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COMMEMORATED ON MAY 5The holy Very good Victim Irene was untutored in the inner-city of Magedon in Persia from beginning to end the fourth century. She was the young person of the pagan king Licinius, and her parents named her Penelope.Penelope was very pretty, and her set off modest her out-of-the-way in a high levitate from the time she was six so that she would not be undefended to Christianity. He also to be found thirteen teen maidens in the levitate with her. An old tutor by the name of Apellian was assigned to motion picture her the best possible basis. Apellian was a Christian, and from beginning to end her lessons, he told the girl about Christ the Rescuer and skilled her the Christian Belief and the Christian intrinsic worth.On every occasion Penelope reached youth, her parents began to mull over about her marriage. One day, a dove flew undeviating the deep space carrying an recyclable measurement in its beak, depositing it upon a chart. With an eagle swooped in with a headdress of flowers in its beak, and also to be found it upon the chart. Fully, a raven flew in carrying a snake, which it dropped on the chart. Penelope was fixed by these actions and wondered what they expected.Apellian explained that the dove signified her basis, and the recyclable measurement stood for the consideration of God which is acknowledged in Baptism ceremony. The eagle with the headdress of flowers represented go-getter in her introduction life. The raven and the snake foretold her introduction attention and anguish.At the end of the meeting Apellianus meant that the Lady wished to betroth her to Himself and that Penelope would be subjected to extensively attention for her idyllic Bridegroom. What time this Penelope refused marriage, was baptized by the priest Timothy, and she was named Irene (peace). She even urged her own parents to become Christians. Shortly in arrears this, she broken down all her father's idols. At the same time as St Irene had supportive herself to Christ, she refused to say "I do" any of the suitors her set off had number one for her. On every occasion Licinius intellectual that his young person refused to adore the pagan gods, he was furious. He attempted to turn her from Christ by having her painful. She was fixed up and stumped underside the hooves of thick stock so that they strong suit trample her to death, but he stock remained limp. Fairly of harming the saint, one of the stock charged Licinius, detained his amend hand and tore it from his arm. With it knocked Licinius down and began to trample him. They careless the holy virgin, and undeviating her prayers Licinius rose unconcerned in the attendance of eyewitnesses with his hand unimpressed.Seeing such a spectacle, Licinius and his companion, and a choice of of the people, (about 3000 men) held in Christ and turned from the pagan gods. Resigning his administrative duties, Licinius unwavering himself to the service of the Lady Jesus Christ. St Irene lived in the parliament of her marcher Apellian, and she began to be officious Christ by means of the pagans, converting them to the path of champion. On every occasion Sedecius, the new prefect of the inner-city, heard of this spectacle he summoned Apellian and questioned him about Irene's relevance of life. Apellian replied that Irene, intend other Christians, lived in quiet abstemiousness, devoting herself to steady prayer and reading holy books. Sedecius summoned the saint to him and urged her to limit preaching about Christ. He also attempted to flow her to sacrifice to the idols. St Irene staunchly confessed her expect prematurely the prefect, not fearing his temper, and appoint to be subjected to attention for Christ. By order of Sedecius she was stumped indoors a pit extensive with vipers and serpents. The saint finished ten days in the pit and remained unconcerned, for an angel of the Lady get hold of her and brought her nutrition. Sedecius certified this spectacle to sorcery, and he subjected St Irene to a choice of other tortures, but she remained unconcerned. Less than the storage space of her preaching and miracles even over people were improved to Christ, and turned revealed from the adore of inanimate idols.Sedecius was deposed by his son Savorus, who offended Christians with an even better zeal than his set off had done. St Irene went to her home parish of Magedon in Persia to tone with Savorus and his army, and ask him to end the stalking. On every occasion he refused, St Irene prayed and his sum total army was blinded. She prayed over and they acknowledged their setting as soon as over. In spite of this, Savorus refused to consent the power of God. The same as of his boldness, he was struck and killed by a nail of lightning.What time this, St Irene walked indoors the inner-city and performed a choice of miracles. She returned to the levitate built by her set off, accompanied by the priest Timothy. Address her teaching, she improved five thousand people to Christ.Support, the saint went to the inner-city of Callinicus, or Callinicum (plausibly on the Euphrates Ditch in Syria). The tribal chief of that place was Sovereign Numerian, the son of Sebastian. On every occasion she began to teach about Christ, she was arrested and painful by the pagan institution. She was to be found indoors three figurine oxen which were busy by fire. She was transferred from one to unusual, but marvelously she remained uninjured. Thousands of idolaters embraced Christianity as a upshot of this wondrous unpleasant incident. Sensing the approach of death, Numerian instructed his eparch Babdonus to run torturing the saint in order to flow her to sacrifice to idols. Considering over, the tortures were ineffective, and a choice of people turned to Christ.Christ's holy injured person hence traveled to the inner-city of Constantina, forty miles northeast of Edessa. By 330, the Persian king Sapor II (309-379) had heard of St Irene's above what is usual miracles. To stop up her from happy over people to Christ, she was arrested, beheaded, and hence suppressed. Even, God sent an angel to cultivate her up over, and she went indoors the inner-city of Mesembria. What time seeing her living wage and hearing her be officious, the restricted king was baptized with a choice of of his subjects.Wishing to conversion even over pagans to Christianity, St Irene went to Ephesus, wherever she skilled the people and performed a choice of miracles. The Lady revealed to her that the end of her life was available. With St Irene left the inner-city accompanied by six people, together with her in the beginning marcher Apellian. On the outskirts of the parish, she found a new foreboding in which no one had ever been suppressed. What time making the Image of the Cross, she went halfway point, directing her companions to next the admission to the hole with a excellent stone, which they did. On every occasion Christians visited the hole four days taking into consideration, they did not find the crate of the saint.Apellian returned in arrears scarcely two days, and found the stone rolled revealed and the foreboding aimless. From now did God idolize St Irene, who beloved Him and unwavering her life to current Him. As a choice of of these miracles may circle fantastic to those who are wary, punch is outmoded with God.St Irene led thousands of people to Christ undeviating her preaching, and by her example. The Church continues to honor her celebration and to rummage her idyllic mediation.The holy, victorious Very good Victim Irene is invoked by those wishing to effect a swift and jolly marriage. In Greece, she is also the patron saint of policemen. St Irene is also one of the twelve Virgin Martyrs who appeared to St Seraphim of Sarov (January 2) and the Diveyevo nun Eupraxia on the Festival of the Annunciation in 1831. By her holy prayers, may the Lady embrace distinguish upon us and hoard us.TROPARION - Accent 4 Your animal protein Irene, O Jesus,Calls out to You in a supreme voice:I love You, O my bridegroom,And in seeking You, I harden attention.In Baptism ceremony I was crucified so that I strong suit leadership in You,And died so that I strong suit carry on with You.Get ahead of me as a pure sacrifice,For I embrace open for my part in love.By her prayers hoard our souls, since You are sociable.KONTAKION - Accent 3O pure Irene, you bejeweled yourself with the splendors of virginity,So you became all-beautiful in your struggle:You were highlighted with the blood you shed for ChristAnd so became all-pleasing to God.Subsequently you acknowledged the prize of territory from your originator. SOURCE: