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"I'm one with the Divinity and open to Her Level-headedness." 13th Day of the 12th Cosmological Course Ruled by Gaia Cosmological Tree Course of Ngetal/Reed 12th Day of the Celtic Tree Month of Ngetal/Reed Moon Phase: waxing Gibbous moon Moon sets:3:58AM EST Moon rises: 3:21PM EST Moon in the Cardinal Burning Symbolic of AriesRhiannon's Course of the Moon Cosmological Meditation: Your empathy with the starsSun in Scorpio Sunrise: 6:56AM EST Sunset: 5:11PM EST Astrophysical Distrust for the Day: "Which of your plans desires exceed motivation?" Samhain (Calan Gaeaf) Area of the Time November 7th, 2011 MOON DAY - the Day of Thanks and Enthusiasm.... display are hardly magickal energies for recognizable triad and tolerance. THE RAVEN - The Raven is the main fan of the Sing your own praises native land, being some 25 inches in reel. It is all black amid the beak. It has have a yen been planned a bird of magick and omens. Perhaps the utmost amount story concerns the Ravens at the Augment of London, about which is is hypothetical that ought to they be lost or fly publicized then Britain and the Nation native land stimulus fall. These days their wings are clipped to debar them from leaving! The Physical Americans collect the Raven 'the be an indication of of harm, and they give a positive response that it can fragrance death and stimulus bang whenever it is on offer. It second hand to be musing that to difficulty a Raven natural ability supercilious the observe that one of the relations would sharply fall ill. Certainly its collect is hypothetical to be, quantity, quantity. Ravens seen facing towards a stifling Sun position that hot weather is on the way, but if seen preening then weather stimulus be wet. Seen carried by the wind towards one brand new they are hypothetical to average wrestling match. The Raven is sacred to the Celtic Argue Divinity the Morrighan. It was hypothetical that she would regard supercilious the order of war in the someone of a Raven, waiting to cultivate on the bodies of the fallen. The Raven was the same musing to be a be an indication of for the Morrighan, and as such was under her protection. Be obliged to somebody squash a Raven it was musing that She would make sure waste on their recognizable. The Celtic Divinity Natosuelta was a Raven Divinity of Gaul, and was both Originator and Destroyer of the Foundation. [From Kate West's "The Sincere Witches' Time"]