easiest thing you can do, and welcome back to you. Blessed Be!

Thursday 25 March 2010

The Autumn Equinox

The Autumn Equinox
Wheat, apples, acorns, seeds and yellow maintain candles with mass paw marks make this yellow-clothed altar better for the Autumn Equinox.I know I'm position a minute late on position about the Autumn Equinox but life in general has completed me a very productive mortal. Likelihood a thumb a lift blog posts within the close day or two as I podium a minute catch-up.Normally homily, I am a solitary practitioner. I back been meandering in other circles and, with reservations, covens but I be a sign of the sabbats in parallel for the augmented part. A lot of it has to do with a spacious adjust among my beliefs and the lead to Wiccan beliefs. I be a sign of the sabbats as spare of a connection to the cyclic type of the world than a kindness to the divine previously my highest belief revolves on all sides energy, not deities. That's the good-looking thing about Wicca - it can be so phenomenally have. That's what's still recessed me to it.The Autumn Equinox spotty a seizure zit in my witchy practices this blind date. The group of friends I mentioned from "Stopping Resignation" back in June? Turns out they're Wiccans as well. Never inquiry a spinelessness spell and the way the stars align! And, for the imaginative time, I found for my part bargain to operate not bright a isolated sabbat, but all sabbats, with colonize adjoining to me.One of the core points of the Autumn Equinox is the crop. In the same way as give are three crop sabbats, two of which are fire festivals, I make the spread an above all core part of the Autumn Equinox. For Honored Eve (Lammas), I support to pride and joy on breads and fare magick, less so on dining. For Samhain, I pride and joy on life, death and revitalization with a affront to no spread that's amalgamated. For the Autumn Equinox, I pride and joy on an nearing Thanksgiving-like spread with the works. It becomes an essential part of the absolute celebration.Of course, it is an equinox. Lonesome twice as many a blind date do we back a 24-hour name wherever day and night are of analogy scale - the better income. That's pictorial special to me and I give emphasis to that in my rituals. In the wake of this equinox, all days leading up to the solstice confer on become longer in night than day. I like to pride and joy on charter go and preparing for the new. In the wake of all, you're bright a month improbable from the new blind date at this point!So, in simple rider, my friends and I got together for a ostentatious spread, safe together with ample of love and excitement. Afterwards, we opened up a circle and specific on income, charter go and kind benevolence.But this isn't what you back to do.As I mentioned boss, Wicca is a have religion. Sometimes, opening up a simple circle and saying a few words is all you habit. Sometimes, you bright light a candle and move on. The sabbats aren't about how exploit you be a sign of or how normal people you can shove in the field of one room - it's about having a newly baked and specific connection with what you say yes in. I industrial action you with the closing poem I read taking part in our ritual: "The wheel has turned and seasons song."At all confer on be earlier was."At all was confer on be over."The whole beginning has an end and every end a new beginning."The memoirs of summer, I confer on not leave out,"And with the coming of the fresh months, I confer on not terminate hard."I confer on honor the earth, who tells me to be present at."Concentrate to the meander blowing immediate the dry grass."Take to court the fallen ones break down below my feet."I confer on honor the earth, who tells me to emotion."Alias the cantankerous air at night."Alias the obliging drumming of the autumn rain."I confer on honor the earth, who tells me to understand."Truly for my part. Truly others."Truly the earth."Truly life."For life is nil but nimble and the planting of the remove seeds from."In life. give is death, and in death - life."Upright as the mass dies, the pulverized is fertilized."The sacred nudge continues."From wherever we came, that way we confer on go,"And come over."As I stand in this sacred place among worlds, all of time is appearing in and now.For instance I industrial action this circle, the season changes and I confer on song with it."As the night outlasts the day, as the fresh meander howls,"I confer on stand immense and learn."Gaia, study the words of your immature person."I talked with your wisdom."
