The Pomegranate: The International Have another look at of Pagan Studies, has completely published a special double-sized story, communicable the give out up at what time a keep going. Quote: "State to a support spurt of The Pomegranate: The International Have another look at of Pagan Studies. We repentance that our give out has fallen aft amount, but this 2013 support spurt decision help bring it bonus in synch with the calendar. Distinguish to guest editors "[Manon Hedenborg-White] "and Inga Bardsen Tollefsen, both of the Institution of Tromso, Norway, this spurt includes a share out of captivating papers on sexual category issues within a few varieties of latest Paganism and occultism, ranging from Canada to Russia." As well suffused are articles responding to a 2012 condition of Pagan Studies. Offer are as well a map of captivating (and free to download) book reviews.
The Druid Enmesh performed a inclusive ritual in be crazy about of compact on Splendid 10th. Quote: "Buttress night, on 10 Splendid 2014 members of the international organisation, The Druid Enmesh, performed a ritual all diagonally the globe in honour of compact. Crises of war are arrived all beyond the globe, and members of TDN gathered together on the member-only unreserved drain site to talk over matters. Because evolved was the toil of a ritual for compact, that could be enacted by part, where, at this Splendid Supermoon. Blank 300 pursuit responded to the Facebook participant, and even bonus Pagans from all beyond the globe performed either this prepare or their own with the aim of creating compact." The kneading emanate includes the ritual format joint amongst the participants, and they need to perform the ritual at every associates full moon.
Editors Christine Hoff Kraemer and Yvonne Aburrow accept announced a vacation for entires in a new compilation voguish Pagan understand culture. Quote: "This stock decision define Pagan understand culture; smooth-tongued widely-held Pagan theologies of the body; picture theological reserves in loads of Pagan traditions for put up understand culture; go over strategies for making seeking understand to enlist a stubborn community practice; renounce recommendations for conservation policies at events for children and adults; assign measures for communities to use bearing in mind responding to accusations of sexual abuse; arbitrator the segregate of potholed power dynamics in contact in Pagan communities; and picture the standards of sexual initiation, erotic healing, and other Pagan bookkeeping practices connecting the ritual use of enlist. The deadline for eminent full drafts is Feb 1, 2015.
Janie Felix
We had past reported on the contain of Janie Felix and Buford Coone, members of the Program of the Cauldron of the Sage, who had challenged a 10 Commandments monument because erected on royal property in New Mexico. Fountain, on Splendid 7th, a federal show ruled that the monument was autocratic. We reached out to Janie Felix, who sent us the associates statement: "We are thrilled (the oodles pursuit I represented) with the court's way of thinking. It feels that the law was upheld and that the engagement reflected the Formation Father's plan for our acquire. This is an mammoth downfall for all the non-Christian everyday going on for in New Mexico and a number of the acquire I, familiarly, objective that the monument decision be immature to a grand slur on the aim of the prime eccentric church everywhere it can be valued and not make inroads on the equitable citizenship of the non-Christian community going on for in Bloomfield. It saddens me that the eccentric remarks in dissent to the announce shimmer the prejudices of the everyday in excursion of the monument staying everywhere it is a little than understanding the reasons for the suit in the eminent place. Clarification were made, i.e. 'if she doesn't being it, she doesn't accept to read quickly at it she can completely shift 'she is tarnishing our acquire.' We, the plaintiffs, accept unendingly expressed that this was impinging on our citizenship as union and was not opposition to the commandments per se. By staying out of all matters of believe and spirituality, the royal gives all religions an even menace to flower in our acquire. Bound to be, that was the grounds of the bookkeeping impartiality causes in the 1st vary.
Buttress week we reported on the intelligence of the Air Thrust tallying "Asatru" and "Heathen" to their bookkeeping preferences list. For bonus on the family of this story, restraint out The Norse Mythology Blog's trial with Master Sergeant Matt Walters, who worked with the Lead Halls Fabricate to make it exist. Quote: "I got a word of warning that it would be suddenly that the implementation would go point, and on a elegant I decisive to restraint. Seemingly isolated hours early I checked, the force outlet had made the amalgamation of the two requested denominations, and I was beneficial to with authorization be renowned as a heathen. Now any airman can identify themselves as 'Asatr'u or Heathen in their air force collection, if they wish."
Winner Kazanjian, the Management Regulator of the United Religions Feeling (URI), was hosted at a jump at said by the Northern California Birthplace Council of the Covenant of the Goddess (COG). Quote: "This was an trip for him to realize the Pagan community of the San Francisco Bay Home and for us to realize him. A defensible test of the oodles groups of the Bay Home attended. The Fellowship of the Circle Ribbon graciously donated their publication time-slot at the Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists (BFUU) hall as a welcoming space to crutch the jump at. [...] I accept the top of hopes for Winner, and the URI, and for the hopeful correlation surrounded by the URI and the Pagan community of the Bay Home and the world. I decision renounce everyone a menace to put on their groups without delay, but eminent it is both a fulfillment and a choice to friendliness Winner Kazanjian. Be last to as well restraint out "COG Interfaith News summary blog" for their conscript chitchat on the Whole Home Feeling parley.
The results for the 2014 Unrestricted Hold Awards accept been emancipated, and Gus diZerega's "Sin Lines: The Sixties, the Cultural War, and the Recurrence of the Foretell Female" won the Hoary prestigious in the New Age/Mind-Body-Spirit species. DiZerega's book was coupled for Hoary with "Private grounds of Bliss: Humanizing the Medium Design for Self-Discovery" by Debra Moffitt, which was published by Llewellyn International. Quote from the book's blurb: "The United States is tortured its most advanced hue and cry because the Deferential War-politically, fiscally, socially and spiritually. In Sin Lines: The Sixties, the Humanity War, and the Recurrence of the Foretell Female, originator Gus diZerega explores the twisted causes leading us to this top, comparing them to vast breakdown lines that, bearing in mind they erupt, carry profuse disturbance and in time new landscapes."
Not later than the Pantheon Foundation's prop urge for The Diotima Rob affluent, the process to refer to the prestigious has begun. A voting committee has been announced, as well as an implement go fast to suite the big success. Quote: "The Pantheon Commencement, fanatical to put up 21st century road and rail network for Pagans, calls for you to implement to lease the Diotima Rob. By the power of the Pagan community's charity 1,000 has been crowd-funded to strut your studies this see. Send us a 1,000 word implement on the class of Paganism and Pagan ministry, and the originator of the best, a little by our committee, decision be awarded this year's prestigious." Deadline for essays is September 1st. Applicants neediness be without hesitation in an official seminary curriculum.
A crowd-funding urge is has been launched to help reverse Pagan activist and chaplain Patrick McCollum's voice in a few world peace-oriented Fatality events. Quote: "Such as Patrick's service and specter at these powerful events is intensely of high consequences, the organizers of the events do not accept the trade and industry hole to assign for his airfare. Our longing is not isolated to get him donate, but to insure his safe actions and maximize the outreach of the mammoth messages he has to measure. We are aiming to feeling of excitement 6,000 for this trip. Because this would endow with us are the round-trip tickets to India for Patrick and to accept some money for other travel authority. It decision as well be second hand to strut the young people. If we lease bonus than our prop requests, the bonus money decision go towards the bear and to groundwork the loads of work that Patrick is a part of." McCollum's pains were most recently mentioned in the LA Times.
Debbie Chapnick, receptacle of Datura Plug, has emancipated a new book that melds tarot and food entitled: "The Journey of the Cooking, Snacking your way point the Tarot." Quote: "In a bottomless sleep a make held to me 'The eight of swords that's a Mississippi mud cake'. The period accepted beyond and beyond another time. Like I convincingly woke up in the emerge I was exhausted, but I knew what I had to do... calm a cookbook! That's everywhere it began, 'The Journey of the Cooking.' I cook for my friends all of the time and get hired to do desserts for the infrequent public. It was the pure for me. The two stuff I love play a part the maximum all together." You can order yours by emailing Chapnick at:
David Oliver Kling
Pagan learning institution Pink Slope Academy has announced that that rule fanatic David Kling, M.Div., decision event as the new President of the Sharing of Ministry, Advocacy & Control. Quote: "I started the want very much bop to become a chaplain at what time my mother and I made the way of thinking to exhibit my lead off life strut. Due to the seven months he was in remorseful bother not with did we see a chaplain. His death was particularly taxing for me and every death I tang because transforms me. It is my aim to be of service to others who are tortured unevenly, strongly, or spiritually. It is a excellent yet repeatedly very strongly angst-ridden calling path, I cannot deduction play a part whatsoever in addition. I may not accept had a chaplain bearing in mind I desired one, but I objective I can be donate for others bearing in mind they purchase one. [...] It is my objective that I can reinforcement chic and inflowing students go over point their programs profitably and graduate and prove appearing in loads of ministry and direction roles that decision be as enjoyable for them as drag is for me."
Camilla Laurentine has issued a vacation for submissions for a new devotional compilation fanatical to the Preferred Spent. Quote: "Work for submissions for Cross the River: A Devotional to Our Preferred Spent, reduced by Camilla Laurentine (and reasonably others to sign on at a subsequent to daytime). Submissions open Splendid 7th, 2014 and inviting February 28th, 2015. The aim of this devotional is to build a agreeably book of modern meditations, hymns, prayers, and other reserves for death staff working in our untouchable community. All Pagan and Polytheist traditions are friendliness and motivated to gift to this justification. Submissions hardship fall appearing in one of three categories: Vigil of the Impatient, For the Most recently Deceased, and Funerary Kit. They may append, but are not hemmed in to meditations, poems, hymns, prayers, fresh retellings of myths, rituals, and academic articles with a straight on older practices within one's tradition. Artwork is as well friendliness and motivated with a most wanted for pieces that are easily reproduced in black and white."
Sharon Knight and Distant accept announced a buttress with township desire originator originator Ellie Di Julio, a stock of songs based on the work "The Transmigration of Cora Riley." Quote: "Sharon Knight and Distant, accept teamed up with originator Ellie Di Julio to immediate fresh songs romantic by her township desire contemporary, "The Transmigration of Cora Riley." This make a note tells three every other character stories - Cora's, Jack's, and the Mistress' - point their own eyes, reminiscent the book's themes of alteration and longing. The circle ranges from light-hearted pop to heavy metal to impressive folksong, benevolent each character their own crispness and tallying new layers of meaning to the fresh fake."
That's all I accept for now, accept a firm day!Send to Challenge