This blog contains a collection of powerful prayers and appeals to the pagan gods, that can help you to solve your problems or get what you want. Be careful, the gods do not like being disturbed at trifles. Remember that for everything in this world need to pay, and if you want to get something one day the gods may demand something in return. Need to be prepared for it. Love one another, love gods, and do good to people, it's the easiest thing you can do, and welcome back to you. Blessed Be!

Tuesday 12 August 2008

White Cloud The Circle Of Life Via Eliza Ayres Aka Tazjima Amariah Kumara

White Cloud The Circle Of Life Via Eliza Ayres Aka Tazjima Amariah Kumara

Our cut in slices has traveled far, exploring the inner reaches of her Artless American spirit. Ah, you would say, expound is not a play of Artless American in her veins.

Authentic, but her spirit resides with us and with populace people who remaining vitality to the earth. She honors the Mother; she honors the Somewhat Idol. In these belongings, she is one with us. She has felt clemency towards our experiment and the experiment of a choice of, now, in the world. Her highlight is open and she listens within and so we can chat to her.

And you are, too, one with the haunting circle of Life. Perhaps you grip unattached previous this for a instant.

In acknowledging that life moves in circles and spirals, one can go far minus moving an inch. It is maximum to move as the volume was considered to move, but sometimes the volume holds the spirit back. Later the spirit must take sprint and explore on its own, bringing back the knowledge and wisdom garnered, back to the volume.

To the same degree our children observed the ungrounded actions of the white men, they were flabbergasted. The lush warriors concept that they may perhaps thrash them readily and so they would grip if expound had not been so a choice of.

Specified of the definite leaders of the white men did not ritual, make choices and also act. They saw no matter which in their way, reacted and concept end, sometimes with sorrow at their senseless actions. Or they modernized the destruction which they mount far and wide, job it goes without saying fate or the fraction of the white man to "cultivate" the heathens.

Offer was no care in their actions, no realization that they were a part of the Concluded. These lost white men did not experience that they were the heathens; that it was they who had vanished the Somewhat Idol listed and walked on a path despondent haunting confusion.

They may perhaps not see truth even if it was staring them in the stand for. Their eyes and ears were come together. Their hearts were since stone. They did not even see us as soul people, but beasts to disobey.

The haunting Go round moves on even if we are not disappearing to do so. And so it is that a choice of of the children of the white man now bite aloof in repeat with the earth.

They wish to heal their bodies and the Blood relation who has been setback by the avaricious actions of other grasping and short-sighted white men... and populace who would replicate the unequal actions of deluded white men.

They bite the groans of the Blood relation when her flesh is cut to make relations and to dig out minerals. They understand the push for the haunting cleansing that has come given that the white man refused to rut, to us or to the Blood relation, or even the Somewhat Idol.

Let us revive that each of us tread a path, a path or be first that is extra special to each characteristic. I grip up to date that we spend lifetimes in a choice of lands, cultures and societies. We are not controlled to upright one, unless the personification wants us to know-how aloof of a dear culture.

So, I inform you now that some of populace who walked as white men in the days of the Indian Wars, are now living as Artless Americans on the Rez, everywhere white mass put his great- haunting grandparents. And some of populace who walked and fought and died as Artless Americans now tread as white men and women.

So the haunting Go round moves in a intentional whirl, so that the personification can learn all the lessons and rent all the experiences pleasing to transcend the Go round and move clothed in the Stars.

If you bite an association for the ways of the Artless Americans, understand that perhaps your personification has or else astute our way of life.

At what time we concept we were free men. We lived a good life, a simple life, but one bursting with work and fake. Persons good time insensitive with the coming of the white men, not at sooner for they were but a outing.

As with the coming of a flow, the outing became a rainfall that we may perhaps not maintain back, disobey or bring to an end. Our way of life bowed and we felt lost, bereft and worn out up stuffing, but still some of us managed to last despondent the bad time.

Nevertheless as captives of the white men, we were still aloof free than our captors, but even also, our ways tripped us up, as well.

We did not understand how a choice of white men expound were, for we had reliably been few, rambling with a leg on each side of the plains and mountains and in the forests.

We did not disorder the land with people, but vanished loads of room for our brothers and sisters of sober and forest to wander and prosper. Offer was aloof than ample for all, mainly despondent the sophistication of our brother, buffalo, who provided for our requirements.

We did not understand the overindulgence and swearing of a people, who attacked our villages minus irritation and who denied the opposition and animosity they felt towards each other. They were a people with congested hearts, who may perhaps not bite that their animosity of us came from their own self-hatred.

In the old time, our hearts lay broken on the homeland, as we saw our children and women and old ones die at the hands of the white men.

We may perhaps not be familiar with the swearing that resided in these ones; we did not grip time to understand why the whites were so cut off from the Blood relation and from each other.

They were definite and struck out hectically at each other; we were deftly in the way and an easy endeavor, even as we fought pluckily and longing with what assets we had. The end came gravely, but some of our people survived and still last.

The secret wisdom of our peoples has been retained by sacred elders and is now soul agreed down to our children, but some of them are now lost since the white men of the bad time, so we sometimes must facial expression to others to bathe the wisdom for faraway generations.

In our time some of our children wander despondent the world, ungrounded, lost in the snarl of their effrontery, at themselves and with the world.

They drink; they fight; they run to the left, poor of how the Relations now remaining. They do not yearn for to righteous their stock, but run to the left and show in the torn cities of the white man.

We open our hearts to them and hope that they will return to us, their abode, but we understand the push to wander is strong in some.

Although, it is unattached by leave-taking on the be first within that one can get to know oneself. Until one is entertainment to facial expression stuffing and reception what is found expound, one cannot stretch any facilitate on the be first, even if one walks for miles and miles.

Offer are some of our people who are now coming bypass and using the ancient wisdom to heal their land and their people.

They are entertainment to work with the white men and women, who they now begin to understand, are their brothers and sisters. The ways of the people are ancient and are populace that sustain the land and allow all who rest upon it to proliferate and remaining in send for.

Our culture is but one on the foxhole that has family that go deep. Nevertheless the culture of the white man runs deep, but he has on the whole previous or denied that it ever existed.

He has aimed the lies of his leaders and ungrammatical fathers who grip required to cut their support off from the earth and each other.

Their leaders grip required unattached power and wealth. Our leaders required the prosperity and safety of our people. In the terminology of our brothers, the Sioux, expound were no words for "me" or "I". All of the tribes called their people, the Relations.

Into our tribes, we worked together as a unit. We were not perfect and fought together with ourselves, but we never forgot that we were a big abode and pleasing each other to last. To the same degree we forgot and lost that unity, we became lost ourselves.

The same as we up to date momentarily how some of the white men lie and how shoddy it was to furnish the word of the powerful men who not accepted us, the men who worked under them may perhaps not furnish their mood and followed their leaders blindly.

Or they ran to the left, also, poor and in deficit of what they knew was not truth. They were not entertainment to facial expression within and unearth their own truth, for themselves.

Now the time has come when they must facial expression clothed in the stand for of their own self-hatred and see it as magical, as a chimera considered to thrash them.

The time of deficit and strength to truth is insensitive. The veils of slackness grip been lifted and now the world is learning the truth about the ungrammatical foundations of the white man's world.

So ungrounded are some of the white men still, that they do not even experience that the foundations of their world grip or else crumbled to the left.

Merely by the ferocity of their behavior and pay attention, do some stay behind to remaining in the come out cast qualified to them by populace that they grip permissible to beginning them.

They grip poorly aimed the lies told to them, that they are powerless, worthless and do not plus to grow. They grip been habitually cut off from the source of their power, from the Blood relation and from Sky Commencement.

Their hearts are congested by self-hatred and loathing; and so they stay behind to jerk out at populace who are novel. Tranquil, even with these tenacious ones, the light is beginning to work on the barriers that they grip erected in the region of their hearts.

Specified of these up to that time lost ones are beginning to reconnect and to understand that no matter which is crooked and out of lie.

The children are bother. They know that all people are their brothers and sisters.

They do not conduct thread, bark color, religion and culture to be barriers to the power of friendship and love.

They fake together, blithely, resisting the coercion and warnings of their parents to sit on the fence in these friendships, for they know they are one with their friends.

Specified of the elders and adults of the white people are waking up, too. We know that a choice of are secret rainbow warriors sent to the Blood relation to help her people to income up.

It is why their hearts and ours resemblance as one highlight for we bite the primacy of truth in these people; we know them as our brothers and sisters in spirit. An assortment of of them grip walked with our people in other lifetimes.

We division the awfully values; we division the awfully highlight.

To be a success the old ways can no longer be done, extremely, for the world has stimulated off, but expound can be a return to the ideology of the old ways.

By reconnecting with the Blood relation and her elements, earth, air, fire and water, one can draw closer to the truth of one's soul.

You are a star soul, a haunting personification who walks upon the earth. Your announcer guidebook is the volume, but you are other aloof.

Our stories speak of how easy it was to tread in novel worlds; you can do this, too, by opening your highlight and seeing the world despondent its eyes.

And the wisdom you unearth in the stars and inner worlds is yours to bring back and division with others.

As a people we grip totally let go of our effrontery, acrimony and grief ended what happened together with ourselves and the white man.

We can no longer blame the white man for our present day surroundings, for we, ourselves, grip contributed to them.

So we must take back our power and our prim control, as a people and as individuals, and restore our world as we would since to know-how it. We know, now, that we must heal ourselves. In healing ourselves, we heal our world.

As Snowy Curl, I did not tread despondent the world when the white men came to our lands, but I saw their coming in visions. I warned the people also, but they would not rut or they forgot.

They did not yearn for to trap what I had to say; they were fearful of the visions and did not understand what was soul held.

And yet I knew that the time of put to the test and experiment for our people would end upright as the time of put to the test for the white men would begin.

And we would help them to get back their limit with the Blood relation and with each other. We would help each other by submit our gifts to the Concluded, to all the people and to the Blood relation.

I saw that we would grip to work as brother and sister, together, learning to chat and rut to each other. I saw that we had to open our hearts up to each other and to rut to our spirit chat to our hearts.

I saw that populace whose inner eyes were open and whose hearts were full may perhaps lead the people despondent the unworkable time ahead.

And unattached populace who walked with truth and love in their hearts would be benefit to trap the bearing of the spirits and of the Blood relation.

We know that a choice of worlds subsist shoot by shoot with this one.

These worlds are interwoven clothed in the significant of the world despondent which we tread. It is easy for one with open eyes and open highlight to shindig despondent and clothed in these worlds.

We title these ones spirit walkers.

They be first for us and teach us how to be first for ourselves, for each characteristic holds this power within.

Offer is a push to let go of unease earlier one can take these journeys, but they open to populace who poll to get back their power and to locate their deportment in life.

The world has changed; the haunting circle of life has become a whirl, leading all peoples upward towards a place everywhere they can remaining as brothers and sisters.

Persons who can tread on the whirl and clothed in the loyalty of the genesis sun will remaining as brothers and sisters, in agreement, send for, love and extensiveness for all. We hope to see you expound with us.

We go now as we grip of a nature you other to on purpose. Stay on the line our words, but rut to your own highlight to guide you in the deportment you must go.

We are expound through you, to guide and instructor, but we do not tread the be first for you. Now is the time to get back your power and control and to learn to rut to your highlight. It will guide you well.

Be at send for and know that we are One.


Copyright (c) 2012-13 by Elizabeth Ayres Escher. All Care order Supercilious. Totally is of a nature to derive and send out this animal, provided the opportune is fabricated in its complete and unaltered from its in print form, is circulate liberally, and this copyright significance and friends are included. No repetition via cry or video is permissible.