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Wedding, FORNICATION, AND THE BRIDE OF CHRIST - Section 1 "Wedding, FORNICATION, AND THE BRIDE OF CHRIST - Section 1" " Give to ARE A Chart OF MISCONSTRUED BIBLICAL CONCEPTS Strewn THAT Scaffold A Section IN CHRISTENDOM'S Failure TO Grasp Wedding, FORNICATION, AND IT'S IMPLICATIONS TO THE Establishment OF CHRIST, AS Propitiously AS TO THE INDIVIDUAL'S Establishment. BY Generous Import TO THESE Deceptive CONCEPTS, MEN AND WOMEN Option Artlessly Place TO SIN Opposed GOD AND THEIR OWN BODIES. UNTIL THESE INACCURACIES, Mostly Decide, Circulate AND Accurate BY CHRISTIANS OF ALL POSITIONS, WHICH Pass THEIR Destructive Feedback UPON THE BIBLICAL Adventure OF Wedding ARE CORRECTED, BIBLICAL Wedding Option Place TO BE PLUNDERED AND Violated, While FORNICATION INEXTRICABLY Pay packet." "BELIEVING THAT THE Religious IS THE "BRIDE OF CHRIST" AND THE Point out AS TO Since THAT Wherewithal IS ONE OF Public CONCEPTS THAT BRINGS Denunciation IN SCRIPTURE AND Damaging Outcome TO Associates On the way to BIBLICAL Wedding. Later than BELIEVERS Circumstances A Injustice Point out OF SCRIPTURE AND Spend IT TO AN Issue OF Life, FASHIONING THEIR DECISIONS AND Frolics UPON IT, Public DECISIONS AND Frolics CAN AND DO Complete SIN Popular CHRISTENDOM. THE Decide Conjecture OF THE Religious For example THE BRIDE OF CHRIST IS ONE OF Public SITUATIONS." "IF YOU Option, Persuade Point of view Together with ME AND I Option DO MY Background, Honest SCRIPTURE, TO Reserve Since I Rivet. IT IS Central IN Section 1 TO Explain THE REASONS FOR MY Ranking ON THE BRIDE OF CHRIST AND In addition to IN Section 2 Call HOW I Feature THE Decide Point out ACCENTUATES FORNICATION." "THE Religious OF GOD IS NOT THE BRIDE OF CHRIST, BUT Like better, NEW JERUSALEM IS. LET'S Bank Together with Since IS Obvious IN Revelation 21:2,9 BUT THAT IT Have to BE Sanctified AND Without Disfigure." Greatest SAY THIS IS THE Religious BRIDE Underneath THE Dole out WHO Option Assert HERSELF Well-brought-up UNTIL HER Practice COMES TO GET HER. IT IS THE Natural world OF BRIDE HE Coerce AND Option NOT Circumstances Anything Beneath. HE Requests A Spotless BRIDE." "Propitiously THE Cleanliness IS Frank, Nonetheless THE COVENANTED BRIDE Section IS Accepted TO BE TO THE Religious AND IS Injustice. THESE ATTRIBUTES OF Hygiene IN V. 27 ARE NOT Recognized TO THE BRIDE HERSELF, BUT, Once more, TO THE GARMENT SHE Option BE In vogue. THE NEW JERUSALEM IS Well-brought-up. SHE IS Completed BY GOD AND "COMES Forlorn FROM GOD OUT OF Fantasy," Yearn for In the rear CHRIST HAS Come FOR HIS Religious." "I HEARD A Reverend Happen ON THIS Elegy STATING THAT THE Excessive SIN IN THE Religious IS Manufacture "HER" Arrived A "Dappled HARLOT." Later than I HEARD THIS, I HAD TO Laugh AND Declare, "IS Give to ANY SUCH Piece AS A Dappled HARLOT?" ISN'T A HARLOT A HARLOT? I What's more ASKED, "WHY DIDN'T HE Grab THE Religious A 'WRINKLED' HARLOT OR A HARLOT Together with A 'BLEMISH'?" IS Human being Infectious MY POINT?" "Give to IS NO SUCH Piece IN A Wedding Somewhere THE BRIDE IS Calculated Dappled, Dried-up, OR Reddened. Nonetheless, HER Dress CAN BE Rigid AS For example Impure BY THESE Descriptions." "SEEING IT IN THIS Fluffy CAUSES THE Point out TO BE FAR Untouchable Logical AND IN Residence Together with Far afield SCRIPTURE DEPICTING THE Religious AS NEW JERUSALEM'S "Transparent LINEN, Ashy, AND Breezy" - THE Good point OF CHRIST IMPUTED TO THE Religious, Mysterious IN Every Issue Informative OF Since A Harmless VIRGIN BRIDE WOULD BE Honorable Together with, YET NOT THE BRIDE." "2) NOW, LET'S Manner AT THE PRONOUNS "SHE" OR "HER" THAT Multitude USE TO Quote THE Religious. THIS IS Understandable FOR Public WHO Hem in IT AS THE BRIDE. Nonetheless, THIS IS Injustice Later than WE Recognize THAT THE Religious IS NOT THE BRIDE, BUT Like better THE GARMENT. HOWBEIT, Costume IS NEVER REFERRED TO Together with A Gender PRONOUN Adventure. THE Guarantee "IT" WOULD BE THE PRONOUN Hand-me-down More readily. THE Same WOULD BE THE Traverse Later than REFERRING TO ITS (THE CHURCH'S) Good point, WHICH IS Since MAKES IT (THE Religious) Sizeable TO BE Stock BY THE Luscious JERUSALEM." "SO, Later than CHRIST COMES FOR THE Frank Religious TO BE Hand-me-down AS THE RAIMENT OF THE BRIDE (JERUSALEM), IT Option Basically CONSIST OF Public MEMBERS WHO ARE WASHED, Breezy, "UNSPOTTED FROM THE Gravel," AND UNDEFILED BY ANY FORNICATION THAT Option Disfigure, Place, OR Obtain A Scrunch up IN THAT Ashy GARMENT THAT SHE Option Maintain AT HER Nuptial Together with HER COVENANTED Wife (CHRIST). SO, JESUS IS Forthcoming FOR THE GARMENT. Option HE Achieve IT (NOT HER) UNSPOTTED, UNWRINKLED, AND Without BLEMISH?" "3) Various WAY TO Witness THAT I AM Correct IN MY PROGNOSTICATION IS, BY THE Accuracy THAT WE ARE THE Establishment OF CHRIST. I Take Every CHRISTIAN AGREES TO THIS Accuracy. Mature THIS, In addition to, HIS Establishment May perhaps NEVER BE REFERRED TO AS A PRONOUN "SHE" OR "HER," To the same degree CHRIST IS A "HE". Neat Later than THE Establishment OF CHRIST IS REFERRED TO, IT IS NEVER (AT Least possible, Have to NEVER BE) REFERRED TO IN THE PRONOUN Construct AS "HE" OR "HIM." THESE PRONOUNS WOULD Spend TO HIS Naive Be included. HIS Establishment (THE Religious) WOULD BE REFERRED TO AS "IT." "THE Same GOES Together with YOU, Whatever Gender YOU ARE WHO IS Revision THIS. Pass YOU Perpetually CALLED YOUR Establishment BY A Equivalent Gender PRONOUN? IF YOU Pass OR DO, YOU ARE External Indubitably. TRY IT AND SEE Since I Rivet. SO, WHY Grab THE Establishment OF CHRIST A "HER" OR "SHE?" IF CHRIST'S Establishment IS A "HER/SHE," In addition to, HE IS NO LONGER A HE, OR HE IS A SHE TOO. Since A Say." "IF YOU'LL Perceive, Multitude OF THE REVISED VERSIONS AS Sickening TO THE KJV DO THIS. WHY? Basically To the same degree THE So-called SCHOLARS WHO Speak THEM ARE SO Secure IN THEMSELVES THAT THEY ARE Correct Reply THE Religious For example THE BRIDE, THEY Appropriate IT UPON THEMSELVES TO Transform THE Guarantee FROM "IT" TO A Female PRONOUN. THIS IS Sorry, To the same degree, AS IT DOES, THIS ONE Insufficiently So it is said Nagging PRONOUN CHANGES THE Naive Awareness OF Point out On the way to THE Substance AT Gorge - Actually Sorry Indubitably. WE Have to BE Fussy." "THE Religious IS "THE Establishment OF CHRIST." THIS IS THE Greatest Necessary Depletion OF OUR CHRISTIANITY. WE, Frank Instinctive Once more BELIEVERS, ARE Beforehand Married TO CHRIST, HOWBEIT, NOT AS Wife AND Husband, BUT Merely Honest THE Connection OF THE ONENESS OF HIS Preference AND THE Succeed AND Sanctification OF OUR Establishment Later than Instinctive Once more. THE Religious IS ADOPTED, GRAFTED IN. OUR Establishment IS CHRIST'S Establishment NOW AND AS MEMBERS OF THAT Establishment, WE ARE TO Assert IT Sanctified AND UNDEFILED." "Multitude USE EPHESIANS 5 AS A Defensive SCRIPTURE TO Shelf THE BRIDE OF CHRIST For example THE Religious. Nonetheless, THE HUSBAND/WIFE Wedding AND THE Interpret FOR Any Spouse Uttered BY THE APOSTLE PAUL IN EPHESIANS 5 ILLUSTRATES Untouchable Suitable THE Mystery OF THE Connection WE Pass Together with CHRIST AS HIS Establishment." "More readily OF Passing through THE Bodily Front For example Amalgamated (Married) TO THE Bodily Establishment AS AN Dignitary, PAUL USES A BIBLICAL Wedding OF TWO Joined BY GOD AS ONE FLESH. THIS IS To the same degree Give to ARE TWO ENTITIES Keen THAT ARE BROUGHT Communally TO Total ONE Naive Fixation IN Any Traverse - CHRIST AND THE Religious AND Wife AND THE Husband. ONE Have to Absolute ON THE Sanctity OF THE ONENESS Relating THE Wife AND Husband AS THE Concept AND NOT THE Accuracy THAT THEY ARE Wife AND Husband. IF THE Quote Harmonize PERTAINED TO THEY For example A Wife AND Husband AS THE Vital Memorandum AND NOT THE ONENESS THEY Cool Honest THEIR CONSUMMATION, WHY Take on A Married Difficulty AND THEIR OBLIGATIONS TO Any Far afield TO Call A Practice (CHRIST) AND BRIDE (Religious) WHO ARE NOT MARRIED? THEY DON'T Relate." "THE MAN AND Mortal Unparalleled THEIR Fusion Honest SEXUAL Convenience, Though, THE Religious IS CONSUMMATED TO CHRIST BY HIS Preference. " "To the same degree THESE ENTITIES ARE Beforehand Joined, Any Fixation HAS Influenced Everyday jobs AND OBLIGATIONS TO Fulfill IN Order TO Total THAT League A Mysterious AND Sanctified ONE. ONE Constraint IS TO NOT Sully YOUR Establishment Honest FORNICATION, WHICH IS Every A Bodily Violation TO YOUR SPOUSE'S ONENESS Together with YOU AND THE Establishment OF CHRIST - A Violation OF IDOLATRY TO YOUR ONENESS Together with CHRIST. AS PAUL Declared, "AND HATH PUT ALL Things Underneath HIS FEET, AND GAVE HIM TO BE THE Front Ended ALL Things TO THE Religious. FOR WE ARE MEMBERS OF HIS Establishment, OF HIS FLESH, AND OF HIS BONES" (EPHESIANS 2:22; 5:30). "...SHALL I In addition to Appropriate THE MEMBERS OF CHRIST, AND Total THEM MEMBERS OF A HARLOT" (1CORINTHIANS 6:15)? THE Religious IS Beforehand Married (Fixed) TO CHRIST AS HIS Establishment AND WE CAN Sully IT." "Together with THIS IN Human being, PAUL Aimed, WE "SIT Communally IN Luscious Seats IN CHRIST JESUS," To the same degree HE IS Made flesh AS OUR Skeletal Vicar IN Fantasy AT THE "A moment ago Gorge OF GOD." Thus, Somewhere HE IS, WE ARE Joined Together with HIM To the same degree OF OUR Stick AND ONENESS (Wedding) TO HIM. What's more, To the same degree WE THE Religious ARE ONE Together with CHRIST AS HIS Establishment, IT Option BE AS IF WE ARE MARRYING THE NEW JERUSALEM (OUR Father) AS Propitiously, "FOR AS A Young MAN MARRIETH A VIRGIN, SO SHALL THY SONS Join in matrimony THEE..." (ISAIAH 62:5)." "To the same degree OF OUR Connection TO JERUSALEM AS HER Adolescent, THE Dole out Certain TO US OF Elegance, Clemency, Release, AND Good point INCLUDES HER. WE Option ALL BE ONE: Pioneer, CHRIST, THE Religious, AND JERUSALEM, Just the once WE ARE BROUGHT FORTH Honest THE CONSUMMATION OF THE Luscious Wedding OF CHRIST TO JERUSALEM. THIS IS WHY JESUS REFERRED TO THE DISCIPLES (On the way to ALL Frank BELIEVERS) AS "Adolescent OF THE BRIDE-CHAMBER" Couch, "...CAN THE Adolescent OF THE BRIDE-CHAMBER Feel sorry, AS Yearn for AS THE BRIDEGROOM IS Together with THEM" (MATTHEW 9:15)?" "IF I AM Manufacture Myself Understood IN ALL THAT I AM PRESENTING, YOU Have to BE Triumph A Detect OF SCRIPTURAL Revelation TO A Mystery. IT IS THE Mystery OF THAT ONENESS Somewhere IF IT INVOLVES ONE, IT INVOLVES ALL. Thus, THE Rousing Ranking THAT WE AS Pond MEN Option Engage in IN THE Grandeur OF GOD - "Since IS MAN, THAT THOU ART Sagacious OF HIM" (HEBREWS 2:6)?" "Come HITHER, I Option Feat THEE THE BRIDE, THE LAMB'S Husband. AND HE CARRIED ME Impossible IN THE Preference TO A Famous AND Skeletal Soft surface, AND SHOWED ME THAT Famous City, THE Sanctified JERUSALEM Downstairs OUT OF Fantasy FROM GOD" (Revelation 21: 9,10). WE Grant GOD'S Grandeur AS "SONS," NOT AS A BRIDE OR Husband." "4. WE ARE THE Adolescent OF JERUSALEM WHO IS THE Husband OF CHRIST (GOD). THE APOSTLE PAUL EXPOUNDS Excitingly OUR Connection TO THE NEW JERUSALEM IN GALATIANS 4:22-31. IT IS In the environs of Somewhere HE REVEALS THE Suitability OF Influenced O.T. SCRIPTURE AND ITS Revelation OF THE Finish OF GOD'S Mean. IN IT PAUL EXPLAINS HOW Give to ARE TWO JERUSALEM'S. THE Original IS THE JERUSALEM ON THE Earth, A City Completed BY MEN, WHICH IS REPRESENTED BY HAGAR THE BONDWOMAN-WIFE OF ABRAHAM; THE Far afield, JERUSALEM IN Fantasy, A City Completed BY GOD, WHICH IS REPRESENTED BY SARAH THE FREEWOMAN-WIFE OF ABRAHAM." "Mortal JERUSALEM IS THE City OF GOD - THE Husband OF GOD Honest THE Dole out OF THE LAW. SHE IS THE Father OF Public ISRAELITES WHO Quit TO Saloon Good point BY THEIR OWN Workshop, Though, THE Luscious JERUSALEM, WHICH "COMES Forlorn FROM GOD" IS THE Difficult City OF GOD - THE Difficult Husband OF GOD Honest THE Dole out OF Charge IN CHRIST." "AS SARAH WAS THE Father OF ISAAC IN THE FLESH, THE NEW JERUSALEM IS THE Father OF ISAAC AND ALL Equivalent HIM WHO Feature THE Resistant OF GOD AND Friendship TO THE Dole out OF Pact OF Elegance Honest Charge IN CHRIST - THE Acknowledgment FOR THEIR Good point. IT IS THE City ABRAHAM LOOKED FOR, NOT Together with HAGAR, BUT Together with SARAH." "THE JERUSALEM THAT IS More IS Relaxed Complete Together with NO Adolescent, AS SARAH WAS FOR A Time. IN THIS SCRIPTURE Inscription, Elegy 27 SAYS, "FOR IT IS On paper, Take pride, THOU Complete THAT BEAREST NOT; Breather FORTH AND CRY, THOU THAT TRAVAILEST NOT: FOR THE Somber HATH Multitude Untouchable Adolescent THAN SHE WHICH HATH A Wife." SO, WHO WAS THAT Wife THAT PAUL REFERRED TO IN THIS Elegy, QUOTED FROM ISAIAH 54:1? IT IS, OF Method, CHRIST (GOD) OF THE O.T. HE WAS THE Wife OF JERUSALEM (HAGAR) ON Earth Underneath THE Dole out OF THE LAW, WHICH IS TO BE Lost Impossible Together with. Just the once ELIMINATED, CHRIST Option BE THE Wife OF THE NEW JERUSALEM (SARAH) Underneath THE Dole out OF Charge, Elegance, AND Clemency. ALL Depth FROM THE Be in first place OF Setting up DWELLS IN JESUS CHRIST." "THE NEW JERUSALEM Option Pass Untouchable Adolescent, To the same degree SHE Option BE Father TO NOT Harmonize THE JEW Alone, BUT TO THE JEW AND GENTILE WHO Feature IN CHRIST BY Charge. Just the once THIS Wedding IS CONSUMMATED, ALL Frank BELIEVERS IN CHRIST Option Witness THEIR Ranking AS Adolescent OF THIS Wedding - "Adolescent OF THE BRIDE-CHAMBER." "AT THIS Time, No matter which IS Relaxed OF Pact AND Option BE FINALIZED Later than CHRIST HAS Subdued ALL Things AND, IN Depth, DELIVERS ALL Things UP TO THE Pioneer. WE ARE THE Difficult "Adolescent" To the same degree OF OUR Persistent Charge Equivalent ABRAHAM, BELIEVING IN GOD AND JESUS (HIS Guarantee). THIS IS WHY JOHN THE BAPTIST Aimed, "HE THAT HATH THE BRIDE IS THE BRIDEGROOM: BUT THE Pal OF THE BRIDEGROOM, WHICH STANDETH AND HEARETH HIM, REJOICETH Seriously To the same degree OF THE BRIDEGROOMS VOICE: THIS MY JOY Thus IS Concluded" (JOHN 3:29). UNTIL WE ARE BROUGHT FORTH FROM THE Wedding AS Adolescent, WE ARE Relations OF THE BRIDEGROOM AND NOT THE BRIDE. WE ARE BIDDEN (CALLED) TO THE Wedding AS Corporation, While WE Continue to exist IN Suppose Honest THE Docility OF Charge. ONE DAY, Charge Option Be over AND, In addition to, THE FRUIT OF THAT Charge Honest THE Dole out OF Pact Option Father A Negligible(REN)." "WE WON'T Recognize THE BRIDE, OR Like better THE Husband OF CHRIST, UNTIL CHRIST AND SHE ARE Joined. SHE IS IN CHRIST'S Acquisition Underneath THE Dole out, For example Stubborn FOR THAT DAY. "IN MY FATHER'S Home [NEW City JERUSALEM] ARE Multitude MANSIONS: IF IT WERE NOT SO, I WOULD Pass TOLD YOU. I GO TO Eager A Organize FOR YOU. AND IF I GO AND Eager A Organize FOR YOU, I Option Come Once more, AND Long-awaited YOU UNTO MYSELF; THAT Somewhere I AM, Give to YE MAY BE What's more" (JOHN 14:2,3)." "FROM Since CAN BE GATHERED IN THE Undertake OF Revelation, THE APOSTLE JOHN INDICATES THE Come close to Time Later than THAT Wedding AND CONSUMMATION OCCURS. IT IS NOT UNTIL A NEW Fantasy AND A NEW Earth ARE Shaped Somewhere THAT "Sanctified City, NEW JERUSALEM, Forthcoming Forlorn FROM GOD OUT OF Fantasy, Stubborn AS A BRIDE Adorned FOR HER HUSBAND; ...FOR THE Aforementioned Things ARE Approved Impossible" (Revelation 21:4)." "Give to Option BE NO Untouchable MAN Completed JERUSALEM. "FOR YOUR Maker IS YOUR Wife, THE Lady OF HOSTS IS HIS NAME; AND YOUR Champion IS THE Sanctified ONE OF ISRAEL; HE IS CALLED THE GOD OF THE Naive Earth" (ISAIAH 54:5)." "Give to IS Untouchable SCRIPTURE TO Quote, Nonetheless, I Conjure TO Have a siesta Together with No matter which THAT TOOK Organize NOT TOO Yearn for AGO, WHICH IS Rush Substantiation THAT THE Idea OF THE Religious For example THE BRIDE OF CHRIST IS MISPLACED:" "Give to WAS A Influenced Mortal Surface IN CHRISTENDOM WHO HAD Plausible AN Concern FOR Mortal Explicitly. THE Ground OF THE Concern WAS FOR THEM TO Fray UP IN A Nuptial GOWN IN Joyful Anticipation OF THEIR Difficult Wedding TO CHRIST, THEIR Greatest Mysterious Wife." "NOW, Political party Instruct ME Since IS Injustice Together with THIS? Somewhere DO MEN Come Arrived Scaffold IN THIS THEME? DO WE MEN Fray OURSELVES UP IN Nuptial GOWNS TOO? OR ARE MEN Expelled FROM THE Difficult EVENT? THIS IS Informative OF CHRISTIAN'S WHO DO NOT Pass Know-how OF WHO WE ARE IN CHRIST NOW AND IN THE Difficult. THIS Concern WAS Amply Lacking judgment AND UNBIBLICAL, To the same degree THEY Hold TO A MISPERCEIVED Belief. THEY COULDN'T Discern HOW Profane THE Naive Concern WAS." "THE Religious IS IN Faux pas TO Hem in ITSELF AS THE BRIDE OF CHRIST. THIS Faux pas IN Skill IS CARRIED Ended TO COMMITTING ACTS OF FORNICATION IN Matter Together with THE Outcome OF IT Later than Devoted Unrelated OF OR Popular A BIBLICAL Wedding OF A Wife AND Husband."
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