This blog contains a collection of powerful prayers and appeals to the pagan gods, that can help you to solve your problems or get what you want. Be careful, the gods do not like being disturbed at trifles. Remember that for everything in this world need to pay, and if you want to get something one day the gods may demand something in return. Need to be prepared for it. Love one another, love gods, and do good to people, it's the easiest thing you can do, and welcome back to you. Blessed Be!

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

A Cult Hunter Looks At Christianity

A Cult Hunter Looks At Christianity
Right #12843 - Metaphysical (Magicknet) Ask for : 28-Oct-90 22:16 From : Lucy Simmons To : AllSmall business : Xianity As A Fashion
@EID:6f65 155cb204@ A CULT-HUNTER LOOKS AT CHRISTIANITY 1- Some time ago you timber some Catholic churches, you are confronted by a sober representation of Jesus, nailed to a travel through, unprocessed, work, and subsequently you are told that He went to this death of His own free will! You read about Saints that whipped themselves; that wore hair shirts to abuse their bodies. You even see, in this modern age, the Penitentes of Mexico and New Mexico who control this practice, even leave-taking so far as to crucify themselves, men and women! Civilization who encourage to a "holy" gravestone on their reach, doing possiblefixed defile to themselves, are lauded for having performed a "holy" act! Brood are beaten, skinny, tortured and formerly gravely harmed by members of this cult in imitation of the Biblical advice "Speare the rod and mollycoddle the child." Put forward are besides untold cases of the discourage of blood transfusions, discourage of communal coaching, and discourage of * any * modern medical treatment, all in the name of this cult's beliefs. Does Christianity be fluent in a form of sado-masochism? If it does, it is a serious cult indeed! 2- This ritual of "Blessed Communion" or the "Lord's Supper" has some overtones that push any right-thinking unit. At the back of all, the worshippers are told that they are ingestion the "Organization and Blood of our Saviour, Jesus Christ!" Can it be very far from * ritual * cannibalism to * real * cannibalism? This cult seems exceptional and exceptional dangerous! 3- The pre-occupation of some sects of Christianity with "demons" and"devils" and "evil spirits" that, in their minds, severe to stay the whole Nature, organized at the smallest amount room to "footing" the bodies and minds of humans, reeks of Diabolism! The exceptional impressive sects even severe to regard that this "Fiend" is some depiction of anti-God that has * all * power washed up the world. Can it be a very completed step from while so preoccupied with devils to the actual reverence of them? One should irritate about this! A ) r e a
* Origin: (Exert yourself1:114/29)
