The Show all the signs Unwilling Modernism
Limited by His Holiness St. Pius X September 1, 1910
TRADITIO Neat Roman Catholic Internet Summit
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UPDATED: 07/31/13
To be sworn to by all clergy, pastors, confessors, preachers, religious superiors, and professors in philosophical-theological seminaries.
Ego N. N. Firmiter amplector ac recipio omnia et singula, quae ab
inerranti Ecclesia magisterio definita, adserta ac declarata sunt,
praesertim ea doctrinae capita, quae huius temporis erroribus directo adversantur.
I.... tenaciously continue and bite the bullet each and every definition that has been set forth and declared by the unerring teaching committee of the Cathedral, truly live in basic truths which are straight away opposed to the errors of this day.
Ac primum quidem: Deum, rerum omnium principium et finem, naturali
rationis lumine "per ea quae facta sunt" hoc est, per visibilia
creationis opera, tamquam causam per effectus, certo cognosci, adeoque demonstrari etiam posse, profiteor.
And initial of all, I profess that God, the origin and end of all things, can be intimate with authenticity by the natural light of ruminate from the shaped world (see Rom. 1:90), that is, from the visible works of induction, as a cause from its things, and that, therefore, his existence can moreover be demonstrated.
Secundo: externa revelationis argumenta, hoc est facta divina, in
primisque miracula et prophetias admitto et agnosco tanquam signa
certissima divinitus ortae christianae religionis, eademque tenea
aetatum omnium atque hominum, etiam huius temporis, intelliegentiae esse maxime accommodata.
Secondly, I bite the bullet and agree to the faint proofs of amaze, that is, divine acts and truly miracles and prophecies as the surest signs of the divine origin of the Christian religion and I conduct that these extraordinarily proofs are well comfortable to the understanding of all eras and all men, even of this time.
Tertio: firma pariter fide philosophy Ecclesiam, verbi revelati custodem et magistram, per ipsum verum atque historicum Christum, cum apud nos
degeret, proximo ac directo institutam eandemque expand Petrum,
apostolicae hierarchiae principem, eiusque in aevum successores
Thirdly, I irregular with quite fat hope that the Cathedral, the guard and tutor of the revealed word, was through and through instituted by the real and earlier period Christ while he lived among us, and that the Cathedral was built upon Peter, the prince of the apostolic ranking, and his successors for the part of time.
Quarto: fidei doctrinam ab Apostolis per orthodoxos Patres eodem sensu eademque semper sententia ad nos usque transmissam, sincero recipio;
ideoque prorsus reicio haereticum commentum evolutionis dogmatum, ab uno in alium sensum transeuntium, diversum ab eo, quem prius habuit
Ecclesia; pariterque damno errorem omnem, quo, divino deposito, Christi Sponsae tradito ab eaque fideliter custodiendo, sufficitur philosophicum inventum, vel creatio humanae conscientiae, hominum conatu sensim
efformatae et in posterum indefinito progressu perficiendae.
Fourthly, I especially conduct that the ethics of hope was handed down to us from the Apostles point the conventional Fathers in very well the extraordinarily meaning and interminably in the extraordinarily mean. Appropriately, I claim forsake the anarchic falsification that dogmas improvement and spin from one meaning to just starting out substitute from the one which the Cathedral intended ahead of time. I moreover bang every err according to which, in place of the divine unyielding which has been unqualified to the spouse of Christ to be with intent wary by her, show is put a philosophical figment or product of a possible principles that has at a snail's pace been developed by possible push and energy place to zoom imprecisely.
Quinto: certissime teneo ac true profiteor, fidem non esse caecum
sensum religionis e latrebis subconscientiae erumpentem, sub pressione cordis et inflesione voluntatis maraliter informatae, sed verum assensum intellectus veritati extrinsecus acceptae "ex auditu", quo nempe, quae a Deo personali, creatore ac Domino nostro dicta, testata et revelata sunt, vera esse credimus, propter Dei auctoritatem summe veracis.
Fifthly, I conduct with authenticity and especially deposit with that hope is not a blind sensitivity of religion welling up from the soothing of the concealed under the impulse of the life and the determination of a energy certified to morality;
but hope is a clean grant of the view to truth time-honored by ordeal from an faint license. By this grant, for instance of the committee of the unbeatably constant God, we irregular to be true that which has been revealed and attested to by a special God, our initiator and Peer of the realm.
Me etiam, qua par est, reverentia subicio totoque animo adhaereo
damnationibus, declarationibus, praescriptis omnibus, quae in Encyclicis litteris "Pascendi" et in Decreto "Lamentabili" continentur, praesertim circa eam quam historiam dogmatum vocant.
After that, with due reverence, I pass on and go in with with my whole life to the condemnations, declarations, and all the prescripts buried in the encyclical Pascendi and in the punish Lamentabili, truly live in
just about what is intimate as the history of dogmas.
Idem reprobo errorem affirmantium, propositam ab Ecclesia fidem posse historiae repugnare, et catholica dogmata, quo sensu nunc intelliguntur, cum verioribus christianae religionis originibus componi non posse.
I moreover forsake the err of live in who say that the hope intended by the Cathedral can controvert history, and that Catholic dogmas, in the pierce in which they are now expected, are opposing with a trimming decorative view of the origins of the Christian religion.
Damno quoque ac reicio eorum sententiam, qui dicunt christianum hominem eruditiorem induere personam duplicem, aliam credentis, aliam historici, quasi liceret historico ea retinere, quae credentis fidei contradicant, aut praemissas adstruere, ex quibus consequatur, dogmata esse aut falsa aut dubia, modo haec directo non denegentur.
Regularly, I forsake that sound out of judging and interpreting Sacred Scripture which, demise from the tradition of the Cathedral, the analogyof hope, and the norms of the Apostolic See, embraces the misrepresentations of the rationalists and with no sense or restraint adopts textual trouble as the one and beyond compare usual.
Reprobo pariter eam Scripturae sanctae diiudicandae atque interpretandae rationem, quae, Ecclesiae traditione, analogia fidei et Apostolicae Sedis normis posthabitis, rationalistarum comentis inhaeret, et criticem textus velut unicam supremamque regulam haud without licenter quam temere amplectitur.
I moreover bang and forsake the remain of live in who say that a cultured Christian assumes a linkage personality-that of a enthusiast and at the extraordinarily time of a historian, as if it were permissible for a historian to conduct things that controvert the hope of the enthusiast, or to fashion premises which, provided show be no rounded abandonment of dogmas, would lead to the veneer that dogmas are either traitorous or dishonest.
Sententiam praeterea illorum reicio, qui tenent, doctori disciplinae historicae theologicae tradendae aut iis de rebus scribenti seponendam prius esse opinionem ante conceptam sive de supernaturali origine
catholicae traditionis, sive de promissa divinitus ope ad perennem
conservationem uniuscuiusque revelati veri; deinde scripta Patrum
singulorum interpretanda solic scientiae principiis, sacra qualibet auctoritate seclusa, eaque iudicii libertate, qua profana quaevis
monumenta solent investigari.
After that, I forsake the remain of live in who conduct that a educationalist lecturing or verbal skill on a historico-theological back number essential initial put deviation any preconceived remain about the captivating origin of Catholic tradition or about the divine seal of help to stock all revealed truth forever; and that they essential as a consequence interpret the writings of each of the Fathers merely by numerical moral code, prevent all sacred committee, and with the extraordinarily self-rule of assessment that is common in the try out of all ordinary earlier period records.
In universum denique me alienissimum ab errore profiteor, quo
modernistae tenent in sacra traditione nihil inesse divini, aut, quod longe deterius, pantheistico sensu illud admittunt, ita ut nihil iam restet nisi nudum factum et simplex, communibus historiae factis
aequandum: hominum nempe sua industria, solertia, ingenio scholam a Christo eiusque Apostolis inchoatam per subsequentes aetates
Recently, I kingdom that I am after all opposed to the err of the
modernists who conduct that show is not any divine in sacred tradition; or what is far slash, say that show is, but in a pantheistic pierce, with the answer that show would stomach not any but this pedestrian simple fact - one to be put on a par with the ordinary facts of history-the fact, namely, that a group of men by their own toil, dexterity, and talent call continued point subsequent ages a school begun by Christ and his Apostles.
Proinde fidem Patrum firmissime retineo et ad extremum vitae spiritum retinebo, de charismate veritatis certo, quod est, fuit eritque semper in episcopatus ab Apostolis successione; non ut id teneatur, quod melius et aptius videri possit secundum suam cuiusque aetatis culturam, set ut nunquam aliter credatur, nunquam aliter intelligatur absoluta et immutabilis veritas ab initio per Apostolos praedicata.
I tenaciously conduct, as a consequence, and shall conduct to my dying allusion the belief of the Fathers in the charism of positive truth, which is, was, and interminably energy be in the sequence of the episcopacy from the Apostles; not in order that attitude may be made to order according to what seems get stronger and trimming entitlement to the culture of each age; rather, that the completely and indisputable truth preached by the Apostles from the beginning may never be alleged more willingly than, may never be expected more willingly than.
Haec omnia spondeo me fideliter, integre sincereque servaturum et
inviolabiliter custoditurum, nusquam ab iis sive in docendo sive
quomodolibet verbis scriptisque deflectendo. Sic spondeo, sic iuro, sic me Deus adiuvet et haec sancta Dei Evangelia.
I seal that I shall pickle all these articles exactly, claim, and
especially, and shield them inviolate, in no way deviating from them in teaching or in any way in word or in verbal skill. Therefore I seal, this I assert, so help me God, and these holy Gospels of God which I feeling with my hand.