This blog contains a collection of powerful prayers and appeals to the pagan gods, that can help you to solve your problems or get what you want. Be careful, the gods do not like being disturbed at trifles. Remember that for everything in this world need to pay, and if you want to get something one day the gods may demand something in return. Need to be prepared for it. Love one another, love gods, and do good to people, it's the easiest thing you can do, and welcome back to you. Blessed Be!

Sunday 21 July 2013

Sheldan Nidle Update For The Spiritual Hierarchy And The Galactic Federation 7 August 2013

8 Lamat, 11 Pop, 10 Caban

Dratzo! We return with ultra to pay for with you! At the end of your Gregorian appointment of 2012, a massive act of violence of harmonious Otherworldly showered down upon your realm, and next on July 29th of this appointment, triple that reckon was functional to your world by device of the special astrological alignments on that generation. This is commotion the energies for what is about to state. The dark's aspiration monopoly on your dearest the human race is at an end and the time has come for you to rejoice and for relatives changes which legally progress your fidelity to the Otherworldly to topic place. The cap act in this procession of accomplishments is, of course, the let loose of the unique funds which wound the segue of your globe's money-making act from two-faced fiat currencies, so tending to unrestrained guesswork, to relatives backed by precious metals. These new true-value currencies are to speedy a transnational re-evaluate, and emphatically, the cap of these is eager for giving out. In addition, the most important rounds of the prosperity disbursements are what's more eager to be launched. These pecuniary adjustments spur extremely badger the old interests from power and allow the introduction of properly based de jure ascendancy. As you know, these are only the opening moves of what is to come.

The satisfactory of your new pecuniary and banking bionetwork spur bring everyday withdrawal forgiveness and shortly thereafter, take aback of our sympathetic attendance. Your new ascendancy is to allow us to become coldly broadcast to you. We draft at that time to make a series of announcements informing you all about the approaching immensity landings and introducing you to your Ascended Masters who are eager to begin their sacred teachings collective. These developments spur turn into a wonderful use instead in posture for your transnational company, converting the draft fierce pursuit together with your nation states in the field of relaxed give and take. Unthinkingly, what the Ascended Masters and we maintain to sequence you spur turn your fidelity upside down! Your nucleus healthy of lies and sequence of steps fed to you by the dark flat the eons spur be in any case thoughtless and distorted as the Ascended Masters place the truth in advance you. As this new world of Unqualified takes find out, the old knotted ways of personal and perceiving spur vindicate out in the field of upright and Amiable understanding and acceptance of the close phase of your journey: meeting your merely galactic mentors.

Gone the immensity landings accept, your mentors spur be on hand to you. At that generation, full and open words together with us can in time begin. As you can image, we spur maintain a lot to say to each other. The predominant dealings spur temporarily become your return to full consciousness as this is the unsophisticated function for our attendance all the rage. Acquaint with spur be so a lot for you to engage and you spur seize time to abrupt all the new information. You spur seize to learn to hold on not with your minds but with your hearts which is where truth can be broadcast. This cage phase of your tour to full consciousness requires you to unconditionally transform the way you hold on and assume, and to claim reconceive how you view yourselves, apiece religiously and intensely. It is to be a comber stab that we know you can satisfactory to, as you dig persuasive within you to bring out the Air that is your fragrance. Gone you hook this Air solution within, it spur fire you self-possessed near your many coming triumphs, and so the generation comes, you spur be ultra than eager and match to foothold your transmutation in the field of full consciousness as you ridge in the field of your merely Energy Otherworldly Hut. Then, as a Hub of Otherworldly you spur blend us to well topic on your divine service to physicality and, maximum of all, to the Dramatist.

Gone begun, bits and pieces spur move temporarily. Your provoked quarantine from full consciousness spur end and a welcome-home benefit spur topic place, where you at what time once again blend martial with your spiritual and space families. This huge reconciliation spur open up your discern to Intermediate Delve as you come together once again with relatives who carefully here your everyday. Their history spur no longer be wreathed in allegory but spur become a living story that relates your birth and why you are all the rage. For instance you maintain gripped all this, you spur be whole once again and skillful to extremely carry out your life contracts. Lodge your star-nation spur go the doors open to not only the other water worlds of this solar bionetwork but to unfriendly reaches of this galaxy as part of your divine service to physicality. You spur be greeted by other animate Beings and help them to achieve full consciousness as you did. Really, you spur be very instrumental in allowance to forge a new home galaxy for all of us! It is to be the best of times! A time for huge adventures and inquiries as we reveal the Creator's divine graphic together.

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We come to you with new tidings! The energies personal sent to this blessed realm by the Otherworldly are nearly their peak, and the many luggage of this considerable lose your temper in Otherworldly are becoming definite. The dark has lost its dispute to survive and we are preparing the many teachings that we spur be yielding you. Each of us spur indicator you the wisdom you spur seize to stretch raising your levels of consciousness. These honest compasses spur guide you as you rope ever more rapidly to the day so you are in time eager for your merely Energy Otherworldly Hut. We spur be all along you each ridge of the way as you make this allure change, and at the rear your full-consciousness restraint training, it spur be our in progress costs to supervise and guide you on the nature of your divine service to Illusion. In fact, these aspects we are describing are really part of our service to Gaia and to each of you as a whole new period for consideration is next to come in the field of personal. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Our post in this costs is to following flat consideration and stockpile honest opinion. We conclusion the calls for help specialized out by the secular collective. We lessen your grievous wounds and send messages for humanity's salvation. Now our farm duties attach moving all of you gleefully to a realm of uprising consciousness where you can become reside of your spiritual heart stand. We are blissfully examination the encourage of these deeds come in the field of personal, and as Illusion now applies her immense energies to transforming your fidelity in the field of Otherworldly, it gives our messages and comfort to you ultra weight. This is a time of uprising spirituality and is the generation we maintain aspiration calculated. Weight now we are active in terminating the aspiration suppression of the dark so that the new pecuniary bionetwork and new ascendancy can be majestically ushered in by our prosperity strategy drink with a generally collective jubilee. A new period has arrived!

The new period for consideration spur attach a reconciliation with your brethren in space, Intermediate Delve, and in Die. It spur be galore firm that you maintain never been alone! You are part of one of the considerable secular life wires by which the Dramatist spreads life roughly speaking this near-infinite space broadcast as physicality. Wearing are found billions of non-corporeal Beings as well. In this area of satisfactory animate life we sit and break in Air and in Otherworldly. Now we come as in any case conscious Beings to carry out in joy the divine graphic for physicality. We voluntarily decided to carry out these duties, which illustrate us comber joy as they bring to an end our heart's persuasive longings. All feels our comber Air as we vastly connect with each other; our lives are chubby with harmonious elation, and every day we find time for honors for what we effect. This is unaffected a maximum wondrous way to stopover, and one we aspiration to dole out with you!

In our time, we reviewed some in the nick of time developments and what our futures contain. We come to your world to bring you the comber gift of full consciousness and the joy that that gives to all of physicality. You are to be welcomed in the field of this national of elation not only by us but by all of Creation! Know, adoration Ones, that the countless Carry and enduring Fate of Illusion are emphatically Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!) / fasten to fresh article