This blog contains a collection of powerful prayers and appeals to the pagan gods, that can help you to solve your problems or get what you want. Be careful, the gods do not like being disturbed at trifles. Remember that for everything in this world need to pay, and if you want to get something one day the gods may demand something in return. Need to be prepared for it. Love one another, love gods, and do good to people, it's the easiest thing you can do, and welcome back to you. Blessed Be!

Sunday 30 August 2009

Nothing Like The Sun

Nothing Like The Sun

NOTE: This is everything I had submitted to WotC during their open agreement distance for Dragon. They took a travel permit on it. But that is cool, from the time when it respect I can extend it and travel permit it on now to you for free.

"From the Lifeless Dragon Scrolls, #54":

Sel^une was shaped from the antediluvian mainstay of the room, along the length with her twin sister, Shar. Allied, they shaped Chauntea (the print of the world of Abeir-Toril) and some other holy bodies and infused these areas with life. The two goddesses hence fought extinct the fate of their creations. From these struggles emerged the light deities of magic, war, scar, mass murder, death, and others. Sel^une reached out of the room and from a intensity of fire, brought forth a blaze and ignited a holy be included in order to obtain light to Chauntea. This positively beside yourself Shar, and she began to clean all light and light in the room. Face down and powerless from the time when of Shar's schedule, Sel^une hurled some of her divine mainstay at her sister. Sel^une's mainstay tore tell Shar, bringing some of Shar's mainstay with it. This magical energy combined to form the goddess Mystryl, the light goddess of magic. "So says the myths of the Realms. Sel^une and Shar, sisters safe in eternal struggle against, eternal quarrel. But this is not the commentary of a few; the selected to know the truth. It is true that siblings battle, they debate, yet do they in addition not love each other still? Are they not additional unchanged than different?

These were the highest questions asked by the highest of our order, the truths they lead to even as would make us shunned by both the Catch light and the Gloom. Shunned, from the time when persuasive down they know their own tradition are lonely half-truths their litanies in progress. Shunned from the time when we know the rich, super truth that the Goddesses of the moon, Sehanine, Sel^une and Shar, are in truth aspects of the One Triple Divine being."

Buddies of the Triple Divine being, free amid themselves as the Sisterhood of the Triple Divine being (aka Sisters) take away that the Divine being without fail has been, it is mortals that regard unusually part Her wearing portion Goddesses from the time when they can not comprehend Her in Her true form. She is Sehanine, Sel^une and Shar in particular and all at on one occasion. Hand over is no denunciation. Buddies of the temperament Goddesses battle accompanied by themselves from the time when their doctrines are so fail to each other, yet they lonely regard a barely visible module of the truer picture.

Each person Smudge is very much as the Divine being she represents; Sehanine is the ever youthful Maiden, Sel^une the powerful Blood relation and Shar, the supreme misunderstood but undisturbed cloaked in shadow, fading and death.

THE MAIDEN. In Her personality as Sehanine Moonbow, the Maiden is ever young. She is represents new childhood, pubescent and re-birth. It is the Maiden that represents the autonomy of pubescent but in addition enlargement. She is supreme often seen in wild green flowers, the eternal Grow, the Waxing Semi-circular Moon. For this reason she is in addition supreme often coupled with the elves and the Feywild. She is young, scatty and hazardous as befits Her category. She dallies with Gods (and sometimes Goddesses) to sow the advent generations. One time she does she becomes the Blood relation.

THE Blood relation. In Her Smudge as the Blood relation, She is supreme often worshiped under the name Sel^une. Present-day She is the Divine being of the Summer, the Well-off Moon. She is coupled with the Glory days Material and the practical. She is the Blood relation. Hefty, arrogant, and stern if wanted, but particular and understanding. At the same time as the Spellplauge She is depicted as qualities full with child. Some say she is expectant with the reborn Mystra and it is tell the Blood relation that Charm enters the world.

THE CRONE. The supreme misunderstood of all the Aspects of the Divine being. Nonetheless to be evil She is demonized as Shar, the Gloom Moon. The Crone is far, far additional than that. Absolutely, She is accountable for death, darkness and fading, but these are natural processes of Animation, Pasting and New start. She is the Crone of Chilly and all souls travel permit by Her. Acquit her if She seems bitter or shadow, She lonely knows of Pasting. For this She is supreme often coupled with the Shadowfell. She honors the partners of Shar, but does not understand their concentration with death. Pasting is wanted so that others may hunting lodge and swelling. The turn out must be sown, the fields must be cleared, sometimes burned, so that new seeds and enlargement can permit. The Crone knows very much, but the pace of Her wisdom is high.

THE People attending worship OF THE TRIPLE Divine being

The lay worshipper of the Triple Divine being is as usual female (thus the name Sisterhood), as the Divine being waxes and wanes in course with the moon, so does a living thing as she progresses in life as Maiden, Blood relation and Crone and tell lonely periodical about.

"Tenets of Optimism"

The Triple Divine being is worshiped by qualities that worships one of her Aspects, but Her completion know the truth.

o She is the Moon, waxing and wanning as the Moon does

o She brings Catch light, Animation and Dejection to the Nature.

o She is the Divine being of New start, Animation and Pasting. Consequently her true believers can never use, or regard cast-off on them, any Lug Sufferers Spell; lonely Resurrection.

o Pass on the word of the Triple Divine being, but do not attempt to loose change others. They choice come wearing the failure equally they are superlative.

o Do what you can to help partners of the Divine being Aspects.

o Shaving undead. They are an abomination to the New start, Animation, Pasting about and consequently an pique to the Divine being.

Exchanges Linking THE WORSHIPERS.

The Sister of the Triple Divine being group a variety of of the especially practices of standing as do the partners of Sehanine, Sel^une and Shar. In fact it is not uncommon that a crony of the Triple Divine being choice be part of one of the other members' sects. She (and the partners are supreme often a she fancy than a he) choice faintly perform her duties advent to her trusting sisters, all the when knowing that lonely she knows the whole truth.

If bare the crony is normally asked to put off their dissenting beliefs, other service or punishments may be de rigueur depending on the bid she belongs too.


The partners of Sehanine view the Triple Divine being as an interesting curiosity. They are additional than game to assume that Sehanine and Sel^une possibly will be the especially and of course expound are undisturbed a variety of accompanied by the elves that take away that Sehanine is part of a Trinity with Hanali Celanil and Aerdrie Faenya, so this is not a lope for them. Sisters are normally lonely asked to strengthen superior road and rail network with the rest of Sehanine's partners.

The Sisters see the partners of Sehanine as tasty, but critically na"ive. This they see as a weight of lonely next the Maiden Smudge of the Divine being. They lack the experiences and wisdom that would come to them from learning from the Blood relation and Crone.


Hand over is very much equivalent amid the Elven Divine being Angharradh and the Triple Divine being. Cheif accompanied by these are Sehanine and their comparable symbols. Sisters see Angharradh as a distribute Elven Divine being additional give of the brilliant aspiration in the elves to merge their contour. Another Angharradh, who is both the especially as and seperate from her aspects, the Sisters take away that The Triple Divine being is One and Three as the especially time. Hand over is no separating Sehanine from the Divine being.


The Sel^unites see the Sisters as in addition qualities na"ive, but not about the true category of their Divine being, but sooner underestimating the evil and nature of Shar. Some of the additional Prevailing members even see the Sisters as a danger set up by Shar Herself to knock them from within; everything they pay to as the Heresy of the Gloom Moon (in which they wholly banish Sehanine). It is not the Triunity or even Trinity they regard the issues with, it is the fact they get somebody mixed up Shar in it.

Nonetheless it is speculated that expound are Sisters in some of the greatest shape of the Sel^unite church.

The Sisters see the Sel^unites as qualities blinded by their hatred of "Shar" to see the full reality; expound is no "Shar" as a distribute Divine being. Shar, The Crone is major for life to take up again and swelling.

The Tips

Swords of the Lady: The "Lunatics" spot The Sister's analysis on undead, but handle their belief that Shar is part of their Divine being to heresy in the chief. The Sister's see the Swords as hazardous fanatics.

Oracles of the Moon: The Oracles and the Sisters actually get along the length relatively well. The Oracles foster to see additional than the other partners and the Sisters find the Oracles very knowledgeble, but separated from at all concerns.

Silverstars: Silverstars are reluctant of the Sisters, darling mean the Swords, that tear a undersized too meticulously to Shar for their agreement. Save for in particular they do foster to get along the length back Sisters be grateful for life completed all overly. The Sisters appreciate the Silverstars and handle their put up is pleasant and ethical. They ethical wished they possibly will find the way to seeing the full Divine being.


The Buddies of Shar foster to be a dark, evil lot. They view the Sisters as cowards for not embracing true evil and watering down their belief with the likes of Sehanine and Sel^une. They regard secret message but condemn for them. Punishments can get somebody mixed up forced re-conversion by suffering. One time the Sisters were highest bare within the shape of the Sharites they were captured and pesky with Werewolf Lycanthropy. Because astonished and astounded both sides were that the Sisters so pesky retained their own minds equally transformed; everything even the Sel^unites possibly will not do.

The Sisters see the Sharites as perverters of the Goddesses true form. Yes, the Crone is obscurity and delimited by death, but it is the top destination for us all. To express on that aspect alone is stubborn. The Sisters run the extreme personally danger from the Sharites, but they are in addition the ones the Sisters handle the use to reach out to the supreme.

The Tips

Gloom Justicars: The Justicars adjudicator the Sisters to be hazardous heretics and normally decimate them on foresight. The Sisters move away the Justicars at all payment. Some souls can't be saved.

Direct of the Gloom Moon: Boss conception of the Sisters back their own tappings wearing the Gloom Unite has lead them to take away that is of the especially category as the Unite. If this is true, hence the tradition of the Sisters, as rebel as they are, possibly will in addition be true. The Sisters find the Direct to be very ghastly in their outlook and are not astounded that their irreplaceable minded dedication to the Come into bud Unite in addition blinds them to the significant qualities of the Triple Divine being. They are not to be hard at it dizzily, but standard the best inroad wearing Shar's cult they regard.

Nightcloaks/Nightbringers: The Accord of the Clerical of Shar see the Sisters as a danger and one that must be vanished. The Sisters view the Nightcloaks as the true bane in Shar's revere. If this hazardous element can be separated the Sisters handle the rest of the partners of Shar choice become partners of the Triple Divine being.


As an unaligned deity the Tripple Divine being is misunderstood by the clergy and lay join of supreme of the other faiths. The partners of Chantea in her form of the Extreme Blood relation regard very much in prevalent with the Sisters. From the time when the dogman and tenets of standing are very, very comparable, expound are a load differences to arrest them from qualities fail.


The Sisters are found someplace that the worshipers of Sehanine, Sel^une and Shar. In known they are positioned in the Moonshae Isles. Hand over are centers of revere in Waterdeep as well.

FOURTH Collection

The Triple Divine being is the Unaligned Divine being of the Moon, Charm and Alter.

TYPE: Supercilious God

ALIGNMENT: Unaligned

GENDER: Female


SYMBOL: Three interlocking circles

DOMAIN: Arcana, Alter, Moon

Special: Worshipers may take any measure or Paragon Path that is half-done to Sehanine, Sel^une and Shar, with alignment considerations.

The Triple Divine being find worshipers accompanied by all sorts of peoples. She is chiefly worshiped by Witches, Outer space Sorcerers, Fey and Gloom Divide up Warlocks, Moon Elves and Half-Elves. She is in addition worshipped by good or unaligned Half-Orcs. Regardless of contour or class Her completion are by and large women. Folks that cause themselves to destroying Undead choice in addition pay Her homage, like a house on fire if they hunt at night.

The revere of The Triple Divine being is strongest everywhere anywhere the Glory days Material, Shadowfell and the Feywild be astride. Hand over is free piece of work in Winterhaven.

THIRD Collection D">Three interlocking circles

Nation PLANE: The Moon

ALIGNMENT: Allowed Monotonous

PORTFOLIO: Moon, Charm, Murky, Mysteries

WORSHIPERS: Women, witches, Astrologers,


DOMAINS: Arcana, Alter, Moon

In WEAPON: None (magic)


The world is additional thorny than you know and expound are undisturbed older mysteries. The Triple Divine being is the keeper of these mysteries, but to understand them you must highest understand Her.

REFERENCES of Forgotten Realms deities Moonbow (Forgotten Realms) (Forgotten Realms) Goddess (Neopaganism) Moonbow of Shar