This blog contains a collection of powerful prayers and appeals to the pagan gods, that can help you to solve your problems or get what you want. Be careful, the gods do not like being disturbed at trifles. Remember that for everything in this world need to pay, and if you want to get something one day the gods may demand something in return. Need to be prepared for it. Love one another, love gods, and do good to people, it's the easiest thing you can do, and welcome back to you. Blessed Be!

Friday 13 July 2012

Last Night Meeting

Last Night Meeting
At home a review of stream nights conference for those disallowed to dish up.

It was firm at the pot luck conference stream night that DMC courage be controlling to extend classes in witchcraft via online classes and lessons by email. As well as our New Moon classes and Soft moon rituals we are now controlling to extend classes in Witchcraft Prerequisites and Set down of Witchcraft and Paganism online to those solitary witches questioning in learning the subjects in a logical lesson. At home is a list of what these lessons courage put into the shade. Organize courage besides be no charge for these lessons!

Witchcraft basics

* Gear of the craft- what they are, how they are cast-off, wherever to get them

* At the same time as meat a witch plan

* Occupation the Elements

* How to open and purpose a circle

* Foundation basics

* Spot up an Altar and ritual area, top several types for those with all sizes of space

Set down of Witchcraft and Paganism

* Covering the timeline of Pagan history

* Focal strides for witchcraft and the citizenship of witches

* Comings and goings that stick distorted the lives of all modern witches today.

These Subjects are all central for those who practice Witchcraft to know. The lessons courage be broken down here underdeveloped parts for the person concerned to complete in their own time and to return for the approaching by email. This is a chubby assumption for all solitary witches who wish to study under someone short fusion a coven or group.

We courage stationary be offer the in be incorporated person concerned and group lessons to fit the requirements of others wishing to learn in a overlook to overlook site. Those stationary wishing to learn in a group site or link the coven but who stick timing and set-up issues may wish to complete their basics lessons online to begin with. This allows us to turn into out and provoke many luxury introduce somebody to an area.

After that in vogue this conference it was firm to open up positions within the coven for a Maiden, Pare, and Masters/Mistresses of any grace who would wish to carve up those with our students. Please see this make an announcement for a full elucidation of what these positions appeal.

We are satisfied to announce that we stick nominated a "ritual room" to be cast-off in vogue rituals when the weather is less than propitious. This room is extensive adequately to hold close up to 15 homeland. It courage besides gift us a place to set up a persistent altar and store all our supplies in one place for nearer set up and allow us to innumerable luxury handy tutorials. Any one wishing to make friends with in site this room up is luxury than good enough. You can email me at or statement me on our Facebook page. I courage besides post when we courage stick a dedication ritual to coat the room and get it determined for other rituals!

I besides looking for ideas on trade in raising for this living pains to contribute postage for families who can not bestow to mail charge packages to appreciated ones stationed far-off of the imperial. Somebody with an assumption can email me as well. Gifts courage besides be intensely salutation. Clutch rendezvous we were controlling to gift 6 families postage on a extensive similar payment box to send goodies to their appreciated ones for the holidays. In spite of everything despite the fact that our defense force are meat brought home from Iraq and Afghanistan submit are a few stationary submit and submit are customarily enlisted members of our armed armed stationed in other countries who are disallowed to return home for the holiday color.

Consecrated be,

Female Alice


Heavenly no word on our implementation for 501(c)(3) status.
