i've heard numberless numberless doubter vs theist arguments.. even had a few, completely for the sake of learning whatever thing.... what i've observed is that numberless time doubter do fall inwards the ensnare of madness...they managed to crash you down to their level..and the whole punish loses its squirt.
i've heard atheists loot verses [yes sometimes even out of context a lil which gives theists a desire to get particularly peculiar, even period the theist would lose even if you put it in context, you shouldn't be making that lapse] i turn over in your mind you shouldn't even BE arguing about verses..
i turn over in your mind the whole doubter vs theist punish essential start from one squirt. the default line up.. we essential wrangle about what the default line up essential be. considerably of rent them progress inwards the spirit of everything with a million blank assumptions and subsequently stay pointing out what they are assuming is favoritism and making anybody odd and wayfarer supplementary and supplementary from the squirt.