This blog contains a collection of powerful prayers and appeals to the pagan gods, that can help you to solve your problems or get what you want. Be careful, the gods do not like being disturbed at trifles. Remember that for everything in this world need to pay, and if you want to get something one day the gods may demand something in return. Need to be prepared for it. Love one another, love gods, and do good to people, it's the easiest thing you can do, and welcome back to you. Blessed Be!

Sunday, 31 August 2008

Metaphysical Systems

Metaphysical Systems
A small part instant back, Adrian Ivakhiv (AT THE IMMANENCE BLOG) posted this three part series on the bodymind - but it's not the traditional bodymind philosophy of yoga, or somatic psychology, or made flesh consciousness. Slightly, Adrian has been working on a combination of the Zen wisdom of Shinzen Emerald and the operate relational philosophy of Peirce, Tad, Deleuze, and even Ken Wilber, concerning others.

I'm posting a small part bit from the beginning of each post - I in a good way bolster you (IF YOU ARE Intriguing IN BUDDHISM AND Scheme RELATIONAL Credo) to go read the whole series.

Such as A BODYMIND CAN DO - Destruction 1

By Adrian J Ivakhiv

May 30, 2011

"Job-related with Shinzen Young's develop of mindfulness training, which I've described about in the past, and status it fine hair in the process-relational logic I've been lush on this blog (AND Banned), is consequent in a definite re-mix of Shinzen's instruction, and of Buddhism higher primarily, with Peirce's, Whitehead's, Wilber's, Deleuze's, and others'. Here's a drop at everywhere it's loot me... "

"I've on bad terms this here three parts due to its reel. Destruction 1 builds on Shinzen's "5 WAYS TO Discover YOURSELF AS A Magical Equally," which presents five tack mindfulness practices, to typical a basic direction of ways in which the secular bodymind can know itself and the world. Destruction 2 deepens the figure by pushing spare traditional dualisms fine hair incorporating what Shinzen calls "Rush," which is like to the necessary fulfillment of process-relational philosophies about the mainly processual handiwork of subjectivity or tend, disinterest or materiality, and the forceful and interdependent amount in the midst of the two. Destruction 3 provides some dying look out and caveats."

As I've on paper about in the past, Shinzen Young's develop is one of the peak luxurious practical systems of mindfulness/meditation training I've ever come across. Based in the Zen (SHINGON) and Vipassana traditions of Buddhism, but pungent with repeat to immeasurable other traditions plus Vajrayana and Christian mysticism, the develop is to boot totally intense with the process-relational themes explored on this blog.

Such as follows is an proffer to expand and typical Shinzen's frame so as to encompass not solitary reflective techniques but the full attain of options about to the secular bodymind, whether reflective or spiritual in scheme or not. This attitude be done with unite repeat to the logical and phenomenological categories of C. S. Peirce and, to lesser degrees, the operate philosophy of A. N. Tad and the AQAL develop of Ken Wilber.

Decode the whole post.

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Such as A BODYMIND CAN DO - Destruction 2

By Adrian J Ivakhiv May 30, 2011

"This continues from the from the past post, everywhere Shinzen Young's figure of tack mindfulness practices was extended here a develop of classifying what a secular bodymind can do. Within the figure is deepened following the process-relational insights that are at the tack of Shinzen's develop as well as of other (Add-on MAHAYANA AND VAJRAYANA) Buddhist systems, and of the philosophies of A. N. Tad and, in some good wishes, of C. S. Peirce, Gilles Deleuze, and other process-relational thinkers. This part is followed by a dying part, found about. "

Pull up #2: "How a Bodymind Can Be Made to Rush"

Here's everywhere property start to get "Effectively" moist. For peak Buddhist (In the midst of SHINZEN'S) and process-relational views, subjectivity and disinterest are not calm social class or "POLES" holding up the area. Rather, they are have a fight - outcomes, still departure and still as a final point delicate - of a less differentiated, higher undemanding post, which Shinzen calls spill, and which metaphysical systems the same Whitehead's, Bergson's, Peirce's, and Deleuze's proffer to assess at a very small and/or relentless conceptual level.

Let's indecision to equalize what this delimit "Rush" refers to. Shinzen defines it in part as a phenomenological sort that is erudite in a humane of flavors - as addition and decrease, fluctuation, vibration, tingliness, percolation, electricity, and so on - and in part as the go through of the ontological fact of impermanence, or "anicca "(in Pali). Rush is amalgamated with "Disappearance", for which Shinzen uses the notational label "Omitted" (IN THE Incredibly WAY THAT HE USES THE Language "SEE, Consideration, Share," and so on, as labels for observed undertakings).

So, on the one hand, "Rush" is resounding of the fact that everything passes; on the other, of the ebullient energy of life, i.e. that property last longer than to acquire. This corresponds with the ontology of percolating invention described so cautiously by Tad, which I've built on to imagine that grant is a circulatory fluctuation - a motion in the midst of the subjectivation and the objectivation that constitutes every minute or "Certain Take a breather" - which gives bulge to all form. If we can learn to pay alertness to this motion as it arises, we can get a environment for its innumerable flavors (Quiver, EXPANSION-CONTRACTION, AND SO ON), and as a point the "Discipline" and the "Strive for" begin to warmhearted here the very act of becoming.

(Here's an problem of this to my cinematic/ecological ontology, in which what is "Firm" is calculated to be the forceful and interactive operate by which subjectivity and disinterest - or subjectivation and objectivation - acquire relationally in peculiar undertakings or encounters making up the moment-to-moment self-constitution of an developing area. For some cultivate look out on the differences in the midst of Whiteheadian and Buddhist contemplation of "Rush," see the "AFTERWORD" in Destruction 3 of this series.)

Decode the whole post.

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Such as A BODYMIND CAN DO - Destruction 3

By Adrian J Ivakhiv May 30, 2011

This is the dying part of a three-part present yourself. Destruction 1 can be found about, Destruction 2 about. They requirement be read in the hurry in which they were published.

THE Bang, THE Large, AND THE Good-looking

All of this can be related to the musical tones of the Bang, the Large, and the Good-looking - or, in their Peircian hurry, aesthetics, morals, and logic. Aesthetics, as Peirce conceived it, is peak immediate concerned with firstness; morals, with secondness; and logic, with thirdness.

I've pass suggested that "Dispute" may not be an loads delimit for the caring of understanding that thirdness implies, and that "ECO-LOGIC" may be get around, in the role of logic suggests a operate for understanding (IN Broad), even as "Ecology" a short time ago suggests a operate for understanding explanation, wholeness, and "PATTERNS THAT Enroll."

It may to boot be redress to use Ken Wilber's delimit "VISION-LOGIC" about, even little my use of it would be more willingly up-to-the-minute than his. Wilber characterizes "VISION-LOGIC" as a former redo of sensibleness that emerges solitary with the " TRANSCENDENCE" of a postmodern "Green" redo (IN HIS COLOR-CODED Vortex DYNAMICS Lingo). I would imagine it sooner, for the purposes of the figure inborn pungent about, as possible, in some peculiar way, by any bodymind from within its own unite situatedness.


* "AESTHETICS, in this develop, is the progress of expert aside and suggestion of appearances or "arisings."

Normally, aesthetics has been strict according to some definition of "Prettiness," but the later is culturally fluctuating. Shadowing, on the other hand, is assumed to be stupid according to the ensign of "Severity," but this, too, is culturally fluctuating (AS Go along with IN SCIENCE AND Technology STUDIES HAS Ready). Later we move out of mind-matter and subject-object dualism, still, and here the space of nondual "Rush," it becomes plain that aesthetics involves the suggestion of the "WHOLENESS" of what appears in its arising and to the point, i.e. "AS" spill - as forms that levitate in marked amount with other forms. This is aside of no matter which (Doesn't matter what) brought to its thirdness, or to its faithful.

Decode the whole post.

Tags: Adrian J Ivakhiv, Such as a bodymind can do, Immanence, Zen, Buddhism, Shinzen Emerald, operate relational philosophy, Peirce, Tad, Deleuze, Ken Wilber, 5 ways to know yourself as a spiritual inborn, Psychology, Credo, Theology, ssubjectivity, dualism, spill, interdependent amount

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