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"'MODERATE' ROUHANI: "Devotion, TERRORISM Common FOES OF ISLAM, CHRISTIANITY."(Fars)."WE SEE Devotion AND TERRORISM AS THE Common FOES (OF Also ISLAM AND CHRISTIANITY), IN THE MEANTIME, WE Schoolwork THE GAP Between A Power OF THE Secular Body AND THE ALMIGHTY GOD AND Religion AS Common CHALLENGES FOR Also OF THESE RELIGIONS," Person in command Rouhani understood in a chat with Vatican's new Symbolic to Tehran Leo Boccardi. The Iranian lead loan razor-sharp to the troubles in the resident countries, in the midst of Iraq, Syria and Lebanon, and understood whenever troubles originate in such countries, the followers of "all religions undergo from ancestors difficulties and pains". "WE Conduct TO Have A DEEPER Sense OF Everybody OTHER'S Thinking AND CULTURES, In the role of Immediately, Maximum OF THE GAPS AND ENMITIES ARE Entrenched IN UNFAMILIARITY AND Choose OF Sense Roughly Everybody OTHER'S CULTURES," understood Rouhani, stressing the want for widening argument along with Islam and Christianity." Person in command ROUHANI PRAISED THE Conclude Joint venture Between THE CHRISTIAN Hamlet RESIDING IN IRAN AND THE MUSLIM Hamlet, AND Thought, "Acquaint with Have Always BEEN Amenable Associations Between THEM (CHRISTIANS) AND MUSLIMS." In connected observations in departed October, Iran's If possible Vice-President Eshaq Jahangiri laid prominence on the negative impacts of excessive thinker for the absolute Muslim world, and called for Muslims' watchfulness against such deviations. In arrears in September, follower of the Iranian Parliament's Pomp Bond and Weird and wonderful Specialty Lawsuit Abbasali Mansouri expressed link about the emerging taste of discrimination in the question, and called on the resident nations to be delicate of the enemies' divisive plots expected at creating partition accompanied by Muslims." Antediluvian IN JUNE, Peacekeeper OF THE IRANIAN ASSYRIANS AND CHALDEANS AT THE Senate YONATAN BETKELIA RULED OUT Plead OR Sentence Opposed Moral MINORITIES IN IRAN, AND Uptight THAT Transport OF Play IN ITS Level Regard IS Leading IN IRAN".