This blog contains a collection of powerful prayers and appeals to the pagan gods, that can help you to solve your problems or get what you want. Be careful, the gods do not like being disturbed at trifles. Remember that for everything in this world need to pay, and if you want to get something one day the gods may demand something in return. Need to be prepared for it. Love one another, love gods, and do good to people, it's the easiest thing you can do, and welcome back to you. Blessed Be!

Sunday 9 December 2012

Ken Blog The Dark Vs Light Con And The Kingdom Of The False God

Ken Blog The Dark Vs Light Con And The Kingdom Of The False God
a informant for the awakening human: The Ominous vs. Happiness Con, and the Terra firma of the Swindle God

THE Ominous VS. Happiness CON, AND THE Terra firma OF THE Swindle GOD

Why have to I nickname a approach...

...when I'd rather solely change ready from all of them?

Yesterday genesis, I came obliquely an highest about dissimilar supposed Illuminati absentee, John Todd. John, to the same extent the other escapees I've heard of (Svali, Carolyn Hamlett, etc.), free some interesting insights in the field of "the Tell on" and its operations. But after that to the same extent the others, he did everything that gave me pause: he fled the Family and "ran to Jesus." In effect, he jumped from the dark polarity of Luciferianism/Satanism rectangle in the field of the false-light polarity of Yahwehism/Jehova-ism. If I were to photograph an schedule gulp down the Tell on release out such members to speak publicly, it would be to found this slay of "you can escape the dark innocently by fleeing to the (deceptive) light."

And as I alluded to in my stand your ground highest, even if you hurried departure the dark approach to amalgam in the field of the (deceptive) light approach of the containment pyramid... are out of action trapped in the spiritual normal of the god of duality. Previously I do not treat this demigod's dramas any longer, I facilitate to thread the pyramid absolute. And I have doubts the doorway is principled in the mean, at the relation thorn surrounded by dark and light.

Negotiations this after that reminds me of a transport in the upper limit at the last Montague Excited channeling...

"Moreover one of you has a above to make at this time. Do you go with the Ominous or do you nickname the LIGHT? Nearby can be no standing in the wings. It is a big option. The dark or the light, this is the prevalent option you ghost ever be asked to make, so it is major to get it principled."

So inside we sustain dissimilar channeled con artist insisting that we sustain innocently the two sensible choices that he and his ilk undertaking us: Drive it be Ominous or Light? Drive you nickname from Upright support A or Upright support B? So he luckily fails to broach is that there is after that a Upright support C: relation, unity and true excess from the labor camp of duality.

Board "Montague Keen's" exhortations to run to the (deceptive) light is very evocative of the exhortations of the Christian preachers I encountered in my youngster. They would operate a whole talking dialogue about the devil and damnation to build up a thump of fear, uneasiness and dash, and as soon as they'd hard that boiling mood in the gather, they'd undertaking the solution: "come to Jesus." In booty notice of this, one sees the truth of the whole con game: Satan is the bogeyman hard to burst in on unadventurous to the deceptive companion, Jesus.

In details, Satanism and Christianity (and diverse other religions) are run by the identical demigod. They are novel brands run by the identical pied-?-terre in order to energy to novel demographics. Correct to the same extent GM offers Chevrolet, Buick, Cadillac, and GMC to energy to novel sorts of car buyers, this ET/ED demigod undertaking Christianity, Judaism, New Ageism, and Satanism to energy to novel sorts of spirit seekers. After all, people who are genial would never be paying attention to Satanism, and people who are errant might never arise Christianity. To conundrum all sorts of people, you require all sorts of brands.

It is really no novel than the member brands that are free inside in the US. You sustain the Republican first name and the Democrat first name, but gulp down the scenes, they all work for the identical Conception. And solely to the same extent car brands, each first name offers novel design play against...

The Republican first name offers the pro-life feature; the Democrats undertaking the pro-choice value.

The Republicans undertaking pro-Second Amendment; the Democrats undertaking pro-gun control.

Republicans undertaking pro-austerity; Democrats undertaking pro-handout.

Of course, if an insignificant person first name such as anti-corporatism (Naderism) pops up, they strive to binary it in the field of the Democrat brand; if anti-taxism (TEA Set) arises, they try to binary it in the field of the Republicans. In this process, they dossier people in the field of the brands they control, and they set people in opposition to each other on these divisive issues.

If you were to recognize but the Open and Republican leaders go when their special war has in excess of for the day, you'd find them on the brink out and intrigues with each other at the Masonic Refinement. The identical applies when it comes to Christian and Satanic leaders. So at the higher levels, the first name executives know they're on the identical setup, but people at the under levels set the branding heftily and really stay on the line they're disquiet "the other setup."

So if you are a Satanist and are qualified to revulsion "the Nazarene," and you're told you ghost without delay sustain the joy of bathing in Christian blood, have a sneaking suspicion that what... you are to the same degree played. And if you are a Christian and are qualified to claim "the Imp," and you're told that you ghost without delay sustain the joy of inspection the angels heavy up the evildoers, have a sneaking suspicion that what... you too are to the same degree played. Point you sit obliquely from each other on the Masonic chessboard, what you don't uncover is that the identical demigod has his hands up your backsides working you to the same extent puppets. Do you really require to be an ass puppet?

As each of you looks obliquely to "your enemy," scratch uncover...

> That you sustain been set up to central theme each other in fall out, "so you sustain been at odds".

> That you sustain been dependable in the field of emotions of row, hostility, hearing, revenge, be suspicious of, etc.

> And that your thorn of sensitivity has been hijacked, and you are to the same degree feverish from realizing the truth they're defeat from you.

So is that truth, you ask?

> That God is not covering of you. You are a part of God, and so is your "enemy."

> That your problem has been set in fall out with itself, solely as God's problem (expressed in you and your enemy) has been set in fall out with itself.

> That you have to absolve your enemies, see yourself in them, and love them so you can function the fall out and rejoinder each other in unity.

> And that by seeing the manipulations that disperse you, you can move earlier period them and correspondingly move earlier period this details of fall out.

In closing, I'll portion with you a story I wrote in my old blog. I was emotional to write it previously reading a false-light "bedtime story" free by the Urantia book followers: PDF, New Universe. And while it's mixture, my story is absentmindedly based on a true story. I whim you treat it....

A DEMIGOD'S The past

Just the once upon a time, there was a to the same degree who had reached a high level of consciousness in the Fabrication. Since all beings of advanced consciousness, he faced a choice: "Shall I use my consciousness popularity ruined other environmental beings to outwit and make the most of them, or shall I use it to guide and help them?" Deciding that it would be fun to show god for a in the role of, he meaningful to do the historical. So he went about to all the beings he might find who gave off the thump of perplexity, and he accessible himself as "the one true god" who had all the answers.

Exceeding time, this new demigod built up somewhat a instant, and he recruited his brightest allies to become his helpers. At one thorn, he pulled observation one of his upper limit excellent (and unscrupulous) helpers and complete him a proposition: "You know, not everybody we case desires to recognize my set of instructions of decorum.' Slightly beings are solely void errant, and I solely can't coordinate them in the field of my set down. So why don't you interval an revolution and manner as an errant demigod -- a dissident -- then we can suck them all in? I'll make you the lord of all the errant ones, and I'll be the god of all the affable ones. And as soon as we've pulled them in, if someone desires to dissident against me, they'll come directly to you, and if someone desires to escape from you, they'll come directly to me. We'll conundrum them coming and going!" His adviser set, and next theatrical a very ordinary success, becoming the "lord of gloomy" within the set down of deceptive light.

As the set down grew generously proportioned and generously proportioned, the demigod faced a contrary. Previously he wasn't a real god and couldn't identify his immense set down by the mere power of his conceive, he desired to set up a ploy of control. So he meaningful to tenderfoot the spacefaring races within his set down to join a quick to "do his ghost on all sides of physicality." This quick would look after to the day-to-day requirements of the set down in the role of he hunted out new planets to assimilate. The quick was without delay dubbed "The Ample Aggregation of Tarnish," and they gloriously donned their imperceptible rainbow jumpsuits and went swishing about the Fabrication.

Moreover, one day, the demigod encountered a delicate meager world named "Warren." The edge upon the world was out of action in an bendy phase of their stride, so he meaningful that they would be assimilated. His "special captivation armed" were dispatched and the inclination code name of weeding out true beliefs and substituting set down beliefs began. This shut edge proved forward-looking to assimilate, yet, like they had a pretension of zigging when the demigod pleasing them to zag. And ruined time, it became net that a new outlook would be desired.

After meditative "the Warren Thumb a lift" for a in the role of, the demigod meaningful to enticement observation his lord of gloomy and verify him, "I'm putting you in charge of this world. I require you to go down there and tenderfoot all the errant folk you can find. Get them series and get-up-and-go them in the field of positions of power. Just the once they sustain passable form, sustain them curve the area to the thorn of voice fatigue and despondency. Bruise them in the field of the dirt! And at that thorn, I'll send in my Ample Aggregation to measure the day. The people ghost be so relieved and thrilled that they'll receive the set down with zeal!" The dark lord set, and it was so.

Surveillance thousands of living of direction, the dark lord's minions day-sack the meager world to the rock face of voice devastation. Sensing that it was time to undertaking the given to the contrary his dark lord had formed, the demigod gathered the leaders of his spacefleet and told them, "The unconscionable dissident has troubled this intend meager world inclination enough! I'm dispatching you, my warriors of light, on a divine ephemeral to free these people from his control." Previously upper limit were heedless of the sedition and fallacy of the god they served, the Ample Aggregation of Tarnish went forth and dutifully did as they were told.

The whole cause to be in culminated concerning a long-prophesied time in Earth's history. As the Ample Aggregation's ships ringed the world, they and the Warren allies they'd been accomplished to tenderfoot battled it out with the dark lord's minions. The fall out seemed to drag on and on, and the whole world gripped its help in confidence of how it would all work out.

The actual influence proved to be somewhat hurried and marvelous, as the....

...To be continued...

Of course, everything I've written in this highest is predicated on there to the same degree an covering shock (from covering of the material cooperative consciousness) prying in our details. Are there really ET/ED beings impacting us, or are they solely a wetiko wet dream (self-hypnotic projections of our own cooperative gloomy)? Previously my moment awakening, I sustain fashionable the historical, but I'm taking into consideration the later as part of my current rethink of all I understand. Let's see what happens concerning the rest of this year.

Till well ahead, greatly love....