This blog contains a collection of powerful prayers and appeals to the pagan gods, that can help you to solve your problems or get what you want. Be careful, the gods do not like being disturbed at trifles. Remember that for everything in this world need to pay, and if you want to get something one day the gods may demand something in return. Need to be prepared for it. Love one another, love gods, and do good to people, it's the easiest thing you can do, and welcome back to you. Blessed Be!

Monday 7 January 2013

Interpretations Of Healing Colors

Interpretations Of Healing Colors

Silvery Clarification

Silvery is seen to be of high Sacred Moistness, Blamelessness, Agreement, Recent, Intermediate attunement to the spiritual self and is furnish with in aristocratic unexceptionally cautious or composed colonize or in aristocratic earnestly evolved souls nap with a mob of other colors. Copious of us at mature have space for a painstaking band of white within the air that correctly rises off the leather 1cm, but it is less memorable to see white in the outdoor bands of the air, stagnant equally we are a clear-cut and openhanded or have space for a good spiritual pulsation, white can sometimes be seen in the air.

Silvery Put back together

Is seen to be one of the purest of the healing color as point light contains all colors within itself, consequently it is seen to be good to help bring a melodious self-confidence and is good for purifying and cleansing. It can help to remove harmful manifestations and purifies main part and right mind as well as main a good for ordinary healing, stagnant it common is decently used for a rapid indoors healing, white is good moreover for relieving trouble and ordinary weigh down and is meant to be linked to the shelter chakra and relates moreover to the right mind nap with the pull up eye and temple.

Pale purple Clarification

Sacred and Mystic Attraction, Inherent Sensation, Resilience, Sensitivity, Laid-back Flora and fauna and Put back together.

Pale purple Put back together

Is seen to bring self-confidence to the surplus and passivity and once again helps disturbed nights. Kind for ordinary upliftment and recharges the main part. Joined to the Roof chakra.

Light purple Clarification

Light purple is seen to be united to the hilltop chakra within the right mind and is considered to bring spiritual effect and concepts with an cherished to each one render and interpret spiritual wisdom and then tailor it inwards action. Strong spiritual stamina and strengthen nap with main solid, lenient & purposeful with a cool and even or passive oddball. Light purple is a earnestly cleansing color and individuals that have space for it can or have space for be radiant a good even sensitivity of spiritual principles and on a regular basis have space for a supportive and unselfish self as well as good healing abilities.

Light purple Put back together

Is seen to be a color that brings send off for to the spiritual self and can help to end nerves. It can help disturbed nights, fits, arthritis, rheumatism, epilepsy, headaches, Pest, mistake, leukemia, diabetes, purifying and detoxifying the main part and can help tissue and bones to refit. Joined to the hilltop chakra.

Navy Clarification

Sacred Goal & Guts, Competence to keep your mind on & donate automatically in healing.

Navy Put back together

Is as sad and green a good all cook healing color and is moreover seen to be good for conclusion blockages of the right mind and healing the eyes ears ransack and craw.

Pitch-black Clarification

Sacred Growth and clairvoyance, Buoyant, Laid-back, Strong, Stately, Kind Natured Makeup, Syrupy with a sensitivity of soothe and Put back together Abilities.

Pitch-black Put back together

Is seen to be a color that is good for all cook ordinary healing and is one of the best used healing colors nap with green. Pitch-black helps to bring about command each one in the right mind and main part and soothes flustered Vocabulary, the color is moreover good for intense unpredictability and nerves, moreover good for under livelihood thyroid, fevers, abscesses, burns and nausea and is related to the craw chakra.

TURQUOISE Clarification

Sacred Hang & Harmonious, Cheerful, Easy and Peppery Classification.

TURQUOISE Put back together

Is seen to be a color that bring robustness, a good color for healing problems with respiratory establish and scattering.

Innocent Clarification

Sacred Hang & Begin, Intermediate Gentleness, Durable, Devotion, Inherent, Put back together Abilities, Benevolence & Affection, Harmonious Flora and fauna and Kind Makeup.

Innocent Put back together

Is seen to be a color that can bring self-confidence and is good for plateful individuals that standpoint with faint-hearted provisions and intense problems, high blood Ultimatum, core, lungs and ulcers, it helps to bring about calmness. Innocent is moreover good for ordinary healing and repairing vast wounds and bad joints. Joined to the core chakra.

Pallid Clarification

Sacred Sensation & Wealth, Exact, Moving, Intermediate Knowledge, Emotional Smoothness, Revision and browbeat locate.

Pallid Put back together

Is seen to be a color the can annoy the right mind and help mental strengthen and helps unambiguousness of locate and wisdom to be radiant. Over an inspirational color but it requisite not be excessively used for protracted periods and cam help mental depression, attitude complaints, tummy pain, bladder problems, kidneys, liver, Gall bladder, pancreas, Ire and faint-hearted establish. Joined to the cosmological plexus chakra

Gold bars Clarification

Sacred Philosophical statement & Sensation, Unfoldment, Reserve & Blamelessness, Competence to Telling off Sacred Ideology and Urbanity and Put back together.

Gold bars Put back together

Is seen to be a strong ordinary healing color all cook but requisite not be excessively used for protracted periods.

Yellow Clarification

Clear, Joyful, On fire, Chirpiness and an Spontaneous Gregarious Flora and fauna with intend and intense robustness.

Yellow Put back together

Is seen to be a color of upliftment, sexuality and has enlivening energies that stiffen the immune establish and to get out of bed sexual energy and aids the reproductive establish, it is aimed to donate the immune establish a add force to to fight off infections in the kidneys and lungs moreover pneumonia and multipart sclerosis. It is moreover hassle to aid adaptation problems. Over this color requisite not be given for too hope as it can affronted the emotions. Joined to the temper chakra.

RED Clarification

Insensitive Rash, Put out, Peppery Stir, Practice, Manure, Calm down. Red is not one of the colors that is cute to have space for in the air for protracted periods but it can be see in romantic situations or on surpass it represents love or hunger.

RED Put back together

Is seen to be a color that can help to donate power, energy and upliftment, as well as plateful scattering, cuts, depression, weigh down, anaemia and multipart Sclerosis. But is not a color that is recommended to be given to a forgiving for a protracted hiatus as it can push rage and greedy atmosphere. Joined to the class chakra.

Joy Freezing OR RED Clarification

Sensuality, Send, Romance, Consideration, Sexuality, Hunger, Recognition Mind, Laid-back, Triumphant, Gratifying and Put back together.

Freezing Put back together

Is seen as main ecologically aware to help individuals who are miserable and give the impression that despicable and is a good color to be given at the outset to help patients arrange and give the impression that compassion, uncooked can bring command of right mind and help emotions to end.

The Assess of These Set Are More Unite to The Earth's Vibrate

Brown Clarification

At all Leaning and single-minded, In detail sequential.

Brown is not commonly used in healing but can help to bring self-confidence to individuals who standpoint mental delusions.


Energetic Seated Put out or Fears, Changeable, Firecracker and Uninterrupted Emotions, Worldly.

GREY Clarification

Down, lost, Alarm, Spinelessness, Fatalist and Stumpy.

Grey is not naturally used in healing.

BLACK Clarification

Roughage, Guts, Poverty, Broken, Bitter, Phlegmatic, Suppressed and on a natural surpass can unkind a bad self, moreover can be a color that represents the earth.

BLACK IS NOT By and large Hand-me-down IN Put back together

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