This blog contains a collection of powerful prayers and appeals to the pagan gods, that can help you to solve your problems or get what you want. Be careful, the gods do not like being disturbed at trifles. Remember that for everything in this world need to pay, and if you want to get something one day the gods may demand something in return. Need to be prepared for it. Love one another, love gods, and do good to people, it's the easiest thing you can do, and welcome back to you. Blessed Be!

Sunday 23 March 2008

Invocation To Isis

Invocation To Isis Cover
Iris was the goddess of the rainbow, the messenger of the Olympian gods, particularly of the goddess Hera (see Hera) whose orders she brought to humans. For the coastal-dwelling Greeks, the rainbow's arc was most often seen spanning the distance between cloud and sea, and so the goddess was believed to replenish the rain-clouds with water from the sea. Her name contains a double meaning, being connected both with iris, "the rainbow," and eiris, "messenger." She is able to change shapes and when delivering messages to mortals Iris assumes the appearance of a mortal known to those who receive the message. If Zeus had a command to be given to another Immortal, Iris would deliver it; if he wished to make his will known to humanity, Iris would descend to the earth where she would either appear in borrowed mortal shape or divine form. Iris is the daughter of Thaumas (son of Pontus and Ge) and the Oceanid Electra, and sister to the Harpies. She was born in the mists of the sky just when the sun came out.As such, she is often pictured with wings, and personifies the rainbow. Iris once saved her siblings from death. The Harpies were loathsome winged female creatures who daily would swoop down and eat and befoul the food of the blind seer Phineus. When the Argonauts Calais and Zetes, winged sons of the North Wind, Boreas, caught up with the Harpies and were about to kill them, Iris appeared and beseeched the sons of Boreas to spare the lives of the Harpies. She promised that if they let them live, the Harpies would never again bother Phineus.

Invocation To Isis:

Isis of the Moon,
You who are all that ever was,
All that is,
And all that shall be:
Come, veiled Queen of Night!
Come as the scent of the sacred lotus
Charging my circle
With love and magick.
Do descend upon my circle,
I pray,
O Blessed Isis!

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