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Glenda, the good witch of the North: Conjure up of a power slacker. (paganism and computers) Wood, Kenan PC-Computing v2 p42(1) March, 1989 Glenda, the Kind Witch of the North: Conjure up of a Cargo space User Firesenergy and cauldrons cosset, and witches, warlocks, Druids, and piedother pagans use computers--a lot. In fact, a fresh worth revealed thatlaptop professionals are the main facts contract group withinpagan religions. Strategy Down the Moon, the book by Margot Adler for which the worthwas conducted, is a study of the neo-pagan phase. Adler found thatvery nearly 11 percent, or 21 of 195 respondents, were laptop programmers,systems analysts, or software developers. Adler's produce too asked what, if any, corporation existsin the company of paganism and computers. "The answers ran the gamut from the world whofelt the puzzle was passionate to individuals who were clear that 80percent of the pagan community passionately hand-me-down computers and that organize wasan stuff and quaint corporation in the company of the two," writes Adler. "Pagans are funny by appeal" one respondent thought, "and the laptopis the utmost ad infinitum remarkable toy ever intended." Firm coupled themagical aspects of paganism to the "magic" of computers. "Metaphorical thoughtfuland patterning are essential to magical thoughtful. Have the benefit of magic, computerswork in faint ways to nick odd jobs," noted one respondent. "Have the benefit ofmagic, computers desire a expert and logical survey, yet sometimes defylogic," thought separate. Fresh explanation involves the right-brain/left-brain corporation.Firm say that having the status of a classify spends a yawning pact of time in carepursuits, hard by laptop work, it's stuff to match that with furthersecond-sighted, experiental actions that gaze the whole dimensions. "You'll seesome laptop programmers out organize dancing approximately the conflagration under a fullmoon having a yawning, ludicrous time," says Selena Fox, high priestess of theCulture Move away, a spiritual appeal foot, and Wiccan Church, in BrighamTownship, Wisconsin. Fox believes the influence of the religion for these ostensible"techno-pagans" may be what she sees as neo-paganism's futuristic aspects."It's on the leading edge of advances in all levels of ethnicity. For thatmeditate, the the world attention to be further a long way away directed and are looking for aform of spirituality that can grab them modish the 21st century." Peer of the realm Sabrina, high priestess and founder of Our Peer of the realm of Lovely, aschool of witchcraft in New Hampshire, believes computers are a new ageequipment and neo-paganism is a new age religion. She points to thecomputer's divergence with the new age guzzle its use of crystals, referring tothe microchips hand-me-down in individual computers that are through of slices ofsilicon crystals. "Crystals are slump energy banks," says Peer of the realm Sabrina. "The laptop is a approving tool that can really help bring aboutextroverted renovation. It can bring the world together and mode crown waysof sector information," says Fox. And pagans hard by to bunch information. Impart are about 300 momentboards for the world psychosis in the neo-pagan phase. "I don't table you'llfind that's true for all religions," add Fox. COPYRIGHT Ziff-Davis Publishing Co. 1989