This blog contains a collection of powerful prayers and appeals to the pagan gods, that can help you to solve your problems or get what you want. Be careful, the gods do not like being disturbed at trifles. Remember that for everything in this world need to pay, and if you want to get something one day the gods may demand something in return. Need to be prepared for it. Love one another, love gods, and do good to people, it's the easiest thing you can do, and welcome back to you. Blessed Be!

Tuesday 20 August 2013



Thank you for snug me to be on the make known Steven

I would equivalent to make a observe popular the priestly implications of my work.

Fixed time my website The Bible UFO String has the word Bible in it, I am a biblical theologian, and I was skilled to be Baptist priest, I am not priestly in the mean persuade of the word. I am not united with any religion, I am not part of a church and I do not procure instrument. I "AM" priestly from the actual biblical definition of religion. The on its own time religion is scrupulous in the Bible, it states the following: "Straight religion and undefiled in advance God and the Jump is this, To make sure the fatherless and widows in their disease, and to keep himself unspotted from the world." That's from James 1:27 In simple conditions it groove we ought to accept attention of the inadequate and keep our evenhandedness in the world as unharmed as discretionary. I practice that religion including an group called Turn round Sector Village Supplies Reason in Berkeley, California, which provides light cookery in an economically withering domain of Berkeley, and vague to an major and contribution person.
I witness all religions and I beleive my test proves that the concepts I parade from the Bible are reflected in most, if not all, of the grand religons. As a theologian, I accept the apposite to question church ethics based on a crass observe in the very Bible the church claims as its authority: "Illustrate all things; hunk fast that which is good." from Thessalonians point 5, verse 21. Bar my work has been compared to others, I do not subscribe to, nor do I include the theories or concepts of others in my work, I do my own test, and I be an indication of on its own the have a spat that test. In simpler conditions I am not a Bible-thumping, hell fire and brimstone, priestly whacko, with a holy ax to plod. It is not my goal to rear your thought, exactly to parade concepts in an academic way, that attitude make you grasp uncovered the womanhood priestly box.

How I got trendy this rule was actually a very logical school with a totally out of the blue transpire. I was raised and skilled to be a Baptist priest from the age of nine, but while ingoing academy I began to question the canons of the church and not here the church in advance ordination. Over the in the rear three decades, I strenuous theology independently and pursued my education in areas that I notion were relevent to my theological concepts. I intially strenuous qualified theology, which spurred my require in the mysterious. My vocation, better the endure 20 being has been in invention, which led to an in-depth study of the Overpowering Pyramid. And, that resulted in my introductory published work; a website noble The Giza Astrologer - The Overpowering Pyramid, which is now part of my command website The Bible UFO String at

In the course of measure that test I naked a biblical verse that influence be referring to the Overpowering Pyramid. In the Convey of the forward planner Isaiah we find these words, "In that day shall in attendance be an altar to the Member of the aristocracy in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a foundation at the cut ther to the Member of the aristocracy" Isaiah 19:19

Roundly, apposite in the feeling of the Nile Delta sits the Overpowering Pyramid, the principal skeleton on Den, so advanced that the natural copper tools and just about non-existent skills of the ancient Egyptians could not concede conclude such an architectural dumbfound. It's moreover slow an imposible mission in the modern world, even with our ably advanced apparatus. Highest engineers studying the Overpowering Pyramid given that path had to be complicated, for an clear chance. Particular of the stones used were up to 70 lots, the weight of a modern train locamotive and the shell greatness of the Nile finished floating the stones kitty-cornered the flood absent. All the quarries from which the stones were cut lie kitty-cornered the Nile flood from the Giza Plateau and in attendance were no barges eclectic loads to breeze such a enlarge weight, consequently, or now. My studies trendy the Overpowering Pyramid had in the past led me to atmosphere that on its own an advanced apparatus, probably an ancient unexpected family could concede conclude this execution.

I figured that if the God of the Old Memorial placed a sculpture in Egypt the Overpowering Pyramid without a doubt would puff that cast. So, on a fad, my theological rush led me to study path the Bible to see if I could, probably, find an subsidize of how that sculpture could concede been built.

The place, of course, everyplace path happens, is in the sky, so that's everyplace I started. To my suprise, the words, sky or skies on its own appeared 11 become old in a Bible containing better 770,000 words and everyplace most comings and goings happened uncovered. All the gear one appointed to see in the sky, such as birds, smoke, storms, stars and such, were all described as being in fantasy or the tell. Upon scrutiny the meanings of the word fantasy, for the introductory time as a theologian, I had the exact belief as most Chrisitains, in what's more the Old and New Testaments, I found that the word fantasy is used better 700 become old in the Bible and is translated just about particularly from two assorted words. The Hebrew word 'shamayim' which is scrupulous as 'the flavor, the place everyplace the smoke and stars are, in the Old Memorial, and in the New Memorial, from 'shamayin', the Aramaic word of the exact definition; the sky.

In other words, just about every place the word fantasy is used in the Bible it ought to completely be rendered, the sky, not some other realm or level called Fantasy, everyplace God dwells, or everyplace we attitude be rewarded with an infinity in a divine retirement home.

Because I did find described as in the air in fantasy, which I now knew was the sky, were these divine beings in the air, landing, steal off from the domain, and floating in covered, swift, and circling smoke, lively, dark, and low smoke, conquering and cheerful smoke, deep smoke and a small number of smoke, and blazing smoke. God and the angels are described as interactions voices, sounds, and lights from these smoke, downhill out of, or swelling trendy these smoke, and men are guided by, rostrum up trendy, or create persons smoke to concede meetings with these beings, or to travel from one place to the other. And that's on its own the smoke.

Offering are moreover the platforms, vessels, revolving chariots of fire, sky thrones, deep fires, whirlwinds, blazing wheels, pavilions, conquering storms, sky dwellings, rolls, and sanctuaries. Whether or not one believes these important are actually in the air vehicles the God of the Bible lives in, appears with, and appointments in, is a problem of feeling. The fact he and other divine beings are muscularly described as unpaid united with these in the air important, is incontrovertible.

The meticulous categorizing of better 1000 biblical verses, led to the unearth that the Gods and divine beings of the Bible travel in without delay in the air, fierce, dazzling, circling, metallic important, which element dark and organized equivalent low smoke in dawn, although brightly lit, with anticipated beams of light at night. These important blunder to the domain, increase trendy the sky, and hover improved the domain for yearning periods. Sounds are broadcast from them, and they zoom power to alter the natural laws. Humans and other beings are described as rising up trendy and downhill down from these important and set of time is out of the ordinary. In most of the world's ancient writings persons beings called gods frequently fly in important with very block metaphors to persons in the Bible.

The chance this is so important is that it questions the very mind of the gods of the world and challenges the beliefs of 2 billion Christians. If I am apposite the wide-ranging world is now under the roll upward, no pun doomed of the final entrap in the mortal experiernce.

Persons 1000+ verses are grouped on the Bbible UFO String website under five basic headings: The Vehicles - Because are they flying?
Gather Natural history - How do these vehicles fly?
The Beings - Who is single party these vehicles?
The Equipment - Do these high tech vehicles display a high level of advanced apparatus or is it all exactly miracles and metaphor?
AND Detailed Encounters - Detailed encounters of the biblical sort with these vehicles.
This can all be accessed from the top of the command page at And that is how the work began at a meer 6 pages, but it has now prolonged to better 3000 web pages, which concede been viewed better 12 million become old.