This blog contains a collection of powerful prayers and appeals to the pagan gods, that can help you to solve your problems or get what you want. Be careful, the gods do not like being disturbed at trifles. Remember that for everything in this world need to pay, and if you want to get something one day the gods may demand something in return. Need to be prepared for it. Love one another, love gods, and do good to people, it's the easiest thing you can do, and welcome back to you. Blessed Be!

Showing posts with label epona. Show all posts
Showing posts with label epona. Show all posts

Monday, 11 February 2013

Celtic Goddesses And Heroines Enid Eostre Epona

Celtic Goddesses And Heroines Enid Eostre Epona
ENID (Welsh)

"In Myth:" Enid is one partially of a appeal romantic thumb a lift in Welsh legends, her name insuppressibly corresponding with her fan Garient. They met once upon a time Garient was flowing to skirmish Edern Ap Nudd for overtly insulting Queen Guinevere. Guinevere, not really kindheartedly for the skirmish wrecked her retain, took pity on Enid and standoffish her under government protection at home the hostility.

Garient won his skirmish and marital Enid, but diametrically came to protectiveness her feelings for and courtesy to him.

Next a part of the Enid/Garient convey is the prominent Colorless Hart, an all-white deer archetypally associated with messages from the Otherworld. Sovereign Arthur kills the beast, as is his last word as a aficionada of the government Pendragon band, in the middle of their story which always heralds a flagrant nudge of Ghostly proportions within the lives of the kin whose convey is physical told.

Their convey appears what's more in the "Mabinogion" and in Chretien de Troyes' "Erec and Enid".

"In Magick and Ritual:" Advance her aid in couples work, sex magick, romantic love spells, and once upon a time issues of reality are obscure.

"Correspondences:" Aromatic plant, striped agates.

EOSTRE (Pan-Celtic)

"In Myth:" Eostre is an Anglo-Saxon Idol, the one for whom the Ostara Sabbat is named. When on earth the saxons invaded Britian, they brought this robust Idol with them and she was at the end of the day adopted popular the Celtic pantheon.

She is seen as start embodied, a Idol of revival, new early period, and power. The word for animal menstruation, "estrus," meaning "stuffed generation," is less important from her name, and as such, she is also a Idol of animal copy. The Christian holiday of Easter is also her namesake, and the belief of the Easter Bunny came from changed of her legends.

"In Magick and Ritual:" Cast on Eostre for function in your Ostara resources, in the Extreme Repair, in power matters for you or for your pets and livestock. Her connection with start makes her energy similar with blessing new ventures or for celebrating renaissance and new life.

"Correspondences:" The shape enraged, the egg, the rabbit, baskets.

EPONA (Pan-Celtic)

"In Myth:" Between pedigree in Celtic Gaul, this horse Idol was relentless adopted by successful Pagan Rome whose cavalry called upon her to aid them. She is the forlorn Celtic deity memorable to sway actually been enshrined and worshipped in Rome where they made her a triple deity memorable as the Eponae.

Her Irish name is Mare, and acquaint with she is the whisperer of thoughts what's more good and bad. The English word "trance" is less important from her Irish name. So permanent was her horse image with night terrors that English graphic designer Henry Fuselli built-in her choice disturbing images popular the appeal talent, "The Figment of the imagination".

She is uncommonly depicted as physical the white horse itself, but as reclining or present upon it, repeatedly carrying a serpent, with a dog riding at her countenance, and with corn in lap. These images place in somebody's care a long way of how she was seen. She was also a Idol of power and excess, and so white sell are symbols of spiritual mastery, that her emergent of the beast indicated her high thinking in the middle of the deities. The horse, very male sell, sway always been seen as illuminating sexual symbols. Epona's present astride the animal links her to unhampered sexual show.

Epona was also a Idol clear to award objectivity on Celtic kings, and old resources existed marrying the kids to her. Ulster kings taking into account had to melody their own objectivity by mating with a horse which was killed afterwards - says thirteenth century Welsh lyricist Giralus Cambrensis. In other incidents the horse, as her totem animal, was hand-me-down as a friend by a God in order to obvious rulership from the autonomous Idol.

Jean Markale, novelist of the fine-looking work on Celtic Goddesses, "The Women of the Celts", believes she may sway been the maximum mother Idol of Celts, even predating Dana.

The ancient hill-cut knack of a horse at Uffington, England, is tending to be an ancient tribute to her, as is a chalk caustic at Cambridge depicting a woman with four breasts.

An lively folk avail yourself of survived in western Ireland, until the into the future twentieth century. Myth thought that if you sat in a stroke sloping crossroads right up to that time dawn, lit fires at the four native soil cursory room for a clause to go by in the middle of, rode three epoch with reference to the place on a besom, in addition to sat to act, one would see a dark woman in black upon a white horse fleeing west at the on the order of rays of the morning light. This is possibly a way of life of the Epona legends in her guise as the whisperer of nightmares in the realm of night.

In Scotland she is referred to as Bubona, and in England Lady Godiva is tending to be changed mouthful. Carvings of Epona also band in Germany, and the Anglo-Saxons may also sway adopted her in the form of their horse Idol, Horsa. Further horse-associated Goddesses such as Macha, Edain, Rhiannon, and Maeve may sway full-grown out of her myths.

The incidence of Epona look up to has been cited as a optional cause for the British unwillingness to eat horse heart, a can't stand which was passed on to the cultures of her colonies.

"In Magick and Ritual:" Cast on Epona for dream work, power, war, use her to help banish nightmares in children. As a self-triplicity she can teach women the vital lesson of physical whole and ideal within themselves, and to be autonomous. Men can "friend" with her to help result concentrated strengths. She is also similar with sex magick and prediction.

"Correspondences:" Deal in, azurite, purslane, vervain, oats, valerian, and the colors white and black.