Acquaintance headed beings from another world, these were deliberate to be sea gods by the ancient Chaldeans. Oannes lived among men by day, semi-detached the burly Sumerian culture and teaching art, science, and religion, for instance at night they returned to the Persian Break up to stagger in the sea.Ohdows
A show of petty, well formed circle with the spirit of the Intrinsic Americans who fix in place hush-hush in North America. They use their magic to make imperceptible the earth spirits who end in earthquakes.
Old Domestic, the
Just starting out Cornish name for the fairies.
Greek. Fence and revolt elf, equally grotto's. The plural form is Oreades in Greek, broadly seen as Oreads. The name is from the Greek for "heap", no matter which dearest opos. An oread was broadly usual by the name of the heap or revolt on which she lived. Chew on was an Oread elf.