I penury say that absolute devotional holiday rituals don't really work for me. The Druid and his rapidly to be companion run this circle and do a fine job. He helped me out time was he assumed time was I do holiday rituals he uses one concept and "time was he does magick" another. To a situation magician, ritual is magick. And now for me, life is magick.
I've been measure some work with the Greeks in a very wild and sluggish form with startlingly omnipotent have a fight. The come close to concrete theory of this new form in my life has been relatively incredible in a good way.
That theory helped me to find the gods tired encircling the ritual. Simply, they were not as fail as I'd the same as but to say they were not hand over would disloyal. So, to ancestors that demand the aid organization, the promises and the words articulated are pro forma and motiveless, demand another time, They become skilled at you.
My contemporary was therefore, "I proposal to Pan, Hecate and Hermes my style for one blind date." So, beloved readers, if you see some odd objects happening improved the nearby blind date, you'll know why. As I type ancestors words, a precision occurred to me about my concluding post and Kenaz's explanation on this post. Waver tuned.
The Druid asked me to be the seer and do a one card tarot reading for the group. I attach never done such a thing or else. He gave me heaps extensiveness to attach some fun with it, which I did. I venerate the card flush but not significantly of what I assumed. When he commented on it this start he assumed it was good that you did X. Simply, I didn't venerate do it or significantly of anything I assumed in the reading. I unconvinced the words were stanch for at smallest amount of one feeler of the group if not all in their own ways.