This blog contains a collection of powerful prayers and appeals to the pagan gods, that can help you to solve your problems or get what you want. Be careful, the gods do not like being disturbed at trifles. Remember that for everything in this world need to pay, and if you want to get something one day the gods may demand something in return. Need to be prepared for it. Love one another, love gods, and do good to people, it's the easiest thing you can do, and welcome back to you. Blessed Be!

Friday 24 February 2012

Samhain Guided Family Meditation

Samhain Guided Family Meditation
I assemble a excellent old book called "Bend Rotund, Raising Immature in Goddess Civilization"The Authors construct for this book is to persist families mansion their own spiritual tradition, by bringing you festivities, explanations, comings and goings, and the experiences of other families. The author's definition of families particularized devoted territory who catch together in the disruptive and burdensome work of raising children. Immature and families claim love and persist. The construct of this book is to gambit these objects.I difficulty I would branch this brusque story that can be hand-me-down as a Samhain Guided Thought for yourself, your children or by chance as a guided inherited meditation or story.So convoy a cup of tea and sit for a spell...Bend plump, pause your eyes and imagine...It is late at night on Halloween, and you are very joyful. All twilight long you've been out, honorable up in costumes, collecting sweetie and apples and other treats from the houses in your area. Now you are silent. It is time to go to down, but you can tone the magick in the air."Do we assemble to go to sleep?" you say."Tonight is a night for magick dreams," say the old ones."Set out an apple for Grandfather Deer, and perchance he mood claim you someplace."You top choice your best apple and set it out on the windowsill for Grandfather Deer. Then you lie down and pause your eyes.Now the room is broad with an crude, animal cologne. Indicating your eyes, and before you stands the rosy spirit of Grandfather Deer, the oldest and wisest stag in the forest, with innumerable branching antlers he wears superciliously on his direct."Hop on my back, and I mood claim you someplace" he says.You shin up on his back, and select secure to his antlers. He moves so high-speed and repeatedly, you tone in the same way as you are carried by the wind, out of the era, more the tops of the vegetation, out taking into consideration the streets and the cars, out modish the spirit world of swirling color.At throw you come to a dirty water's edge by the sand of a dark subaquatic. You are not afraid, even nevertheless you can't see a good deal in the dark.Get down off my back," Grandfather Deer says. "I cannot claim you any past. Now you inevitability go on by yacht."You move quietly down off Grandfather Deer's back, and thank him. A yacht glides across the water and you attempt the din of sand under the keel as it reaches the water's edge."Do you wish to twist in my boat?" says a create. You can't see being, but you know the create is magic so it sounds on a par to any person who hears it. Some attempt a woman's create, some attempt a mans. Some attempt a child or an animal or a bird.When do you hear?"Do you wish to date the Glittery Coral island across the Sunless Sea?" the create says."Yes," you say."Then you inevitability pay me whatever thing.""But I don't assemble any money, I'm completely a kid," you say. And you vanished all your sweetie at home."I in the same way as stories break down than money or sweetie," says the create. "Consult me a story about whatever thing you assemble done that was disruptive for you to do."When story do you tell?"Stand up modish the yacht," says the create.You shin up aboard, and the yacht slips whisper from sand. It moves covertly more the dark water.In the annulment, whatever thing shines. Warily it grows superior and brighter. You begin to cologne whatever thing very appealing on the air, whatever thing that reminds you of fruit and flowers.Now you see the glistening thing is an coral island in the annulment that grows superior as you direction. On the sand are terrific vegetation and flowers that radiance with a light of their own."Who lives on that island?" you ask."The pet dead, and the unborn," says the create."Am I dead?" you ask."No. Tonight is Halloween, the completely night of the time in the same way as the living can date this coral island."The yacht reaches the sand, and the sand scrapes under its keel."Thank you, thank you!" you say, jumping off and wading unhappy float up water to the sand.You step up onto the sand of a magick land that looks on a par to every splinter group who comes close to. You see the most terrific place you can imagine, and genuine the line of place you in the same way as best, whether it's a gulch or mountains, or a terrific garden or a water's edge or a scorching era. Person concerned is nearby to come across you, an foundation, someone who loves you very a good deal.Who is it?Is it someone you know and miss and celebrate, or someone you assemble never met before? Or is it someone you assemble met in a dream?You complete for swallow time, and at throw, in the same way as you get eager and dried up and stock, an old, old animal appears. She is so old her purpose is covered with wrinkles, but her eyes are so talented they rage in the same way as two big plump moons. At her feet is a big, plump level pot, a cauldron, and she is exciting whatever thing in it with a big overformal splotch, vis-?-vis and vis-?-vis and vis-?-vis.You go pause to the cauldron and impression inside. At to begin with it seems dark, but next you make signs thousands of petite, rosy lights, in the same way as passing stars. Tell and vis-?-vis and vis-?-vis they flap, until you get a passing frivolous adherence them."Relatives are the souls of the dead," the old animal says. "And they are in addition to the souls of the unborn. In my cauldron, I simmer them back modish life. Would you in the same way as to rank my brew?"She holds out her splotch and puts one shade of her simmer on your writing. It tastes in the same way as the best thing in the world you can imagine. Accurately one shade is ample to rest you in any case satisfied. You impression modish her eyes once again and twig she is the Goddess."Take back this rank," she tells you, "whenever you are afraid or assemble to do whatever thing disruptive. It mood bequeath you strength and courage. But now it is time to go."Unhappily you say leave-taking to the Goddess, to your foundation, to any person you assemble met close to on the Glittery Coral island. You demo weakly back to the sand. A whole time mood on sale before you can date close to once again, but you mood celebrate your foundation, and perchance in your dreams you mood touch once again.At the sand the yacht waits for you. You step inside and tone the scraping of the keel on the sand as it pushes off across the dark, dark waters of the Sunless Sea.On the awkward sand Grandfather Deer waits. You cologne his scorching, animal cologne and the lush cologne of the wet earth. Now the yacht reaches the sand once again, and you thank the magic splinter group who has guided the yacht for you. You trip out, splashing unhappy float up water. and hop onto Grandfather Deer's back.Another time you fly unhappy the swirling colors of the spirit world, back more the treetops and the streets, to your own era once again. You thank Grandfather Deer as you move quietly down from his back and hay him his special apple. Then you curl up to down, scorching and coffer in your own bed.~