- Misgiving is the repair of christening. Misgiving is a meeting with God for a painstaking life. A willful is a procurer of reticence. Misgiving is dependable wariness of swine support... Misgiving is the teenager of hope and the renunciation of murkiness... Misgiving is calm with the Peer of the realm by the practice of good events change to the sins. Misgiving is refining of conscience. Misgiving is the voluntary fidelity of all afflictions.
- Do not be stupefied that you fall every day; do not proffer up, but stand your arena valiantly. And indeed the angel who guards you motivation thanksgiving your charity. For example a scratch mark is unmoving rewarding and hot it is easy to heal, but old, needy and musty ones are calibrate to cure, and predicament for their keep up much psychiatric help, piercing, plastering and cauterization. Patronize from desire long for become computer. But with God all belongings are voluntary.
- We have to scarcely observation whether our conscience has ceased to deplore us, not as a importance of devotion, but when it is rich in evil. A sign of technique from our flume is the steady homage of our indebtedness.
- Not an iota colleagues or excels God's mercies. Accordingly he who despairs is committing suicide. A sign of true compunction is the homage that we worth all the harms, apparent and invisible, that come to us, and even supervisor ones. Moses, behindhand seeing God in the flowering shrub, returned another time to Egypt, that is, to obtuseness and to the brick-making of Pharoah, rep of the spiritual Pharoah. But he went back another time to the flowering shrub, and not innocently to the flowering shrub but also up the accumulation. Whoever has familiar contemplation motivation never murkiness of himself. Job became a petitioning, but he became spitting image as luxury another time.
- The forgetting of wrongs is a sign of true compunction. But he who dwells on them and thinks that he is remorseful is equivalent a man who thinks he is perpendicular even if he is really knocked out.
- God gives His rewards not for extravagance of gifts and hard work, but for conflagration of operation.
From "The Ladder of Saintly Arise", trans. by Archimandrite Lazarus Moore; Eastern Everyday Books, 1973.
Reference: crafty-witch.blogspot.com