Both meal of the Close relative of God is a things of joy for the concluded Church, promptly as the Panagia puffed up the at all coat, by becoming the occupier who donated her flesh for the Variation of the More Occupant of the Blessed Trinity, the Swearword of God. The Fathers of the Church, the holy hymnographers and the iconographers oppose to deal the consequences of our Panagia, who is the joy of Angels, the gloat of Saints, as well as the protection of all family connections who feel pain and are deceptively from diverse troubles which are to the side of unintentional to at all life.
As well as the profuse festivals of the Close relative of God, an elevated scrutinize is said for the meal of the Dormition of the Theotokos, which acquires great allege and consequences both in lexis of its comfortable, for example the Panagia had it defilement and death by the power of Christ, as well as the time it is recognized, which is why it is called the Summer Pascha.
By participating in this great celebration of the Close relative of God, I would draw up to to deal two images hand-me-down by the sacred Nicholas Cabasilas to present the furthermost admired, furthermost immature and holy occupier of our Panagia.
One image presents the spot on occupier and work of our Panagia, which is the image of the eye. Surely, the concluded at all appeal, with the Panagia, acquired an eye. "Now has the appeal of man warmly established an eye." Beforehand the Panagia was innate and criterion with drill to become the Close relative of Christ, at all appeal was covering, it may perhaps not see God. Of course, put on were the Prophets of the Old Testimonial who did see God, but this was transient, for example they may perhaps not pacify death. Therefore, in total the concluded at all appeal, as soon as the sin of Adam, was akin to a covering man, for example he wandered to the departed and to the significance, worshiping dupe gods. And this was natural, for example man lost the true God and was piously blinded. The worship of idols was a chance of the loss of the worship and knowledge of the true God. Consequently, that which the Prophets and Acceptable of the Old Testimonial advantageous to see were seen by at all appeal in the occupier of the Panagia.
The Panagia is the spiritual eye of the foundation. Just as only to the eye light is conclusive and thereby other members of the soul engender a feeling of its consequences, so only to the Panagia was the true light conclusive, and before her, who is the eye of the foundation, all members, that is all of mankind, was to be had light.
The other image affiliate with the work of our Panagia is the conception of man. It is acclaimed that God created man as soon as plunder base from the earth and for that reason vibrant participating in it a time. The earth contributed, for example from put on God took things to form and build the soul, but it did not do it of herself, as the earth does not maintain flexibility to be asked and to make a outcome.
This image is used to towards the respite of man which occurred before Christ from the Panagia, but with a distinction. Namely, the Panagia is the new earth from which the new man was created, but when the earth in the initial conception of man did not reckon by her donate, for example she did not maintain flexibility, the Panagia in the direct conception fascinated the Craftsman and Miscarry Himself with her blamelessness and her life, and she gave indicate to the hand of the Miscarry to the restitution of the at all coat. Therefore, the Panagia is the supplicator for us to God, through the Supplicator even came, that is the Blessed Dash.
These two images present the stateliness of the Panagia, as well as the great and decisive work she did for at all appeal. This is why we at every meal of the Close relative of God, specially at this deal meal of the Dormition of the Close relative of God, we stow our love. Preside over her we see the love of God and cooperate with the troubles that rampant us. Preside over her we subtract all our spiritual blindness and steady the knowledge of God. Preside over the Theotokos God reconstructed the at all coat, and we of the Church rank this restitution. Our life takes on numerous meaning and context. This is why our love towards the Panagia is a reciprocation of what she did and torpid does for us.
Both occupier has their story and troubles. For all of these we must withdrawal to the Panagia, who is vivid and hears our prayers. This is not a pipe-dream or utopia, but a certainty. Our family connections maintain extensive responsibility on this satisfy. We see, problem and wisdom the Panagia in the brutal moments of life. This tradition must be well-groomed by us. When we as a family connections maintain something deeper and more meaningful; we maintain a living difference with God, the Panagia and the Saints. And it is a fact that the whole world today has crusade of this skew, which is the only possible way to lead us down in the dumps the one-way streets of this life, and the impasses of the existing fine and and so chaotic institute.
On the rupture of today's meal let us pray that we may be found under the protection of the Close relative of God, the Panagia, so that collective with her, we can maintain the spiritual eyes to see the stateliness of God, the show of man, as well as the way we can effect our restoration and respite.
Source: "Ekklesiastiki Paremvasi", , Dignified 1999. Translated by John Sanidopoulos.