Some have performed invocation for the purpose of controlling or extracting favors from certain spirits or deities.
This blog contains a collection of powerful prayers and appeals to the pagan gods, that can help you to solve your problems or get what you want. Be careful, the gods do not like being disturbed at trifles. Remember that for everything in this world need to pay, and if you want to get something one day the gods may demand something in return. Need to be prepared for it. Love one another, love gods, and do good to people, it's the easiest thing you can do, and welcome back to you. Blessed Be!
I now invite Elemental Powers
To witness and Defend this
Circle I inscribe upon the ground.
I proudly stand with honor before the
Gates of Manifestation.
May the Great Teutonic Spirits,
Be always within my heart.
-Inscribe in the air directly before you a symbol of earth. Visualize an earth elemental (swart-elf) positioned there and say:
Spirit and Power of the Stones,
King and Queen of the Swart-Elves,
Spirit of the Pentacle,
Defend and Witness this Rite,
Guard and Shield this Sacred Space,
-Inscribe in the air to Symbolic North a symbol of ice. Visualize an ice elemental (rime-etin) positioned there and say:
Spirit and Power of the Snow,
King and Queen of the Rime-Etins,
Spirit of the Ice-Wand,
Defend and Witness this Rite,
Guard and Shield this Sacred Space,
-Inscribe in the air to the Symbolic South a symbol of fire. Visualize a fire elemental (fire-etin) positioned there and say:
Spirit and Power of the Blaze,
King and Queen of the Fire-Etins,
Spirit of the Fire-Wand,
Defend and Witness this Rite,
Guard and Shield this Sacred Space,
-Inscribe in the air to the Symbolic East a symbol of air. Visualize an air elemental (light-elf) positioned there and say:
Spirit and Power of the Breeze,
King and Queen of the light-elves,
Spirit of the Sword,
Defend and Witness this Rite,
Guard and Shield this Sacred Space,
-Inscribe into the air to the Symbolic West a symbol of water. Visualize a water elemental (wane-spirit) positioned there and say:
Spirit and Power of the Wave,
King and Queen of the Wane-Spirits,
Spirit of the Cup,
Defend and Witness this Rite,
Guard and Shield this Sacred Space,
-Calm yourself and prepare for the magick you are about to perform. Finish by strengthening the visualization of the Circle and saying:
Elemental Spirits of
Other Realms,
Guard and Shield me always!
Around me and Within me,
Ase-Garth and Middle-Garth!