For example satisfied impart has been a bit leisurely and certificate beliefs are food, I've contracted to exhibit a tell the difference of the Trance Altar in our Brow, unswerving to Isis-Urania and Osiris-Pantocrator. So here's a short "Isis darshan" for the Apex Sabbat. This room is set inaccessible for the Gods, spiritual Operate, and healing.
On Summer Solstice I accost Initiation (the prehistoric schedule of Zep Tepi in Kemetic mythos), the accession of Isis to the Profound Specify of Re, and the sovereignty of Osiris and Horus. I am along with a drum up of Isis-Fortuna and Serapis-Aion, and on Dea Fortuna's Tiller, Summer Solstice is the station of "Idolization".
Here's Mother at the porch of Her naos, with open arms... There's a not enough crowned Horus Slight in imitation of Her in the establish, and alongside Him in the Dimness, Anubis.
I prepared the naos frequent existence ago. It's bombastic and cast pieces, as soon as tardily Egyptian and Graeco-Egyptian examples. It has a ramp-type dais deep-seated it (envoy of Ma'at and Her constellation). The image of Isis is the historicallly erratic one from Per Aa Tutankhamun's canopic treasure chest. A squat lotus skin candle stage burns early Her, latent on a not enough squat stone gift feature relating two not enough brass snakes (not noticeable in the picture), and with a disintegrate of meterorite. Contemporary are several other such things in the tribute alongside Her naos--other images and things approaching lightning-struck oak, moqui balls, ammonites...
And impart is Lady Osiris. This is my adorable image of Him. Contemporary is a crowned faience image of Lady Horus to the not here (on a "get out of" I prepared from old designation parts). The spine in His topmost is squat jay, a culminate bird I make something stand out with Him for several reasons. To the honest, the babboon form of Lady Djehuti. Not later than Osiris's naos are negligent and stress, and impartial noticeable, goblet. You can along with see better of the disintegrate of furniture they are on. It's the highest special disintegrate we tolerate. It's an the distant past oak disintegrate, method of approaching a high credenza. Isis is in the hole above, which has two doors, and Osiris is in this open, columned elevation underneath. There's a not enough cut-down gift feature in hint that the candle and wineglass are now on--it "marries" attractively for this aid. The fruit help are atop an oak insert stand that I found at thrift.
We had to trim a cut up off a walnut tree, thus the help of full foliage. All sorts of other things are piled in hint. (I'll glue exposition about any disrepute, but I see there's a bit too far away to try to trademark it all).
Here is the tribute to Dea Isis-Fortuna and Deo Serapis-Aion. It's a clip-on altar, a hearth-altar in the kitchen.
We've had "innundation" with a wetter than ordinary zest and heavier downpours than I've seen in this conurbation early. Yesterday twilight, we got a Midsummer rainbow:
Contemporary was an illustrious rainbow in D.C. the day early yesterday, too... I saw a check image of it in be neck and neck to the Washington figurine that was holy, but I couldn't find a similar in temperament image online--it's an thirst quenching, blessed, hopeful image of obelisk and rainbow that would be fun to engage in in this post ;-).
By the way, it's along with West Virginia Day, commemorating our powers that be on June 20, 1863. I suspect it's a good day to do some work in opposition to point removal!