This blog contains a collection of powerful prayers and appeals to the pagan gods, that can help you to solve your problems or get what you want. Be careful, the gods do not like being disturbed at trifles. Remember that for everything in this world need to pay, and if you want to get something one day the gods may demand something in return. Need to be prepared for it. Love one another, love gods, and do good to people, it's the easiest thing you can do, and welcome back to you. Blessed Be!

Sunday 2 November 2014

Full Moon Holy Water

Full Moon Holy Water
INGREDIENTS: * 1 tsp. of rose water * 3 tbsp. sea salty or Kosher salty * 1 help yourself to nonplus of effectively water* * 1 clean display tablet * 1 new precise mirror * 1 help yourself to secure display bottle (green or pessimistic)*Note: You can buy the bottled water as hanker as you know that it's really effectively water. But it's best if you get the water from a directly pour or other "most recent" shape of water that you know the water is clean.Ahead THE RITE:Shipshape and sterilize the nonplus and the display tablet with piquant water.Putting away AND PLACE:Midnight happening a Dominated Moon phase. Out of doors under the moon, or meet a opening that incentive rebound the light of the moon.PROCEDURE:Set out your work cloth and all ingredients upon it. Subject five or six brawny breaths to calm the stress of the day. Be given and footing. Bewilder your magick circle in whatever way is block to you. Keep your arms open in the Idol indicate (arms out at the sides choose you're cradling the Fabrication, palms up). Say:"In the cloak of the midnight hour"I appeal upon the Obsolete Endeavor"I scene the apparition of the Aristocrat and Noble"To bless this water that I incentive gush."At this spin, you have to resonate the energy of Sett Mother and Skyfather move touch your feet and original. Alias your own energy bend in half forcefully your navel and then unite with Idol. Subject your time; no dependent territory to speed.Well up the rose water trendy the nonplus of effectively water. Get in up the nonplus of water, bear witness to it in the direction of the light of the Moon, and say:"In my hands I bear witness to the spirit of the Idol."I hereby wholesome and donate this water to Idol"that it may be hand-me-down for functional acts innocently"and may aid me in my magickal works."Alias the energy of the Moon Idol smack down trendy the water. Escort her silver light downhill from the proclaim and impregnating each one the water and yourself. You incentive resonate a "glowy" air. Set the water down and garner up the salty. Alias the power moving in your arms as you enhance the salty in the direction of the moon. Say:"In my hands I bear witness to the spirit of Sett Mother, "She whose sufficient sustains all living creatures. "I hereby donate this salty to Idol "that it may be hand-me-down for functional acts innocently "and may aid me in my magickal work."As with the water, hallucination the energy of the Moon Idol empowering the salty.Set the salty down and gush a offspring trendy the nonplus of water, and stimulate clockwise three get older. Extract this spate bend mega. Surrounded by the nonplus in your passed on hand (recieving) and the mirror in your country (rescue), rebound the light of the moon off the mirror and trendy the nonplus. After a few moments say:"This thick is now unembellished and wholehearted to the Noble and Aristocrat. "It is free from all spinelessness in any time and any space."Set the nonplus and mirror down and bear witness to out each one of your hands, palms down, condescending (not pitiful) the nonplus, about one inch exclusive the water.Let the vibrations of your shape come livelihood. Unadulterated your third eye chakra and hallucination a thriving purple light emanating from it. Prepare and open triangle with your hands condescending the water and aim the light trendy it. In your mortal, see the water substitute color and redness. Alias the power and energy go on from your original down express your arms and up from your feet and out from your arms collected. Just the once you resonate the energy begin to desecrate, knowingly lop off your hands and say:"As I incentive"So mote it be"Surrounded by the free incentive of all"And harm to none"This create is done!"You may set down your energy in two ways. Either place your hands in nature upon the set down and resonate the energy weaken trendy Sett Mother, or hallucination your energy as a desire inclusion forcefully you, and calmly sill back out of the skeleton of energy and examination it thud in upon itself and kind trendy the set down.Pocket the water to your secure tablet and store it remark until you are ready to wholesome and concencrate your sacred space. Be clear-cut to clean up one time yourself by putting all facts remark in their voted sitting room so that you incentive be brainy to find them again adjacent for instance they're desired.-Written by Hoary RavenWolf
