Rituals pertaining to this element are love, psychic, surface, dreams, marriage, friendships, refining, and silence.
Herbs that are utmost accessibly interconnected with Hose down are water lilies, seaweed, lettuce, rose, apple, chamomile, catnip, cucumber, gardenia, geranium, dear yellow, poppy, valerian, vanilla, lilac and willow.
Seats one would perform Hose down magic would be; springs, lakes, rivers, ponds, lot, wells, fountains and streams.
Stones; aquamarine, amethyst, and forlorn tourmaline.
Metals silver, mercury, and copper; and the color forlorn.
Its' energy is launch, its' organize west, and its' esteem is nation.
Service forms contain dowsing, washing, bathing, and potency.
Astrological signs are Pest, Scorpio, and Pisces.
In due course its' natural symbols are a cup of water and seashells, and its' coexistent types of magic are ice, sea, flurry, mirror and fog, and its' time of day is dusk.