This blog contains a collection of powerful prayers and appeals to the pagan gods, that can help you to solve your problems or get what you want. Be careful, the gods do not like being disturbed at trifles. Remember that for everything in this world need to pay, and if you want to get something one day the gods may demand something in return. Need to be prepared for it. Love one another, love gods, and do good to people, it's the easiest thing you can do, and welcome back to you. Blessed Be!

Saturday 28 August 2010

It Tough To Ignore The Pope

It Tough To Ignore The Pope
In case you missed it, here's PART 1 of this theory.

Certainly, that created quite a stir in the Comments Section and I get that. However, I just keep coming back to the same things.

How do we reconcile the Scripture from REVELATION 17:3 that states: "So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns."

In prophecy, the "seven heads" we're told (according to the Angel speaking to John in VERSE 9 of that same chapter) "The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth."

Even if you feel you can explain away the other verses pertaining to the coming Antichrist as being applicable to some yet unknown individual and political office (i.e. like believing that the "beast" and the "woman" represent something/someone else entirely) besides being applicable to the office of the Pope, how do you interpret this clear verse and how can you say that it applies to anything but the Vatican where the Pope presides?

If that weren't enough to force you to at least consider this theory, then perhaps these next few news stories will. These are the words of the Pope himself speaking about various issues that have a direct connection to and impact upon end times prophecies.


Now, let's follow some of these recent "bread crumbs" that lead us to this plausible scenario, which we have already seen is rooted in the Holy Bible. I thought it might be a good time to point out the following headlines especially since two more have been added to the mix this week:



So, the first thing he does is try to distract us by telling the world that there's nothing to worry about, and that we shouldn't be concerned with prophecy let alone watching for Jesus' return. What was that!?! Seriously?

Revelation 19:10 says, "The essence of prophecy is to give a clear witness for Jesus." Prophecy is all about Christ. We are also instructed to "watch and pray" for the Lord's return. Jesus Himself chastised the Pharisees for not knowing the signs of the times in His day. So, He wants to us know the signs today, for they instill in us hope for the future and encourage us to evangelize the lost while there is still time. I fear that this influential "religious leader" (like many others) has grown too accustomed to his position of power within the political landscape, and so much so that he has allowed the world (political correctness in particular) to cloud his judgement and understanding of what it means to be a true shepard to the flock.



So, let me get this straight...THE POPE SAYS THAT CHRISTIANS SHOULDN'T BE WATCHING FOR JESUS' RETURN with excitement and enthusiasm (even though the Bible predicts His second coming almost twice as much as His first, and even though Jesus instructed us to), but HE DOES WANT US TO FOCUS ALL OF OUR ATTENTION AND ENERGY ON THE ECONOMY because short-term answers to the financial crisis were not sufficient, even going so far as to say, "It's not enough, as Jesus said, to put patches on an old suit."

Ah yes! Some of the most important words ever spoken by Jesus Christ to His Church were they not? Give me a break! Friends, clearly, we're knee deep into the prophesied apostasy of the end times, are we not?



I kid you not! Here's a direct quote from a recent speech, "We place AT THE FEET OF MARY OUR CONCERNS FOR THE PRESENT AND OUR FEARS FOR THE FUTURE, BUT ALSO OUR WELL-FOUNDED HOPE that with the wise and farsighted contributions of everyone it will not be impossible to listen to one another, meet together and give a concrete response to the widespread aspiration to live in peace, security and dignity."

What happened to Jesus? Now I know why he said that Christians shouldn't be looking for His second coming - - because, as far as the Pope is concerned, Jesus doesn't exist or, He does and He's just not the most important person to the Body of Christ and the Church when you have Mary to turn to. Unbelievable!



The Vatican said a couple of weeks ago that it had signed a deal with the League of Arab States outlining cooperation aimed at promoting "PEACE, SECURITY AND STABILITY." The agreement, signed by the Vatican's senior diplomat Dominique Mamberti and Arab League's Secretary-General Amr Mussa, comes ahead of POPE BENEDICT XVI'S TRIP TO JORDAN AND ISRAEL FROM MAY 8 TO 15. THE PACT, WHICH COVERS POLITICAL AND CULTURAL COOPERATION, WILL BE SYMBOLICALLY SEALED WHEN THE POPE HOSTS MUSSA ON FRIDAY, Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi told AFP. The League's website lists its members as: Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Tunisia, Algeria, Djibouti, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria and Somalia.


Let The Pope Preside Over Jerusalem (May 2009)

Archbishop Cranmer said the following: "It is time the world faced the reality. THERE CAN BE NO PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST AS LONG AS BOTH SIDES MAINTAIN MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE POSITIONS REGARDING THE STATUS OF JERUSALEM. Without sovereignty over this city, Palestinians will never have a 'viable' Palestine. For Jews, it is the indivisible capital of Israel, and sovereignty is non-negotiable. 'Land for peace' goes only so far: Gaza may be negotiated away, parts of the West Bank may be yielded, Jerusalem may be religiously quartered, but sovereignty over the land is inviolable."

Any prophetic bells and whistles ringing in your soul after reading those words? There should be. He goes on to write that: "THERE CAN BE NO POLITICAL SOLUTION TO THIS DISPUTE UNTIL THERE IS A THEOLOGICAL SOLUTION. THERE WILL BE NO PEACE IN THE WORLD UNTIL THERE IS PEACE BETWEEN THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS." Hmmm, I thought Christianity knew that there could be no viable, lasting peace on Earth until Jesus Christ returned to reign and rule over it? Ah, but Cranmer has a solution in mind that's much better than Jesus' return: "WHY NOT INVITE THE MOST RESPECTED THEOLOGIAN ON THE PLANET TO INTERVENE?" Ah yes! I forgot that the Pope is to be revered as though he were Jesus Himself on Earth. Sorry, my mistake.


Look, I have many Catholic family members and friends. Please know that my beef is not with you. Your love for our Lord is evident, and that's not what's being questioned here. You are my Brothers and Sisters in Christ and I love you all dearly. What's being questioned is the audacity of man to defile an institution and our God in so many ways, the least of which is proclaiming that the Pope (whomever he is at the time) is akin to Jesus Christ Himself.

My concern is for a Church denomination and worldwide movement that has become corrupted by the hands of men over the years so much so that it is merely a political entity rather than the spiritual entity it should be.

My problem is with a so-called "religious leader" who doesn't lead us to our Savior Jesus Christ (at least not consistently speaking).

To tell Christians that we should not concern ourselves with watching for His return is unacceptable. To tell Christians that the various social concerns of this world are more important than the spiritual ones is unacceptable. To place ANY concerns and fears we might have in this life at the feet of Mary instead of the feet of Jesus is blasphemy!

Friends, you can light up the Comments Section if you want and throw verbal bombs at me there, but it's never going to change my feelings on this issue. I'm sorry, but I will remain unmoved.

Thus, whether or not there's any connection at all between the Vatican and the office of the Pope with the prophesied Antichrist is immaterial because the mere fact that a "Christian" anything is promoting these kinds of things in the world today is proof positive that we're drowning in spiritual deception, and that we're on the cusp of the start of Daniel's 70th Week/The Time of Jacob's Trouble and the Tribulation.

Pray for spiritual discernment and wisdom now more than ever.

