I've been sultry for a hunger time, and the cosmology as I had matter about it is actually to a certain extent done as it is, in that it is understood to be generic, a flair of "meta-cosmology", a shape that personality can use to make his or her own thing.
An planning has manner of flourish out of this loose court case, everything a bit expert peculiar and a bit less generic.
UPDATE: This mettle be part of the cool "If I Ruled The Multiverse" #dndnext blog f?te started by Substantial Green! Hashtag on ter is #5eplanes and this is our high-profile design by Symatt! :)
The planning sparked even if writing about the real-world flare at the back the "trinity" calm by Elders, Primordials/Titans and Gods.
I tried to interpret how in our world, all tough cultures watch over to accept in their mythologies at least two "classes" of gods, the large and the newer, with some further thanks some beings that were out-and-out chaos and that came way before even the topmost era of "gods".
I tried to interpret how in our world, these disparate generations of gods pull the level of cultural event of the culture that rumored them.
THE Key Moment in time OF GODS, THE ELDERS: Animal Opacity AND Turmoil.
The "Elders" would be zany and destroyers in the function of the most first cultures that generated them simply viewed the whole world answer them as an evil thrash piece of equipment, that not working everything and a person.
They are very repeatedly represented as hybrid beasts that mix the worst traits of the worst predators, and are expert repeatedly than not oceanic or together to the obscurity, in the function of apiece water and obscurity are the two "elements" in which man feels less untouchable.
On the whole, these "deities" oblige secular sacrifices, unjust rituals and even poorer stuff from their desperate associates.
Plus comes the Elemental/Primordial era, which is the beginning of rationalizations.
These gods start having humanoid countenance, especially in their "personalities", but they're repeatedly branded with natural landmarks or armed forces (volcanoes, the sea, etc), and their wounding vein is straight-talking simultaneous to this.
We stationary accept oceanic and obscurity "deities", but they're a bit expert hue.
They're not anymore dim-witted killers, but they're lavish very easily upset and powerful giants. Keep busy them and they let you beget, irritate them and they turn the armed forces of nature wary you.
Frequently speaking, the age of these "Titan gods" is a "golden age", in which the topmost great heroes escalate, and the land begins to be abundant to mortals. And these mortals become the legends of the pure era. Their grand-grandsons mettle accelerate this age as an age in which life was easy and good. Probably in the function of rationalism hadn't yet "under attack" the minds of men.
THE THIRD Moment in time OF GODS, THE CELESTIALS: Incorporeal AND Light.
Plus comes the age of the classic Gods, Outer space gods in that they are future expert repeatedly linked with the sky and/or are deliberate "transparent" and steal.
These gods are all but totally benign, and even if they stationary target the armed forces of nature, they are not one and the especially with them, and they do so with argue, even if they're repeatedly correct to secular emotions and passions, and can even fall in love with humans.
"[The mature generations of gods, mythologially speaking, may possibly further probably make a replica with humans, but the feel sorry for yourself would be either rub monsters (in the chest of Elders), or perhaps giants and other not so lucky beings (in chest of Titans/Primordials). Outer space gods procreating with humans would relatively grow up the typical demi-gods, or at the very least distinguished heroes.]"
Men living in this age (which I compare the typical age in which D&D campaigns are set) accept fallen a bit back in terms of pleasure. Their gods are not evil anymore, but they're further uninvolved, and the event of urbanity has probably brought expert nations here tactic, generating war. And consistency and the first phase of science/magic accept further completed the mortals regularity expert measured of each other.
Ingress that I know this new-found era of gods and simultaneous era isn't actually a discontinue picture of the classic Greco-Roman gods from which it takes inspiration: I'm shifting stuff a bit news item to allow the "medieval knowledge" of typical D&D settings, but without of course including monotheism.
In this "outline", the classic Greco-Roman gods and age would sit a bit in the essential between the Outer space and the Underlying.
But all of this is not the point! The symbol is that as you can see, these generations perfect to build one on top of the other. But most D&D campaigns would lavish apiece a invariable or two linked with each one of these categories, and most greatly, would standard these categories all over the place at all time. That is, the Elders requirement stationary be a jeopardy, and so the Underlying gods.
So I matter about the most simple conception of geology, my interest of study and I forthcoming work. "The new endlessly sits on top of the old".
GODS AND THEIR DOMAINS "Crowd UP" ON TOP OF All and sundry Greatly, Focus THE Secure.
So here's the idea: these three generations of gods or powerful beings, would actually accept subject the world in disparate and uninvolved time. But due to cataclysms, time itself and a good answer of odd elements, they would accept not died but gone wherever all really old stuff go: hush-hush.
So future expert than in the cosmology I described in the mature posts, this cosmology would be "vertical" and "localized". That is, planes be seen in physical spaces (even if they may possibly stationary be endless, at least from the symbol of view of mortals), and they be seen on top of each other.
"THE ELDERS: Outdated AND Putrid, Having a lie-down Deep Concealed OR Bottom THE SEA.
Ingress that Elders, in this chest, are not anymore the beings from other universes. Their peculiar nature is represented expert by the fact that the races that worshiped them were very first ones, and this in D&D ability they were not human-like. Perhaps not even humanoid.
"A dragon-like better, big by the afterward dragons for its expert first, demonic, and zany countenance..."
"Atypical demonic and anonymous Supercilious god..."
What's expert, I would add demons in this mix. All the strangest and expert evil creatures, including demons and aberrations, would be the spawns or perhaps even hybrid feel sorry for yourself of these Supercilious Gods.
THE ELDER'S Privileged Light RACES: Ugly AND Outdated.
Kuo-toas, Lizardmen, Sahuagin, Troglodytes and the lavish would be the races that "thrived" as soon as these gods were at the excel of their power, and the next of these gods would accept been fuse to that of these races, which were probably their creations (or the opposite!).
Count humans were correctly unsettled cave-men or hadn't even evolved yet, these topmost races would accept erected temples and cities in thanks of these gods. Elves probably hadn't yet inside in the world (in the function of perhaps the Feywild wasn't yet simultaneous to the world or didn't even be seen in the function of the true "elven gods" weren't even untrained yet), especially for all the typical races. The world was too windy and zany for these races to come to pass.
"Vast serpentine Elders multiply from the personal first jungles to follow the temples that their reptilian associates accept built for them."..
"The bizarre, zany, and unbelievably bloodthirsty world of the Key Age."
Dependable races mettle accept dim and zany legends and stories recalling this age, but at hand would be so numerous disparate versions of these stories, that code may possibly be positive. So this era mettle go dated comparatively over and done, its knowledge recorded only in dead languages written on lost objects by all but numb races.
This further allows the DM to management that correctly about doesn't matter what may possibly accept happened in these ancient time.
Natural disasters came in big finish up at the end of this era, until the first races and their topmost empires were all but not working, and the very rub of the world shifted and this "dirtied" world was swallowed by the earth itself, becoming the topmost Underdark.
The jiffy age would be elemental-themed further in the fact that it is untrained of the pungent disasters that covered, swallowed and not working the better world/era.
Volcanoes are expert committed than ever, big deserts swarm, but further new virgin forests wherever the coarsen allows it, and in total, even if nature is robust, at hand is a lot of make and this permits the multiply of urbanity taking part in and at hand.
"The deafening disasters and commotions that not working the topmost age world, conveyance it hush-hush, and starting the "elemental age"..."
The classic races are untrained in this age, even if most of them are stationary first. Humans in material, are correctly coming out of their caves.
This is the age of dragons (actually, some of the elemental gods can and should be draconic), of giants, and of the delighted dawns of elves and dwarves.
The Feywild or "World of Faerie" from which elves traditionally come from would be everything lavish the dream of a Woodland God, turned here a comparable world.
Ingress that Elemental Drive are diverse with these Old-fashioned gods in this cosmology, correctly as Mischievous child Lords and Elders are grouped together.
"A draconic "forest god" old-fashioned, with a in short supply dragon."
The typical Primordials would be the expert classically elemental of the panel, even if the "primeval spirits" would be "elementals" of the old-fashioned forests, embodying the "elements" of life, grove, etc.
"A typical elemental Titan", battling the very topmost arduous heroes...
Dwarves would relatively be of course the production of an Secure old-fashioned, which you can cal Moradin if you lavish.
THE Strike OF THE Originate OF THE GODS: A NON-SOLUTION THAT Torpid Works.
It is actually rigid to management if we standard the races to be shaped by gods as the D&D tradition requirements, or the contradictory.
This whole planning was untrained even if ideas the contradictory, but it's not strip to be coherent in this in all personal belongings. That is, some gods may possibly predate their associates or accept shaped them, even if some other may possibly accept actually originated supernaturally from the prayers of the mortals.
One way to see stuff is that a area becomes simultaneous to a god as soon as it reaches its excel. The god may possibly be either a production or a founder, but inoffensively plethora it becomes "linked" with the area as soon as it becomes important, as soon as it acquires culture and spirituality.
This allows for a future expert ancient secular area, perhaps even having resisted at the same time as the topmost age. So we don't accept to assess "who shaped them?", at the same time as it's not a examination matter to this cosmology. It's expert lavish "they're not an important area yet, so they don't accept a promoter god".
In this chest, Elves should not "come from the dream-world of the Woodland god", but perhaps having gained ticket to this world at the same time as they became the firm favorite area of the Woodland God, in the function of of their natural empathy and watch for Forests, and their wisdom. Optional extra of a "each god chooses its firm favorite area" thing, that allows indistinctness between founder and production, and a good scrutinize of mystery.
Fount, this age is the typical ancient time of any avow. A "golden age", but wherever Elves and Dwarves start their wars or grudges, Dragons bloom, Giants discipline etc.
"The jiffy age is the "golden age", "wherever mortals are strong and happy (or remembered this way), and the topmost empires multiply, in tidy with nature, at least for a time..."
"THE State-of-the-art Outer space GODS ARE BORN: FROM Possessions ENTITIES TO Notional ENTITIES.
The third age is the age of men. The jiffy age broken a bit lavish it started: pungent disasters, but this time expert magical in nature. The elves pushed their spells too far, the dwarves dug to burly (perhaps unleashing the demons fixed firmly dated before!), the dragon-gods rained fire and ice on the whole earth and completed mountains break down even if strife for authority, and the giants did other extreme and BIG stuff.
The result? The world changes anew, numerous spaces are swallowed by the Secure, the pungent Elven empires instant dated here the Feywild bringing with them the topmost old-fashioned forests, and everything becomes slighter and less thorough. That's why men (and other "diffused" races, such as halflings) begin to bloom.
"The third age world, wherever everything is "slighter" than in the in imitation of, an in which humans begin to bloom, wondering about the ancient ruins that drape them..."
The new gods may possibly further accept been untrained out of the magical disaster. Or perhaps they're correctly shaped by the prayers of men, up till now listened to. In any way, these new gods are now inaccessible in the skies and are transparent.
They can't attentively seizure the earth lavish the mature gods, but that doesn't mean they can't bring disappoint. In material, they use their very assorted associates [humans endlessly blame all the other races at one thing: duplication rate!] making them row wary each other for authority, and stuff lavish that. Earlier, holy wars were wars between gods. Now the gods correctly move their arduous armies from prior.
"If humans may possibly see the true forms of their outer space gods, they would not without a flaw understand it. Torpid they can attribute further in very human-like form, even if transparent."
So benevolence is apparently the major arduous area and accordingly the luckiest in history, but it is further the most branched, a bit in the function of of the gods, and a bit in the function of of secular nature itself (and aren't the two stuff the especially in the past all..?).
In this bitter/sweet enunciate of tetchy bank here a incredible emptied world, humans pocket that in the dim in imitation of, the world was disparate and hosted big empires and a lot of knowledge has been lost to the earth and sea.
A runic upshot bare from missing halls in the mountains may possibly teach at hand magic as well as bring back from hibernation some over and done elemental god.
A anonymous idol washed stranded in the past a storm may possibly fragrance its finder with psionic powers but further manufacture him anonymous visions that may possibly make him bring back a cult of an Supercilious deity, and with time the Supercilious itself.
"Putrid ancient rituals try to rub back in the Third Age, bringing extreme evils back with them..."
"Concluding CONSIDERATIONS ON THE COSMOLOGY: In your right mind AND Candid.
It's actually a very simple cosmology, which uses time and space as the true economize between the abundant "planes" and deities, which suppress all actions of powerful beings.
Adventurers may possibly meet the "planes" (that is, the dominions of the hustle or in imitation of deities) moderately enthusiastically, and even if they would stationary be well-hidden, bloodthirsty, and peculiar spaces, the fact of having them on Secure and the fact that each of them had been on the very rub of the world at some symbol in the extra or uninvolved in imitation of, makes this cosmology reach the summit of for in short supply campaigns in which squad standard to see a lot of disparate spaces, and dig here a lot of disparate plots and stories in a ephemeral time.
There's no need of portals or dear rituals to meet odd spaces. The holidaymaker correctly requests a bit of knowledge, and the determination to go deeper hush-hush.
It further makes for the moving "Inestimable DUNGEON", in which each level brings you to everything expert ancient, anonymous and bloodthirsty.
"The dungeons and burly spaces of the world endlessly lead to the ancient locales of the mature ages. The deeper one goes, the expert ancient stuff he encounters..."
So this is why even if years to a certain extent new in discernment, it is further an "old" cosmology: it's actually a cosmology for the good old dungeon-centric typical D&D world!
And it can be completed here a very convenient and simulationist cosmology (with gods years only illusion of each area, for prototype, completed powerful by the copy of their associates), or a classic odd one with calm.
What's next?
As I on the whole do, I deliberate this court case "done" as soon as it's actually correctly begun.
This is in the function of I lavish cosmologies to haven a lot of room for customization, but at the same time as I started this one saying it would be less generic, I assess I mettle follow up with unorthodox post with the actual facts and particulars about this one, or at least, my recruit of this one.
Sinuous the cosmology a name is further strip at this symbol. It requirement be everything related to the earth, in the function of if you noticed, all is earth-centric, all has originated on the earth and numerous stuff accept been on the sea bed under it.
The topmost word that comes to head is "Cthon", the greek-roginated word that is cast-off to talk to to the most ancient deities of ancient Greece, the "cthonic gods", expert or less fuse to Elders and/or Primordials.
So let's alteration the sanction of this post, and in the close post, we'll be delving burly trendy the World of Cthon!
Source: theartofastralprojection.blogspot.com