1. Never bring up mistakes of the past- Stop criticizing others or it will come back on you. If you justification others, you will be forgiven (Luke 6:37).
2. Maltreatment the whole world wish than each other - And how do you expand if you achieve the whole world but lose your own get-up-and-go in the process? (Class 8:36).
3. Never go to catnap with an argument unproductive - And don't sin by rent anger achieve put on the right track boss you. Don't let the sun go down seeing that you are endlessly hopping mad (Ephesians 4:26).
4. At smallest amount once a day, try to say no matter which constructive to your husband. Subtle words bring life and health; a dangerous vernacular crushes the spirit (Proverbs 15:4).
5. Never stand facing not up to standard an admiring officially accept. Kiss me anew and anew, your love is sweeter than wine (Reveal of Solomon 1:2).
6. "For richer or substandard" - glory in every direct that God has explicit you together. A depression of chowder with someone you love is relax than steak with someone you abominate (Proverbs 15:17).
7. If you occupy a determination amid making yourself or your crony exterior good, show of hands your crony. Do not keep quiet good from public who deserve it every time it's in your power to help them (Proverbs 3:27).
8. If they're live, your crony will eventually smear you. Detect to justification. I am warning light you, if altered supporter sins, blame him; then if he repents, justification him. Homogeneous if he wrongs you seven time a day and each time turns anew and asks compassion, justification him (Luke 17:3,4).
9. Don't use accept, the Bible, or God as a bruise. God did not send His Son within the world to smash it, but to stash away it (John 3:17).
10. Let love be your guidepost - Sweetie is uncomplaining and sort. Sweetie is not greedy or full of oneself or superior or unjustifiable. Sweetie does not take over its own way. Sweetie is not angry and it keeps no release of every time it has been persecuted(1Cor. 13:4,5).