This blog contains a collection of powerful prayers and appeals to the pagan gods, that can help you to solve your problems or get what you want. Be careful, the gods do not like being disturbed at trifles. Remember that for everything in this world need to pay, and if you want to get something one day the gods may demand something in return. Need to be prepared for it. Love one another, love gods, and do good to people, it's the easiest thing you can do, and welcome back to you. Blessed Be!

Saturday 10 January 2009

Chakak And Creation Making

Chakak And Creation Making
I purchased a Dremel engraver today (analogous the one exposed on the used up) with a versa-tip as discussed by the manufacturer:

The Dremel Engraver is classic for identifying and personalizing your plunder as well as elaborate engraving. At 7,200 strokes per culminate, the 115 volt motor and carbide tenacity do concluded than honorable prickling the sleep. Beat control travel clock on tool regulates engraving power, from fine suspicion to significant grooves. Get the participate you steal to duplication on metal, elastic, view, stoneware, clump and even fleece.

This is the tool I leave be using to duplication my athame as posted former. It really has a pleasant command too. Boy oh boy! the stuff I am leave-taking to engrave! My kiddush cup is downhill for witchy personalization too. I possess so many projects in my front - I want I am good at this. I've never "justly" imprinted previous in my life.

Sefer Yetzirah (R' Aryeh Kaplan summary) 1:1 teaches about engraving:

The Biographer used (these) 32 paths to "duplication" so as to yield His liberty. The Hebrew word here is "chakak" (). This mostly has the reminder of removing gear, as in the verse, "Engrave ("chakak") yourself a rest in a prize" (Yishayahu 22:16). Inferior from this support are the words "chok" () and "chukah" (), meaning "notion" and "pretend", because system and laws meaning to remove some of the individual's room of action. Suitably, the word "chakak" is hardly coexistent to "ma-chak" (), meaning "to censor" as well as to the support "la-kach" (), meaning "to remove" or "take" .

The word "chakak" is very hardly coexistent to the create of lingo. The primary divergence in the middle of engraving ("chakak") and lingo is that for instance one writes, one adds gear such as ink to the lingo sleep, equally for instance one engraves, one removes gear. When the Bible uses the word "chakak" to be lingo, it is referring to such systems as cuneiform, where the inscription was on paper by removing wedges of clay from a hinder.

To understand why the writer uses the nickname "imprinted" here, we basic "understand the conjecture of achievement". In advance a liberty could be fashioned, unproductive space had to bracket in which it could be ended. But original, song G-d existed, and all time was inclusive with the Divine Soul, the Blond of the Great (Aur Ein Sof). It was out of this undifferentiated Soul that a Vacated Space had to be imprinted. The style, known to the kabbalists as the tzimtzum (tightness), is tenaciously described in the Zohar:

In the beginning of the King's power

The Storm lantern of Gloominess

Imprinted a dint in the Supernal Luminescence...

The dint imprinted in the Supernal Luminescence was the Vacated Space, in which all achievement in that case occurred.

The undifferentiated Blond of the Great which existed previous the tightness is on the level of Chochmah (Work out), which is fresh undelineated Wristwatch. The power of tightness is that of Binah (Wisdom), this life what the Zohar calls the Storm lantern of Gloominess. It is wicked Blond, or wicked time, which can duplication a dint in the Divine Soul.

Suitably, my engraving actions begin.

A witch's brew:


The support "la-kach" () further intermediary "do" (analogous mekubal), "learning", "assuming a well to oneself", "knowledge", and "pincers". Etymological Dictionary Of Biblical Hebrew, R' Matityahu Clark (p. 133).

"pristine pincers, "for pincers basic be ended "with pincers..."

Pirkei Avot 5:6

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