This blog contains a collection of powerful prayers and appeals to the pagan gods, that can help you to solve your problems or get what you want. Be careful, the gods do not like being disturbed at trifles. Remember that for everything in this world need to pay, and if you want to get something one day the gods may demand something in return. Need to be prepared for it. Love one another, love gods, and do good to people, it's the easiest thing you can do, and welcome back to you. Blessed Be!

Saturday 25 April 2009

Laughing Buddha Posture Meanings

Laughing Buddha Posture Meanings
Buddha Statues come in a wide variety of different positions/poses, the most common is the Buddha sitting in the Lotus Position. This is the position of meditation and it symbolizes perfect balance of thought and tranquillity. The hand positions are called mudra, the fingers of the right hand is resting on the fingers of the left which lay in the lap of the Buddha. The legs are crossed in what is called the Lotus Position. The left foot is placed on the right thigh and the right foot is placed on the left thigh. Majority of Buddha statues sit on a pedestal in the form of a lotus blossom. The lotus represents the Buddha's mind. The laughing Buddha statue is a symbol of happiness and contentment. The Laughing Buddha is seen in different postures, each having a different meaning.

Nearly every Buddha image is made in one of these postures which one can easily be identified by the position of the hands. Each of these positions can be associated with a moment in the Buddha's life that has an important lesson.

Dispelling Fear

The Buddha hand is raised with the palm facing outwards and fingers extended in a universal gesture of protection, benevolence, and peace.

Teaching The Buddha hand is raised with the palm facing outwards and index finger forming a circle with the thumb.

Meditation Buddha

Both the Buddha hands are resting together on the lap. This gesture represents the perfect balance of thought and tranquillity.

Calling the Earth to Witness Buddha

With both palms inwards, the right hand of the Buddha touches the ground and "calls the earth to witness" the Buddha's enlightenment. This gesture represents the unshakable faith and resolution and is the most common posture.

Protection Buddha

Signifies courage, offers protection from fear, delusion and anger. Right hand raised, facing outward, left hand resting in lap, Seated with ankles tucked (Double Lotus), or one leg resting on top of the other (Single Lotus)

Meditation Buddha

Signifies inner wisdom, emotional balance, and clarity. Both hands resting face up in the lap, one hand on top of the other. Seated with ankles tucked (Double Lotus), or one leg resting on top of the other (Single Lotus)

Enlightenment Buddha Signifies insight, purity of character, self-mastery. Right hand facing downward with fingers extended toward the ground, palm facing inward. Seated with ankles tucked (Double Lotus)

Teaching Buddha Signifies wisdom, understanding, and fulfilling destiny. Both hands at chest level, with thumb and index fingers forming a circle, right hand palm in, left hand palm out

Seated with ankles tucked (Double Lotus)

Medicine Buddha Signifies healing. Right hand facing downward with fingers extended toward the ground, palm facing outward, a bowl of herbs rests in the left hand upon the lap

Seated with ankles tucked (Double Lotus)

Safe Travels Buddha

The Safe Travels Buddha is an old-fashioned rendition. He either carries a stick with a bundle tied to the end of it or he has a sack thrown over one shoulder. Both variations include him holding a wealth ball in his other hand.

Long Life Buddha

The Long Life Buddha is seated and has a bag of blessings by his side or holds the bag in his lap. In one hand, he cradles a wealth ball raised in front of him and a Ru-Yi pot in his other hand.

Spiritual Journey Buddha

The Spiritual Journey Buddha has quite a few symbols to study. Typically, he carries a gourd of enlightenment suspended from a stick while holding a fan in his other hand. He wears a necklace made of prayer beads.

Happy Home Buddha

The Happy Home Buddha is seated and holds a parasol over his shoulder, protruding behind his back.

Love Buddha

Combinations of symbols create a seated Love Buddha holding a wealth ball in one hand with a bag slung over his shoulder.

Earth Buddha

Also known as, Calling Earth to Witness, the Earth Buddha sits on the ground with his right hand extended so his fingers point to the earth beneath him. This statue honours the time when Buddha was repeatedly tempted by the demon, Mara, but resisted and reached enlightenment.

Reclining Buddha

Buddha awaits his transition from this life to death, which he viewed as a mere journey of transition into a different state of being.

Contemplation Buddha Signifies determination and patient understanding. Both arms lie flat against the chest, palms in, with right arm on outside of left arm. Standing with legs together

Alms collecting Buddha (Begging Buddha) Signifies compassion and caring for all beings. Arms bent at elbows, holding an alms bowl at chest level. Standing with legs together

Walking Buddha Signifies grace and internal beauty. Right hand raised, facing outward, left hand dangles along left side of body. Standing with right foot forward, as if stepping on to right foot


Right Hand Raised

Protection from evil, warding off fear. This is typically in a standing pose, but you can see a seated pose with right hand raised.

Right Hand Pointing Down Facing Outward

This is the posture of bestowing a blessing on mankind. If there is a bowl filled with a plant resting in the left hand of the Buddha, then it is a statue of the medicine Buddha. This particular statue is from Tibetan Buddhism, as they believe that the knowledge of medicine was a gift from the Buddha to mankind.

Right Hand Making a Circle This is the Mudra for perfection, or the argument of perfection, by the Buddha.

Buddha with a money bag and a gold ingot represents wealth and good fortune.

The Standing Happy Buddha brings riches and happiness.

Buddha sitting on a large gold nugget with a smaller nugget in his hand ready for giving to others. This position of the Laughing Buddha is symbolic of good luck.

Buddha sitting with his fan hat on his head represents enjoyment and good fortune.

Buddha holding a gold ingot with his hands upright signifies abundant riches and good luck.

Buddha with a fan in one hand and wu lou (bottle gourd) in the other hand brings blessings and good health. The fan wards off misfortune while the wu lou protects from illness.

Buddha carrying a bag of gold on his shoulder symbolizes prosperity.

Buddha carrying a bag of blessings on his right shoulder and a fan in his left hand protects you and keeps you safe during long journeys.

Buddha with a travel stick in his hand protects you from harm during journeys.
