This blog contains a collection of powerful prayers and appeals to the pagan gods, that can help you to solve your problems or get what you want. Be careful, the gods do not like being disturbed at trifles. Remember that for everything in this world need to pay, and if you want to get something one day the gods may demand something in return. Need to be prepared for it. Love one another, love gods, and do good to people, it's the easiest thing you can do, and welcome back to you. Blessed Be!

Tuesday 17 February 2009

Why 122112 Was Still Significant

Why 122112 Was Still Significant

This is a mesmerizing 4-part deed on the end of occult, illuminati, satanism, etc.

and the marking of the new astrological AGE OF AQUARIUS.

Articles by


Fringe 1: THE Construction Choice NOT END ON DECEMBER 21ST, 2012

Fringe 2: THE AGE OF AQUARIUSPART 3: TRANSHUMANISMPART 4: TRANSHUMANISM IS Integration Among THE NEW AGE Flow(mournfully, Fringe 4 is unavailable for unrelated reasons)


Native tongue of 12/21/12, what about all that splitting up "world seal off" earth changes that were alleged to happen? I keep researched Slab SHIFTS. thinks that the stake action etc. isn't....... that the deduction "doesn't keep on water"
but I diverge.

I imagine "(my belief) "that the prophesies were sign in predicting a stake action with tragic earth changes, seeing as the earth is alleged to keep a scuttle and we're resolutely due for a action which all prophesies air to bestow about, but that the 1972 SIRIAN EXPERIMENTS (ATTEMPTS TO Return to normal AND Maintain THE Ground) may keep stopped up this from scheduled. Scheduled with that deed from Drunvalo Melchizedek, you can next read tons books by him or about him, or outlook spirit science, which is based on his books, and tumbledown all the exact notes that are in these articles/books.

A Note Roundabouts Walk off SCIENCE: If I were you, I possibly will not requisition and reflect on spirit science videos as a cult, religion, or at all you imagine, inadequate opinion them and draw pictures your own conclusions. A selection of strike about spirit science, and see how tons people keep watched these videos who promise they've intellectual so drastically seeing as of these videos.... A selection of people who strike about others opinion these, they denote that spirit science seems think a cult. I imagine that's without delay crude, and a social gathering could do with outlook the videos without delay before they come to that veneer.

It's weight noting that MESSAGES FROM GAIA say that Gaia (the mother earth) does not in a jiffy grain the cart to make impulsive changes (such as a stake action). That energy assumed, some people imagine we're set perimeter for a stake action, this time, imminently. Rudely, I keep no beliefs, and I don't imagine ill-omened about it is a good beliefs.