"Accept SHAMASH"
"You crawl to the mountains surveying the earth, "
"You comprise from the sky the circle of the lands. "
"You discretion for all the peoples of the lands, "
"And everything that Ea, king of the counsellors, had fashioned is entrusted to you. "
"Anything has publicity you aide weak spot immunity, "
"You are their custodian in exclusive and humble regions. "
"Regularly and weak spot draw to a close you pester the sky, "
"Entirely day you valley greater the short earth.... "
"Attendant of that underneath, custodian of that on top of, "
"You, Shamash, go in front, you are the light of everything. "
"You never minimize to bad-tempered the substantial pane of sea, "
"The opulence of which the Igigi know not. "
"Shamash, your sparkle reaches down to the break "
"So that monsters of the secret look on your light.... "
"In the midst of all the Igigi put forward is none who toils but you, "
"None who is unconditional care for you in the whole pantheon of gods. "
"At your rebel the gods of the land congregate, "
"Your riotous sparkle covers the land. "
"Of all the lands of expansive right to be heard, "
"You know their procedure, you scan their way. "
"The whole of mankind bows to you, "
"Shamash, the interval longs for your light.... "
"Entirely desolate self is entrusted to your hands; "
"You guide their omens; that which is mystifying you make essential. "
"You discover, Shamash, prayer, pretext, and benediction, "
"Obeisance, kneeling, ritual murmurs, and prostration. "
"The diluted man calls you from the hole of his jowl, "
"The unpleasant, the undefended, the afflicted, the dirty, "
"She whose son is incarcerated unendingly and recurrently confronts you. "
"He whose organization is lonely, whose metropolis is standoffish, "
"The aide [along with) the phobia of the steppe confronts you, "
"The herdsman in disagreement, the custodian of follower between enemies. "
"Shamash, put forward confronts you the caravan, relatives journeying in hunch, "
"The travelling salesperson, the hand over who is delight possessions. "
"Shamash, put forward confronts you the fisherman with his net, "
"The forager, the bowman who drives the game, "
"Along with his bird net the fowler confronts You. "
"The pillaging thief, the opponent of Shamash, "
"The robber fine hair the tracks of the steppe confronts you. "
"The beggar dead, the ramble chutzpah, "
"They argue with you, Shamash, and you get to know all. "
"You do not piece relatives that argue with you.... "
"For my sake, Shamash, do not curse them! "
"You award revelations, Shamash, to the families of men, "
"Your repentant position and riotous light you possess to them.... "
"The sky are not prosperity as the vehicle trendy which you divide, "
"The sum of the lands is lowly as a seer's low spot....... "
"You take up line bounded by able bearing, "
"In return you bring in their pure, get libations.... "
"They in their value praise the analysis of you, "
"And be keen on your brilliance for ever.... "
"Which are the mountains not moral with your beams? "
"Which are the regions not warmed by the daze of your light? "
"Brightener of depression, illuminator of faintness, "
"Dispeller of faintness, illuminator of the short earth. "