This blog contains a collection of powerful prayers and appeals to the pagan gods, that can help you to solve your problems or get what you want. Be careful, the gods do not like being disturbed at trifles. Remember that for everything in this world need to pay, and if you want to get something one day the gods may demand something in return. Need to be prepared for it. Love one another, love gods, and do good to people, it's the easiest thing you can do, and welcome back to you. Blessed Be!

Monday 16 March 2009

To Approach With Interest

To Approach With Interest
"The fend for of If'a philosophy is that we are all untutored good and blessed and that we are divine beings making a mortal take a trip. The mortal take a trip is symbolized by the conduit place and the travel itself. The conduit is a place everywhere the good and bad alias can be done, everywhere thieves and truth join. The take a trip itself signifies a travel from one place to in mint condition everywhere in the in-between the strange can toss. If'a" tells that at the end of any take a trip well prepared lies a bed of calm and restrained for those who used "iw'a rere" (good character) as their compass in this take a trip."If'a "teaches that exertion was caused by the dream of light that was prepared noticeable in the "odu Eji Ogb`e", which design the materialize of each one hands towards paradise - since with the origin of light came moreover its difference, "`Oy`ek'u m'ej`i", that design mistiness, end of cycles and the breath that makes the exhalation of "Ogb`e "active. The consider of raising each one hands to paradise implies to hand out initial stages and ends, light and mistiness with autonomous esteem and recollection. The "omo odu Ogb`e'wori"speaks of the need for cash in the world, how we cannot let know the delightfulness of the darling unless we moreover know the rancor of "orogbo" (the pitiless kola nut). One of the verses tells us:OGB`e'WOR'i"B'aye w'on ba nd`un"B'aye w'on b'a nd`ara"`Iw'a ib`aj'e w'on nh'u"TRANSLATION:When life is thick for themWhen life is good for themThat is subsequently they start to sinSuffering and complications are not want the extraordinarily thing, a evenness can become a snag if we stroke with protection and loser mentality. Equally we do this we feed the evenness in our life with prayers asking to bring us excellent complications. If we tranquil stroke with partnership and calm we will feed the complications with light and cleanliness. "If'a" is unbending in its heaviness of ancestry; actually, the ample corpus of "Odu If'a" is the wisdom of relatives. By becoming understanding of situations in the similar to and their solutions we can effectively turn undesired situations in the sphere of prosperity and complications in the sphere of bounty. Latest verse in the book of "Ogb'e" speaks of how "Orunmila"himself went out on a travel but met snag and not the bounty he was probing for. The verse tells how he went out in the waters, his open federation, and petitioned the 'sixteen owners of the conduit as he called upon in grieve over for the aid of the bird called "Agbe"("Touraco Musophagidae)". The brash "Agbe" bird is a omen of good stack and is assumed to advise the middle assets of "Olokun", the owner of Oceanic, subsequently petitioned. The verse tells how "Orunmila" prepared the apt price tag, in this shoot down a imitate of frame, everywhere his uneven consciousness was calmed down and in this hovering give of nursing he was proficient to recollection the hope manipulate of jubilant conquest leading up to this artificial instant.The teaching is that the complications in our take a trip towards bounty moreover be a magnet for a party probability for yet other forms of earn - as hope as we stroke with partnership and not protection. What in every struggles lies the concord of earn. In a way, we can say that "If'a "sees complications and difficulties in shape as a job - the thrive is answer by the way we stroke the job. "Ogb'e'ros'un" has the subsequently to say: OGB`e'ROS`uN"A d'if'a f'un `Or'unm`il`a"If'a nsawo lo `ap'a `okun"T'`oun `il`a m'ej`i `os`a"N'il'e ol'oj`a m'er`ind'inl'og'un"W'on n'i Baba `o "n`i'i pad`a dele"Baba w'a m'ek'un s'ek'un `igbe"'O fi `iy`er`e se `iy`er`e aro"'O n'I: Agbe gb'e mi dele o `o Agbe"A k`i'i rajo k'a m'a dele o"Agbe gb'e mi dele o"K`o p'e k`o j`inn`a"E w'a b'a ni b'a `ar'us'e ogun"`Aj`ase ogun l'a w'a w'a"TRANSLATION:The teaching of If'a were interpretedFor OrunmilaWhen he was leave-taking on a spiritual missionOn the seashore of the oceanWhen he was in the inside of the lagoonAt the home of the sixteen owners ofThe marketThey assumed Baba Orunmila would neverReturn homeBut it came to excess that Baba Orunmila beganTo cry out in a powerful way, turningHis cry in the sphere of a shoutAnd he turned his grieve for in the sphere of a songOf sorrowHe called out saying: Agbe bird, wear out me homeO' AgbeWe do not go on a take a trip so that we may notReturn homeSo, Agbe bird, application wear out me homeThen, before hope and in the not distant futureCome and truss us in earn achievedThrough sacrificeVictorious in contest as we have come to be
