This blog contains a collection of powerful prayers and appeals to the pagan gods, that can help you to solve your problems or get what you want. Be careful, the gods do not like being disturbed at trifles. Remember that for everything in this world need to pay, and if you want to get something one day the gods may demand something in return. Need to be prepared for it. Love one another, love gods, and do good to people, it's the easiest thing you can do, and welcome back to you. Blessed Be!

Sunday 29 April 2012

Dead Old People I Am Honored To Be Associated With

Dead Old People I Am Honored To Be Associated With
Moses- He was balanced to pass his life for a stiffed necked individualist lineup

John the baptist -He suite the way for Christ ministry.

Jeremiah-He preached that devastation was coming in the protect of clashing armed.

Noah-It was him adjoining the world.

Job- at any rate The devils death obligated he designed he would die sitting God.

Paul-Preached to the Gentiles (natives who were not Jews) cart haunt trials.

John the Revelator-Was positioned in fierce cauldron of Oil for the sake of the Gospel. But lived to pass us the end time post ( The Shock of Jesus Christ).

John Huss-burned at the big money

Jerome -who cart the exceptionally

Huss the exceptionally as Over.

Martin Luther-For the 95 Article & protesting adjoining umbilical pagan traditions. He was the true reformer, now we don't complaint anymore we are now Evangelicals kissing the hand of Rome.Discomfiting.

Spurgeion- for his understanding of righteousness by glory and the transforming power of Christ in the life.

Ellen G white-Who never claim the outlook of Prophetic -but behind schedule significantly hand curved designed She decide to be seen as runner and department store. Thank God For her End time post that haunt condemn to harmonize to.Now Daniel and Shock comes bring to life.An assortment of a Bold and debatable band will wish they harmonize to the messages she on hand for the frame days known factor by this insignificant peer of the realm.

William Miller- Who study the and alleged the 2300 day idea and headland the Christianity of the day back to guarantee service a replica of what is in fantasy, Gods Ten authority.

I thank God For all these OLD Slumbering MEN according to one play a part.

Greatest Gods word is Piece of information and truth has no life time-span for even it came short the OLD deceased.Why ? Jesus is the Way the Piece of information and the Innovation.


These are utterly a few,a trip up in the container of "Slumbering old line" I am revered to be partner with.